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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. You sure seem to know a lot about something you pretend to not know much about. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Leaving out later this week. Going to try to be smart and safe about everything. Any places on a map to definitely avoid, things to watch out for, and things to do/not do? Staying in :Rincon and Mata de Plátano I was also trying to lookup knife carry laws. I've ran into a bunch of different stuff. I've found this, referencing PR law: http://www.handgunlaw.us/documents/USKnife2.pdf 25-Sub 1-Part V-Chpt 51A Sub V- § 458d I'm trying to find something to describes more details.
  3. Put simply, I have never found a company with a customer focus as big as theirs. It used to be even better but there are several things they have tightened down on a bit recently. My advice, spend an extra moment at checkout next time.
  4. I also just found that if you purchased a $25 gift card today, you'll be issued a $5.00 promotional credit within two days. That's pretty good. I just purchased one and am now seeing if I can "cancel" the above mentioned "Snoop" in order to repurchase it again with the gift card balance. EDIT: It appears you have to "Click to Qualify" here before purchasing the $25.00 gift card. When I did it, I chose the E-Gift option and within minutes it was emailed to me. Then I can redeem it on my own account.
  5. I'm not sure I'll end up liking them, but I picked up the following: Timbuk2 Commute (Average price, available for the same cost from Timbuk2's website, but gives 20% cashback via Amazon Prime Card) Timbuk2 Snoop (Basically normal pricing, but does offer extra 30% off at checkout making it a slightly good good deal) I figure that those should offer interesting capability to be used as a laptop or camera bag, hopefully both. The Snoop fits inside the Commute so I'll have to see exactly what is compatible when being used together. I've never had anything Timbuk2, but they are generally well reviewed. Of course, I purchased both of those without fear because I should just be able to slap a free label on them and return them if I don't want them. There are a decent amount of items eligible for the 20% cashback, seen here. Eligible for either the Amazon Prime Card or the Amazon Store Card.
  6. I don't know whether or not he has, but try checking with @conn_air7. If not, then I'd say he can still tell you something about it.
  7. I obviously do not know your exact specifics but if it said something along the lines of "Free Supersaver Shipping" then you have to have an order minimum to get the free shipping. If something is "Shipped and Sold" by Amazon.com then they have to add taxes to it. Oftentimes, if it is shipped and sold by a third party (Amazon merely collects payment and then a third party vendor ships the item), taxes can be avoided as long as that retailer is out of state and does not physically operate in Tennessee. It is also possible that it had free shipping from one vendor but you essentially purchased it from a different vendor. Personally, the other day I ran a report and I have spent $20,000+ since 2007 on Amazon.com. Some of that was returned but most of it wasn't. I have only truly had a few issues with Amazon and ultimately Amazon has 100% taken care of me each time. I probably have $500-$1000 worth of "product" that Amazon has just refunded me for and told me to keep it since circumstances did not warrant shipping the item back (broken, not as expected, too heavy for return, etc). I personally love having Prime. It gives "Free" shipping on lots of items, usually deliverable in 2-3 business days (sometimes even Sunday). I budget $9.04 each month of the year into an "Amazon Prime" category so that at the end of my membership I have exactly enough to pay for it. Between the MP3 and Amazon Instant Video Library, you truly don't even have to buy many items to make the membership worth it. If you have the Amazon Chase Credit Card, you get 5% cashback on all Amazon purchases. $2,000 worth of purchases a year and Prime is "free" if you make them with that credit card. Also, anytime a Prime shipment is "late", then if you contact Amazon they will typically add another month of Prime to your membership. Amazon doesn't always have the best price, but it is always the first place I check.
  8. Just a reminder. It's been lackluster a few times in the past but I'm always optimistic of finding something good. Let me know if you guys find anything! Amazon Prime Day
  9. This is why we can't have nice things. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I mean, "What is, Whatever is Around". Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Gotcha. I was thinking about it backwards, as in someone that was born here, was an alien and not a citizen. That description fully explains it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. If you don't mind briefly explaining, how is someone a non-immigrant alien? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Didn't take the time to watch that video, may do it later today. With that being said, this is mostly what I base all of my information (and opinions) regarding this story on: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/09/09/massachusetts-teen-charged-with-encouraging-her-boyfriend-to-commit-suicide.html You can't think about it. You just have to do it. You said you were gonna do it. Like I don't get why you aren't," Carter allegedly wrote to Roy on the day he died. Carter’s lawyer has denied that she pushed him to kill himself and has asked the judge to dismiss the case. "You can't keep living this way. You just need to do it like you did the last time and not think about it and just do it, babe," Carter texted him. While discussing the plan, Carter appears to taunt Roy. "But I bet you're gonna be like 'oh, it didn't work because I didn't tape the tube right or something like that," she wrote. "I bet you're gonna say an excuse like that ... you seem to always have an excuse." "...his death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I (expletive) told him to get back in ... because I knew he would do it all over again the next day and I couldn't have him live the way he was living anymore I couldn't do it I wouldn't let him," Carter wrote. Also, this article showing more of their texts: http://metro.co.uk/2017/06/07/sick-messages-woman-sent-boyfriend-to-get-boyfriend-to-kill-himself-for-attention-6690531/ Carter: I think your parents know you’re in a really bad place. I’m not saying they want you to do it but I honestly feel like they can accept it. They know there is nothing they can do. They’ve tried helping. Everyone’s tried, but there is a point that comes where there isn’t anything anyone can do to save you, not even yourself. And you’ve hit that point and I think your parents know you’ve hit that point. You said your mom saw a suicide thing on your computer and she didn’t say anything. I think she knows it’s on your mind and she’s prepared for it. Everyone will be sad for a while but they will get over it and move on. They won’t be in depression. I won’t let that happen. They know how sad you are, and they know that you are doing this to be happy and I think they will understand and accept it. They will always carry you in their hearts. Conrad: Aww. Thank you, Michelle. Carter: They will move on for you because they know that’s what you would have wanted. They know you wouldn’t want them to be sad and depressed and be angry and guilty. They know you want them to live their lives and be happy. So they will for you. You’re right. You need to stop thinking about this and just do it because over turning always kills, over thinking. Conrad: Yeah, it does. I’ve been thinking about it for too long. Carter: Always smile, and, yeah, you have to just do it. You have everything you need. There is no way you can fail. Tonight is the night. It’s now or never. Carter: [D]on’t be scared. You already made this decision and if you don’t do it tonight you’re gonna be thinking about it all the time and stuff all the rest of your life and be miserable. You’re finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain. No more bad thoughts and worries. You’ll be free. It’s okay to be scared and it’s normal. I mean, you’re about to die. I would be concerned if you weren’t scared, but I know how bad you want this and how bad you want to be happy. You have to face your fears for what you want. Carter: “If you don’t think about it, you won’t think about failing. You’ll just do it and then thinking you’ll succeed. Conrad: Right. That’s what I’m talking about. I read so much about failed attempts gone wrong that it’s gotten me discouraged. Carter: Yeah, exactly, so stop doing that. There is more success than there are failures. Conrad: Are you kidding me? Carter: You have to look at it that way and people only fail because they have the same mindset as you. Thinking they’ll fail. Conrad: I really want to believe you. Carter: Why don’t you. Carter: You can’t think about it. You just have to do it. You said you were gonna do it. Like I don’t get why you aren’t. Conrad: I don’t get it either. I don’t know. Carter: So I guess you aren’t gonna do it then. All that for nothing. I’m just confused. Like you were so ready and determined. Conrad: I am gonna eventually. I really don’t know what I’m waiting for but I have everything lined up. Carter: No, you’re not, Conrad. Last night was it. You kept pushing it off and you say you’ll do it, but you never do. It’s always gonna be that way if you don’t take action. You’re just making it harder on yourself by pushing it off. You just have to do it. Do you want to do it now? Conrad: Is it too late? I don’t know. It’s already light outside. I’m gonna go back too sleep. Love you. I’ll text you tomorrow. Carter: No. It’s probably the best time now because everyone is sleeping. Just go somewhere in your truck and no one is really out there right now because it’s an awkward time. If you don’t do it now you’re never gonna do it, and you can say you’ll do it tomorrow, but you probably won’t. Tonight? Love you. Conrad: Thank you. Carter: For what. Are you awake? Conrad: Yes. Carter: Are you gonna do it today? Conrad: Yes. Carter: Like in the day time? Conrad: Should I? Carter: Yeah, it’s less suspicious. You won’t think about it as much and you’ll get it over with instead of wait until the night. Conrad: Yeah then I will. Like where? Like I could go in any enclosed area. Carter: Go in your truck and drive in a parking lot somewhere, to a park or something. Do it like early. Do it now, like early. Conrad: Didn’t we say this was suspicious? Carter: No. I think night is more suspicious … Just do it. It wouldn’t be suspicious and it won’t take long. Conrad: Okay. I’m taking Holly for a walk. Carter: Okay. Conrad: I don’t know why I’m like this. Carter: Sometimes things happen and we never have the answers why. Conrad: Like, why am I so hesitant lately. Like two weeks ago I was willing to try everything and now I’m worse, really bad, and I’m LOL not following through. It’s eating me inside. Carter: You’re so hesitant because you keeping over thinking it and keep pushing it off. You just need to do it, Conrad. The more you push it off, the more it will eat at you. You’re ready and prepared … No more pushing it off. No more waiting. Conrad: You’re right. Carter: If you want it as bad as you say you do it’s time to do it today. Conrad: Yup. No more waiting. Carter: Okay. I’m serious. Like you can’t even wait ’till tonight. You have to do it when you get back from your walk. Conrad: Thank you. Carter: For what? Conrad: Still being here. Carter: I would never leave you. You’re the love of my life, my boyfriend. You are my heart. I’d never leave you. Conrad: Aw. Carter: I love you. Conrad: Love you, too. Carter: When will you be back from your walk? Conrad: Like, five minutes. Carter: Okay. So you gonna do it? Conrad: I guess. Carter: Well, I want you to be ready and sure. What does that mean? Conrad: I don’t know. I’m freaking out again. I’m over thinking. Carter: I thought you wanted to do this. This time is right and you’re ready. You just need to do it. You can’t keep living this way. You just need to do it like you did the last time and not think about it and just do it, babe. You can’t keep doing this every day. Conrad: I do want to but I’m like freaking for my family I guess. I don’t know. Carter: Conrad, I told you I’ll take care of them. Everyone will take care of them to make sure they won’t be alone and people will help them get through it. We talked about this and they will be okay and accept it. People who commit suicide don’t think this much. They just could do it. Conrad: I know. I know. LOL. Thinking just drives me more crazy. Carter: You just need to do it, Conrad, or I’m gonna get you help. You can’t keep doing this everyday. Conrad: Okay. I’m gonna do it today. Carter: You promise? Conrad: I promise, babe. I have to now. Carter: Like right now? Conrad: Where do I go? Carter: And you can’t break a promise. And just go in a quiet parking lot or something. Conrad: Okay. CARTER : Go somewhere you know you won’t get caught. You can find a place. I know you can. Are you doing it now? Conrad: I’m ready. Carter: Good because it’s time, babe. You know that. When you get back from the beach you’ve gotta go do it. You’re ready. You’re determined. It’s the best time to do it. Conrad: Okay, I will. Carter: Are you back? Conrad: No more thinking. Carter: Yes. No more thinking. You need to just do it. No more waiting. Conrad: On way back. I know where to go now. Carter: Where? Conrad: A parking lot. There is going to be no cars there at 9:00. So that’s when I’ll be found. Carter: Okay, perfect. When will you be home? Conrad: Ten minutes. Ha ha, that’s perfect. CARTER : Okay. And, well, yeah, I don’t know. Conrad: Like, I don’t want to kill anyone else with me. Carter and Conrad then discuss the method used for the suicide, however Metro have decided not to publish this. Conrad: I’m home. Carter: Okay. Conrad: Ah. Carter: What? Conrad: I don’t know. I’m stressing. Carter: You’re fine. It’s gonna be okay. You just gotta do it, babe. You can’t think about it. Conrad: Okay. Okay. I got this. Carter: Yes, you do. I believe in you. Did you delete the messages? Conrad: Yes. But you’re going to keep messaging me … I’m bringing my sisters for ice cream. Carter: So will you do it when you get back? Conrad: Yup, I’ll go right there. Carter: Okay. Conrad: Love you. Carter: I love you so much. Conrad: (Smiley face). Carter: 33. Conrad: Ha ha. What are you doing? Carter: Nothing really. Just resting. Conrad: Okay. Ha, ha I’m procrastinating. Carter: Yeah, ha ha, I know. Are you back? Conrad: Yup. Carter: So it’s time? Conrad: Oh, it’s been time. Carter: Are you gonna do it now? Conrad: I just don’t know how to leave them, you know. Carter: Say you’re gonna go the store or something. Conrad: Like, I want them to know that I love them. Carter: They know. That’s one thing they definitely know. You’re over thinking. Conrad: I know I’m over thinking. I’ve been over thinking for a while now. Carter: I know. You just have to do it like you said. Are you gonna do it now? Conrad: I still haven’t left yet, ha ha. Carter: Why? Conrad: Leaving now. Carter: Okay. You can do this. Conrad: Okay. I’m almost there. Now, this is just my opinion, but that's a severely screwed up story. Perhaps other people would give her the supportive girlfriend of the year award. I don't necessarily think that she should have been charged as if she herself killed him, but she herself needed some form of help herself. So it sounds like there was a bunch of stupid to go around. I'm still wondering about the book that he showed her to prove it was safe. In my limited testing, even a .22lr will likely go through one book. It's impossible to know what he was thinking, but I almost wonder if he figured he'd get shot but then live, and then thus base his fame off "He's the guy that got shot on camera! Check on the video online!". Either that or he decided he'd die himself (either so that he'd have someone else do it for him, or that his girlfriend would reach famedom from this event). Philosophy isn't law. I'm not a lawyer, just an internet commentator:)
  14. I only see the two cases as one having malicious intent (convincing/bullying someone to suicide) vs stupidity/negligence (He convinces her that shooting into the book would stop the bullet). For further understanding, do you believe that the girl that convinces her boyfriend deserved nothing or simply deserved less? Furthermore, do you believe that someone that routinely, through psychological manipulation and intimidation, convinces people to off themselves is not to some extent a “serial killer”? Maybe not by the textbook or dictionary definition, but I don’t think you’d agree that they are innocent of their doings either. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. To me that is different. The girl you speak of repeatedly and knowingly pushed her boyfriend to off himself. Obviously he played a part but she constantly nagged and manipulated him day by day to do it. That’s intent. In the Ruiz story you have two folks that do dumb stuff for fame. One of them convinces the other that something is safe “Look, I’ve already tested it. This is going to be awesome!”, and then that person died because it wasn’t safe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The kind where you are so hungry for famedom that you will do anything, risk anything, to achieve it. I’m more curious about the book he shot beforehand that stopped the bullet. Did he shoot it with the .50? I’m mixed on this one. Should she be tried? Depending on how much firearm knowledge she possesses, and seeing as to how she objected at first but then he persuaded her that it was safe, I feel like the largest percentage of blame falls on him. He lost his life, she lives with it for the rest of hers. She has a child and another on the way. A good, expensive lawyer may be able to get her off on this one. It would be a difficult jury to be on in my opinion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Ok I'll bite. If they engineered a super virus to kill everyone, wouldn't it make more sense to send him back in enough condition to walk around a few weeks, spreading it around? That compared to sending him back under terms that guarantee he will go straight under some of the best medical care, where it would quickly be found that he had something, even if unknown, which sounds better? Also, assuming you are actually worried about any of this, do you think it worked? I can create a theory as well. Otto Warmbier was deep cover CIA sent to take out the North Korean leader. His cover was blown in one of the WikiLeak email dumps and the North Koreans found him. Rather than killing one of our agents, they created the whole "theft" story as a means to play ignorant to the entire ordeal while giving them the option of eliminating him at a work camp. It was an accident, right? But nobody was around when it happened. Not our fault! Could **possibly** have happened but creating a conspiracy out of fears with zero proof isn't productive. Now, if everyone drops dead that came into contact with him then I'll give it second thought. He may have not made the best of choices, but out of respect for him and his family perhaps keep the conspiracies to a minimum? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Technical answer: The bullet. However, 10/10 points for the joke! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Honestly most of the time companies consult out to block “inappropriate sites” to some IT company and a firewall gets set in place to do so. It’s possible that no single person even ever technically said “Hey, let’s try and block gun forums” but rather the IT guy asked “Do you want to block sites condoning hate/violence, online gambling, and piracy along with adult sites?” and of course someone said yes. Possible, that’s all I’m saying. However TGO gets marked by sites that setup such categorizing and filtering is up to them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. They had to take time out for it! Nowadays all you have to do is livestream it during the heist. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Haven't seen any of the movies but bought the digital version of the book. Haven't read the book but plan to at some point.
  22. Your pictures and the recommendation has me interested in the holsters. Thanks to good old Macgyver I’ve been sporting RCS for several years now and have loved it. However, am I correct in thinking that their custom shop no longer exists? Their website hasn’t worked for me for a while, just their quick shop items. I haven’t had the need to call them so I haven’t tried, maybe you can call and request custom items. But now I am interested in BC. That’s a good looking holster. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Well, I somewhat agree but ultimately it would just hurt the citizens of those states/territories and not really the government thereof at all. What is interesting is that it seems Puerto Rico has reciprocity built into its legal system but no reciprocity is actually established with everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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