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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. When I was his age (19), I had about 2-3 times as many guns as I do now. I went on a sort of "splurge" until I realized other priorities in life. I wish I had realized those priorities earlier in life, and simply dumped $100/week into the stock market. To me, it was purely the ability to purchase things I had wanted for a number of years. With a job paying ~$300/week and lesser expenses (living at home, going to college), it did not take long to accumulate quite the collection. Since then I've consolidated down to what I consider "standards" and have much less than then. My point, and only point, is that if a priority it is not a mystery at all to me that he had 7+ guns at that age.
  2. Yes, but generally speaking raising prices rarely directly increases profits. When demand is lowered, raising prices generally would lead to even lower demand, thus decreasing profits even more. It simply depends on how elastic or inelastic goods are. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Since business leaders that make decisions have zero understanding of markets in general. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Very nice. Had not seen one Cerakoted. Something about that Cerakote/Photo combination makes it look straight up fake, as in something you'd see in a video game or something (CGI model, etc). I need to shoot one of these, never done so but I don't know anyone personally that owns one...
  5. Whenever doing typical computer/photo work at home, I usually rock it out to anything Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/search?term=best of For those unfamiliar, Monstercat is to some extent a "record company" that artists publish music to. It's typically all EDM/Techo/Dubstep, but it's generally all really great if that's your thing. The best part? You can "Join" their website for I think $5.00 per month and then download their entire catalog either MP3, FLAC, etc, all DRM free. You can get a lot of music for $5.00 I usually listen to a playlist I created consisting of all of the "Best of" albums by year.
  6. Not quite "Middle Tennessee" but Lula Lake Land Trust on Lookout Mountain is very nice. To my knowledge you cannot camp there but it is a very nice place to spend the day. They are only open certain weekends of the month and have fairly strict rules pertaining to activities and times spent on the property, but it is very nice. @conn_air7 Can attest to probably nearly any hiking within a few hours of Chattanooga. He's the one that led me onto Lula Lake. https://lulalake.org
  7. If you also gets Bud’s emails, then their mailing list could have been stolen. Or sold. Or someone could have an email list from some other “gun source” (firearm blog, other web store, etc) and simply connecting dots. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I wouldn’t open the attachment, especially on a windows computer without proper antivirus software. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Either a scam or malware attempt. Likely either from Bud’s email server (hacked), or simply spoofed entirely. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. In a nutshell, if anyone did this and has one of the Dropbox codes, PM me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Did this supposedly come with a Dropbox code for 5GB? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I agree. It I understand his (the son) excitement, it wasn’t that long ago that I was there too (but that was before the law changed regarding a loaded handgun in your vehicle). Chances are everything over the next eight months will be ok, but there is also a chance that it will cause him an issue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. It’s even more simple than that, the father is old enough to be my father and over twice my age. I gently suggested that, but eight months seems like forever and I don’t think that’s what they’re going to do! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I already mentioned this to the father. He thinks his son is mature enough to do so responsibly and I told him that it is simply legal. We talked about how a lot of cops might not be aware of the legalities of doing so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I figured that I would bump this instead of starting a new thread. A coworker has a son that is 20, turning 21 in eight months. He is wondering whether he can keep his handgun in his car over the next months and then get his permit. I believe this to be the case, and seem to remember this very discussion here. My understanding is that as long as a person is not prohibited from possessing a firearm and is in lawful control of the vehicle, they may keep a rifle, shotgun, or pistol in their vehicle with round chambered.
  16. I mentioned to a friend that we should go in 50/50 on one of these. He spent the next 30 minutes trying to convince me that we actually needed to do it. I was just joking. He's a big Elon Musk fan himself and keeps up with basically everything that SpaceX is doing. He sent me a screenshot two days ago of his order. I guess he either found someone to split it with him or he decided he had the money himself. To me, I would have just bought a Glock. Easier to conceal and further range. With that being said, only 20,000 were made and sold. So, it could be a collector's item worth more someday depending on Musk's success and following.
  17. Just a general bump. Code still active. Curious whether anyone has participated.
  18. So is this what you throwing your undivided support behind a firearm looks like? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. My comment didn't make sense because it was in the wrong thread. Oops!
  20. Or someone that breaks bigger and more apparent laws at the same time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. So, to the OP, serious question, what guns do you personally own and love? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. In more straightforward terms, assuming that the 4" at 50 yards quote from Franklin Armory is correct, your 8" at 100 yards math is correct. Your 4 MOA math is not correct.
  23. 4" groups at 50 yards is ~ 8 MOA. 8 MOA at 100 yards is ~8". 4 MOA at 100 yards is ~ 4".
  24. By no means did I mean any of that in a snarky manner. MOA is something that a lot/most people get confused about. Here is the most important thing to remember: MOA is a measurement of an angle, not a "grouping". Degrees - Minutes - Seconds 360 Degrees in a circle Each degree has 60 minutes Each minute has 60 seconds So for "MOA", you are really referring to how many minutes of a degree. It just so happens that 1 MOA is ~ 1" at 100 yards (it is actually 1.047"). As the distance shortens from 100 yards, the "grouping" (really, it's just the perpendicular measurement of the angle at a set distance) can only get smaller, just as it can only get bigger as you move out past 100 yards. The place a lot of people get a bit off is usually "What MOA is it at x distance"? As in, trying to use MOA to describe the group size at different distances. The thing is, MOA doesn't change. If something is 1 MOA, it's 1 MOA at 100 yard just as it is at 1000 yards. The thing that changes is that perpendicular measurement, at 1000 yards that measurement (or in gun terms, grouping) is 10.47".
  25. 4 MOA at 200 yards would be roughly 8”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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