Well I did it.
I know, I know....why start a thread asking peoples opinions about what to buy if I was going to take it. See thread below.
But I was trying to justify spending the money on an AR, and I still haven't convinced myself self to start on a build. So the money I had set aside for that build....................well I spent it today, on a Smith & Wesson model 19-5. It is chambered in the awesome .357mag.
Thanks Chance and Joe for taking the time to answer my questions on the gun before i bought it.
Also, I bought it from the AAA Pawn Shop on old Austin Peay Highway here in Memphis. The store is ran by a very nice guy, who shoots in SASS, and is a supporter of the NRA, (signs in the store promoting both.)Super nice guy, I told him about TGO and he told me about SASS.
Anywho, here are the pictures. GUN PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!