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Everything posted by memphismason

  1. Oh wow this little jewel is missing the spring and plunger. Looks like my dunb a$$ will be making another order. Thanks for you help
  2. I bought the missing part from Numrich Gun Parts. The $1.40 exractor. Now does anyone hear know how I install it? I put it in the slide where I thought it goes but it just keeps falling out. The manual doesn't help much. Please all help is appreciated
  3. Me Too....
  4. Pleeeeeaaaaaasssssssseeeeee.....Take pictures!
  5. Glock had exactly what I was looking for when I was looking for it. I wanted the smallest 10+1 .45acp, I could comfortable carry. The Model 30 fit the bill for me. My hand is kind of big, so the "fat" double stack grip. I have shot other Glocks and I didn't like the feel, so for me, I love my Glock, but I might not love yours. They are definitely realiable, and their customer service is great. Very Simple take down, and a huge aftermarket.
  6. I really don't know what i would like to do with one yet......I just reall like all the possiblities I have with a 10/22. I have gotten big into taking "worn out" and refinishing the wood myself, so that is an option also. I was thinking $100 isn't a bad used price. They also have one of the Marlin .22 semi auto with the tublar mag.. the one with the little squirrel carved on the pistol grip of the stock, and they only want $70 out the door. It is in the about the same condition as the 10/22......so with that being said I might wind up with two new (used) .22 rifles.
  7. Today I found in a Pawn Shop a Ruger 10/22 all stock for $100, out the door. It is just the base model, nothing special. On a scale of 1 to 10 on the "looks and condition" of the gun...I would give it a 6 or 6 1/2. Bass Pro a few weeks backs ran the same gun for $159, reg. $189....... So I am wondering what everybody else thinks about this deal? take it or leave it?????
  8. I knew it was a DA, but I thought that is how this whole message board suggestion thing works. Someone asks for opinions on a certain type of gun, and then you totally ignore that request and tell them about something similar. No really, that is all I had to bring to the table. I wasn't much and it wasn't correct.....but hey at lest I got the caliber right.
  9. Thanks for the advice. I would not even dare to think I could go toe to toe with him. My "A" game would be compared to his "L" game. I was just wanting to start participating and understand local politics, better than I do know. I like to think that if a person doesn't like something he needs to let his voice be heard, and heard by people who could make a difference. All I have done in the past is write letters, and I would like to make the next step, and this seemed like a good "Next Step".
  10. Kel-tec makes a little 9mm. Maybe that is omething you might like. I have no experience with the gun myself.
  11. I only see Beauty!!!!
  12. My congressman Steve Cohen (TN 9th District), is have two Town Hall Meetings coming up, and I was wanting to go and see what I could add and take away from this meeting. As I was searching the world wide interweb for his voting record all I can find is where he is "Ineligible to Vote"...on GOA's website. Is there somewhere else I could look? Does anyone here have any suggestions of things to ask him about, (If I even get a chance to.)? http://www.gunowners.org/cgv.htm
  13. Yeah it would be for cosmetics only. One benfit would be that Glock would inspect and replace any internal parts, at no extra charge, but the slide refinishing would just be for pruddyness.
  14. memphismason


    What Dead Snake?......I didn't kill any snakes......oh, you mean that snake....he was like that when I got here Mr. "Snake Rights" Officer
  15. That thread on Glock Talk is actually what peaked my interest. Thanks though. Of course I had to call and confirm what I reading to be fact. $45 sounds to cheap, but don't tell them that. It will be Outside my Fat Waistband. I recent bought a Ruger P-89 from another member here, and with it was a Safariland Holster, and the inside of it is soft as a baby's bottom, and that it what I was basing my comment on.
  16. memphismason


    Holy Crap!!!!!
  17. That is from 4 1/2 years of carrying it in a Kydex holster everyday. I guess I could have clean the inside of the holster better. When I get it back, I will def. be getting a new holster.....something a little softer in side. I was always under the impression that "a sidearm is a tool, if you daily use a tool it will eventually show wear"...so I thought its ok. But now, I am a little different. My uncle always told me...."After each time you finish working with your tools, clean then.....you made them dirty on company time, you clean them on company time, and that means each time you are done using them, Clean Them!!!".......Well I did that with the gun, but now I want it to look "purdy" again. + I like the new generation 3 finish. I will be getting a nice Leather holster, once the slide is refinished.....any suggestion. It will have to be a paddle holster, I love them.
  18. Well I have asked around and I have been told, "Send it to Glock", they will do the best job. So I called today, and I was told, that I could send my slide in, they will tear it apart and replace any parts they think needs to be replaced,refinish it for me (new gen. 3 slide finish), and ship it back to me, in 4-6 weeks, for $45. That seems like a great price to me. So I think I will be doing this soon. Anyone have any experience with getting their slides refinshed from glock? Photos of my G30 in it's present state.
  19. I will be trying my hardest to skip the "Commie Games".
  20. 230gr Remingtion Gold Sabers in my Glock model 30 .45 103gr Remington Gold Sabers in my wife's Bersa Thunder .380 Cheap Winchester in the Ruger P-89
  21. memphismason

    NFL Draft

    I was pulling for the Saints in that game. I wished they could have made it.
  22. memphismason

    NFL Draft


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