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  • Location
    Smyrna, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    guns, reloading, motorcycles, computers, videogames
  • Occupation
    Hospital Admin


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 29
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Berretta 92

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  1. Side Question, what did you replace it with?
  2. Is the .45 slide already cut for a plate? I can't tell from the picture.
  3. I bought this one for a Swedish Mauser. https://www.kenfarrell.com/index.php?route=common/home
  4. Lebanon Gun Shop.
  5. I remember one of the older guys brought 2 back from being in country. I got one , but someone took the John Holmes flash hider off it. As it's not a firearm, are you willing to paypal / ship it? No biggie if ur not. I'm just in Smyrna, TN. thx, Jeremy p.s. Also, does it fit on a regular lower? I remember Colt made some weirdo ones to try and make civilian ones not compatible with milspec.
  6. I'm just down the road in Smyrna, if it's still available.
  7. Whoever gets this, pm me, I have a chunk of brass for you. Freebie.
  8. That is a steal of a deal.
  9. I always wondered, is the receiver a short action or long action? As the rifle was based off a .30-06, but chambered for a .308. The sniper rifles in the Army were .30-06's rebarreled for .308, so they had a long action receiver. Worked fine.
  10. I've been looking for one to rebuild as a Project Gun. PM me anything u need for trade or partial trade. I've got some stuff I can let go of and there's partsI need cash only for
  11. Who makes that red dot fabric cover? it's cool.
  12. with a Freedomsmith trigger & a Trijicon SRO, this pistol is King of the Range. Super Fun Gun.


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