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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. I didn't suggest not to discuss it, if someone is transgender that is a fact as much as being a male or female is fact. Facts of an event are relevant. However, my suggestion was to simply show respect instead of hate towards transgender people.
  2. I just realized I want those Peltors twice over now because they'd be great while mowing. Since the higher end version has Bluetooth, they'd be perfect for listening to music while doing that or other loud yard work. I'd assume it would work pretty okay.
  3. Lets all keep in mind the Diversity and Inclusion Thread. Just as any of these events are, what happened in Maryland was tragic. However, lets keep the comments against trans people out of and off TGO. While anyone's personal beliefs could be for or against, the question we have to ask ourselves here at TGO is whether a trans person should feel welcome here at TGO. Representing the 2nd Amendment community, I think the answer to that question should be a yes. If someone of any minority should decide to join TGO, they should feel welcome here. If they don't, we may very well push them straight towards the anti-gun community. We should be working to grow our numbers, not create an exclusive club where everyone agrees 100% with each other on all controversial issues.
  4. More often than not, experiences shape outlook. Someone at a young age sees their classmates murdered by someone with a gun? Of course the majority of people in that situation would be anti-gun afterwards. A few may not, but it is likely that those would have probably already been pro-gun to begin with. It has always greatly irritated me that many in gun culture have been so quick to not only write-off most of these victims (less face it, all of the students in these scenarios were victims), but to even go as far to verbally slander them in various ways. You never change someone's mind by calling them names, stupid, etc. You change someone's mind by listening to them, considering their input and life experiences, and at some point suggesting that maybe there is a better way/opinion. Of course it doesn't always work, but it sure does work better than calling someone names, telling them that they are stupid/wrong, and invalidating the fact that they survived a school shooting but conversely watched their classmates get killed. That never works.
  5. Do you by any chance have any IWB hardware that you could attach to the Vedder and see what happens? I sold both of my Raven holsters (one for a Surefire light, one without a light). I had the IWB hardware, now I wish I had pulled the IWB hardware off and kept it.
  6. Just emailed Vedder to see what they'd say about converting one of those to IWB with the appropriate hardware along with whether or not they'd do a Glock w/ TLR-7 attached.
  7. That is...indeed...a copy. As @MacGyver hinted above, there used to be a bunch of people that copied Raven to an extent with this style holster. It seems the majority of them have gone away. Originally, I would have only bought Raven, since I like giving credit where credit is due (I believe Raven was probably the original manufacturer of a holster this style, or at least the one that brought it mainstream). However, since Raven no longer makes this style, I can in better conscience buy it from a "copycat". Since the hole spacing looks exactly the same, I'd suppose the offset wings and IWB loops would still work. Although, unless it is necessary, I'd as well let/request that they leave the retention adjustment screw off.
  8. Nice! That's a good looking holster, but unless they'll do custom configurations it seems they don't offer it with a TLR-7 option. It seems OWB only, but perhaps could be adapted to IWB. Thanks for this, I always enjoy discovering new holster manufacturers I haven't heard of. I think that's something I loved about the Raven so much. OWB or IWB, the clips or loops were spread far enough apart to not only spread out the weight but also prevent the holster from tilting. The DSG that I am currently using, since it only has one of those single wider clips, can slightly rotate on the same plane that your belt is on. It isn't extreme, but it is there. The Raven/similar, on draw, is very stable. I'm hoping that the Zulu with two loops will somewhat address that.
  9. 1: If they are repair people, they can and should be able to diagnose themselves. 2: If the above is not true, find new repair people. 3: If it leaks (water out the drain), could be a solenoid valve sticking open or something similar. 4: If it doesn't leak (water out the drain), which is sounds like it does/may, could be some sort of sensor that is malfunctioning and thinking it is full. 5: It's also possible either the fill line is partially blocked or a valve is partially closed. Although it should, in my opinion, still fill completely. It would just be slower in this scenario. If it has done this always, get it fixed. If it just started, one thing to try would be to go to your circuit breaker panel and turn off the breaker for the washer. Most of these things have quite a few electronics in them now; it is possible that a simply "reset" could make it work properly. Our dryer occasionally completely "quits" and the only way to "fix it" is to turn the power off for a moment and then turn back. It has one of those electronic dials and it just temporarily stops receiving input. The reset fixes it.
  10. Oh, I know that. I'm just saying **if** they were further apart, it would be possible. I'm merely talking about holsters, no necessarily Squared Away. Like I said, in all of this I've watched quite a few YouTube videos of both foam pressing and vacuum. I guess ultimately my point was simply that I personally do not see anything inherently unique to the vacuum process that would exclusively prevent a holster similar to that as a Raven Phantom. I'm also just sad to see that what I perceive to be the "custom holster market" going away or morphing into the "mast produced holster market". For example, what does vacuum pressing offer me as the consumer? I can literally think of none. So they say the Phantom LC that I loved dearly was foam pressed? It held the gun snugly, and offer a nice "click" both auditory as well as physical. It held the gun 100% and there was never a single time that it nearly "came out" due to not enough retention. Personally, I care not whether the kydex hugs ever nook and cranny in a gun. Conversely, I believe the flatter/smoother it is (at least the side touching your body), the more comfortable. So the magic is finding the right level of smoothness coupled with the appropriate level or grip/retention to the firearm. Vacuum pressing, on the other hand, in my opinion, appears to drastically decrease production time. That is my perceived takeaway, maybe I'm wrong. The feeling I'm getting though is that a lot of manufacturers are going away from "custom" and straight to mass production. I respect that. To be able to cut costs in the form of reducing labor hours while at the same time increasing production, that seems like a profitable decision in my observation. Raven Concealment is a perfect example of this. They used to, hands down, be my favorite manufacturer. I recommended them to everyone I know that carries. However, those people preferred their "Alien Gear Holsters" because they were $30 and a custom Raven Phantom or Phantom LC was $100+ after you bought appropriate hardware, etc. Now, Raven has basically abandoned the "custom" market in every shape and form. They make an injection molded OWB holster, certain IWB holsters, and 99% of what they make is for Glocks. It may be 100%, I'm not sure. In other words, Raven Concealment produces zero products that I am even remotely interested in. I as much told them that directly and told them I was sad to lose them as my favorite holster manufacturer. But, in their own words, they want to be able to "fulfill large government contracts", and I respect that. In the end these companies are only in business to make money. Well I understand that 100%. I don't fault any of them for making or not making anything specific. Hey, I really do hope I like the Zulu. The DSG listed in an above post is ok. It isn't perfect. In fact, in my opinion, it isn't even safe (re-holstering seems less than optimal, even potentially dangerous). But it carries ok. Hopefully, I will like the Zulu much, much more. I sincerely mean that. I'm open to change. That doesn't mean I always like it, but I'll try. If it doesn't suite me as well as I hope, then I'll try making something myself.
  11. Actually, a coworker has everything he needs as he tried getting into the holster business but never really did. I may very well try to do exactly that. We were talking about it this morning at work actually, I think he just wants everything "gone" and I've got the space for it. He said it "gone" would make his wife very happy.
  12. But I respect his desire to not want to copy other manufactures, I'm just disappointed that there thus isn't anyone that really makes that holster anymore. Oh well, things change. I'm getting more used to the DSG one I have, which seems like a lower quality version of what I'm getting from Squared Away.
  13. Yeah, that's the vibe I got. Oh well. Just between you and me and everyone else, in my opinion it doesn't have anything to do with 50/50 or 80/20 like foam vs vacuum presents, but rather the general shape of the holster and where you put grommet holes. I'll admit it isn't "my industry", but I've been watching some YouTube videos on holster design/manufacture. I feel like what I want could easily be done with a vacuum press, but I think it would require the model sides to be placed several inches further apart so when it is folded it will leave more "flat" kydex on each side. Then you'd simply have to dremel both sides of the holster so there is no "fold" . Install grommets on both sides spaced for IWB and OWB hardware. Done. The "20%" side would be towards the body, the "80%" of course away.
  14. I won't have the funds for these for a while, but you Sir cause me to buy all the things. But I know your recommendations are always based on quality products. These look amazing.
  15. http://www.aura-astronomy.org/news/mobileNews.asp?newsID=389
  16. Exactly. Addressed in post where I showed Google Maps.
  17. I will also add anecdotal evidence against the "dual spaceship theory". Consider this. The further from earth things would have to be to cover the sun/create an eclipse, the bigger they have to be. How big does an object have to be to block the sun for you? You could take a quarter, hold it up to the sun, and blog the sun "for you". That's an eclipse, although not a celestial one. How big does something further away, lets say the distance of the moon, have to be to block the sun? That's right, moon sized. The moon creates eclipses. So if you went beyond the moon and closer to the sun, an object would have to continuously get larger, eventually approaching the size of the sun itself, in order to "block" the sun. Ok, now lets assume in that "dual spaceship" video, it was a spaceship, or two. If it were big enough to block most of the sun, but somewhere between here and the moon, it would have been visible to us on the ground, right? We can, after all, see the moon. If it were further than the moon and big enough too, it would have literally created an eclipse (or in this case, two). Wouldn't someone have noticed in on earth? Nope, instead the moon moved in front of the sun twice. But only from the vantage point of the SDO, thus the "eclipse" could have only been seen from the SDO, not earth.
  18. I didn't claim to be an artist, but if the visualisation I ran in my head works, I think this exactly explains the "dual eclipse" and why it "changed direction. Of course, the above drawing is very crude, not to scale, and I have no idea of the relation of the orbits of the moon and SDO. But it seems possible.
  19. I will add to the above post, check this link: https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov That is NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. SDO is a sun-pointing semi-autonomous spacecraft that will allow nearly continuous observations of the Sun with a continuous science data downlink rate of 130 Megabits per second (Mbps). The spacecraft is 4.5 meters high and over 2 meters on each side, weighing a total of 3100 kg (fuel included). SDO's inclined geosynchronous orbit was chosen to allow continuous observations of the Sun and enable its exceptionally high data rate through the use of a single dedicated ground station. A lot of the alarmist Youtube videos try to pass of the images of the dual eclipse as originating from Sunspot, NM. However, it seems the images actually came from this satellite. And I believe I figured out how the dual eclipse would work. Let me draw a picture.
  20. Lots of people think/thought this. If so, two points: Other observatories around the world should have been/be able to see it. Secondly, solar storms don't take 1-2 weeks to arrive, from what I understand. I quoted one my previous posts. I personally think the Post Office closure was incidental to closing the road down below. Look at everything in Google maps, you'll see exactly where everything is located. In other words, the Post Office may be closed because there is no reason for it to be open coupled with no way for workers to get there (since the road is closed). Maybe. I've seen this thrown around a lot. I won't pretend to know much about what goes on at these places, I have no idea how much if any radioactive equipment is used. I would have guessed "zero", but maybe I'm very wrong. 1) Hey, maybe. I think it is hard to verify exactly who did and didn't show up. Maybe they showed up, tested for contamination, and then left since they didn't find any. Could have been something as simple as someone receiving an envelope with "white powder", everyone overacting to play it safe, and then finding out that it was simply baby powder. From what I've read, supposedly it is up to AURA (http://www.aura-astronomy.org) when to reopen. Them continuing to be closed could simply be a factor of wanting to play it safe/wanting a few days off with pay. Who knows? 2) Maybe. This was my bet at first (either espionage or a secret test happening), but from my research I've seen that White Sands is visible from many, many places on that mountaintop. Closing the facility itself would have little success in preventing prying eyes, in my opinion. If that were the case, in my opinion, Post Office would just be incidental (see first post quoted in this reply). 3) Maybe. I guess that's the big one (paired with 4). I'd suspect that if something "big" was detected, other observatories would have found it because I'm sure many of these scientists are extra curious. Throw out that possibility, and then other scientists go "I wonder, hmm...let me go check". 4) There seems to be two sources of "evidence" to support this. One is a picture of "spaceships flying in front of the sun". But, I also saw that this "photo" was taken with a women's iPhone 8 pointed at the sun. If that is true, you might as well go outside and look at the sun. See any aliens? Ok, cool. I guess just look longer (Disclaimer: of course, don't. You'll go blind). The other "evidence" is some sort of "dual eclipse". This shows "two objects" passing in front of the sun. There have been many alarmist Youtube videos posted on this, but here is a more authoritative source: https://scitechdaily.com/nasas-solar-dynamics-observatory-spots-two-lunar-transits/ I'll admit that I'm still trying to visualize the physics of this in my head, but I'll say I'm more open to trusting an authoritative source on this than an alarmist Youtube channel trying to monetize hits.
  21. Where have you read about MCCM? And Star Wars being related? Pure hypothetical by you or evidence?
  22. Someone should just ask Trump via Twitter. I’d rather enjoy that, but I don’t have a Twitter account.


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