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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. Well...I don't realistically see any third party presidential candidate as being a real contender, at least anytime soon. I wish this wasn't the case. If third party candidates could provide a real threat, then perhaps the R's and the D's would find that they have an immediate and acute increase in hearing sensitivity. I don't fault anyone for voting third party. Sure, it may as well be "throwing a vote away", etc etc etc. I've heard it all. But the truth that if more people (vastly more, I admit) voted 100% for someone that was a good candidate rather than "the less bad guy", we'd be much better off. Just gotta get everyone to do it at the same time. I do wonder the prospects of a Republican running as a third party and thus splitting the Republican vote between those that hate Trump and those that love him.
  2. Which...is exactly how ALL the REPUBLICANS and ALL the DEMOCRATS want you think.
  3. I was going to say just write in @Erik88, but I'd assume he isn't yet 35. Maybe if we are still here in 2024...
  4. We that’s just fake news. POWNED!
  5. It doesn't matter what your ISP is or isn't. What's happening is Google is cutting the resolution of your Nest cameras as a whole to reduce overall network use. You have ISP A, B, and C. They can transport 10 DATA units each. That's 30 DATA units whole. Google has a service, Called NEST. All of their cameras, nationwide, use 20 DATA units. That means ISP A, B, and C only have a "spare" 10 DATA units. Google says, "Hey we will help!". They cut their resolution in half, therefore on a national level Google only uses 10 DATA units and now ISP A, B, and C have a spare 20 DATA units. That's essentially what happened. Netflix did the same thing in the UK (maybe worldwide) amongst others. It's to "free up the tubes" since the amount of videoconferencing, etc has went up potentially exponentially. Of course data units are called bytes and I made these numbers up out of nowhere, you get the general idea.
  6. To my knowledge we don’t really have an official policy. Typically up to buyer and seller in negotiations.
  7. Well, I cannot argue with that.
  8. Or...only ten times the current US confirmed cases. If it doubles every few days....we could be there by the end of the April.
  9. Math. try 3,720,000 x 2.5%.
  10. I’m talking more the mag/VFG.
  11. Serious question. Is that good to go with the NFA?
  12. For the record to anyone unsure, buying products like the one linked is a bad idea unless you buy a tax stamp.
  13. Unless you are talking about getting a Tax Stamp for one?
  14. Sadly too too true. Make that True^2 True to the power of two? I’ll be here all night, everyone.
  15. Yes and now. If a lot of small businesses do disappear, perhaps that will open up room for more to start. Perhaps an initiative to support the small business as well?
  16. I understand now. Wasn’t sure if you were hoping for it to drop so you could buy.
  17. Your...fear or hope?
  18. No worries, everyone. Trump will save us. He is the most smart president ever. He has this under control. Fake news that it is bad. Fake news.
  19. More beneficial to all members vs only benefactors? Could potentially detract value of Vendors? Personally I say for everyone.
  20. Probably exit polling performed by a journalist at a select gun store if 10 buyers.
  21. Well to be fair...any day a Democrat purchases a firearm because they no longer trust the government to protect them...is a good day!
  22. I’ve read the following. Call a local clinic. Discuss with them. Supposedly they will instruct you where to go for testing. Let us know how that goes. I would call before going anywhere.
  23. I'm sure many of you have heard of this service before. I've done it in the past but canceled a while back. My general thoughts are that it is superb quality meat that is only worth it to you if value convenience and quality. Well, last week I signed up again "Just in Case". With meat quality being potentially spotty, I thought I'd hedge my bets. I have a box to be delivered Friday, just confirmed by Butcherbox. I also specifically asked about supply, and this was their response: Our fulfillment and delivery partners are working with us closely and are currently operating as usual; we are not experiencing any supply issues or delivery delays. Should this change, we will communicate this to our current and potential members. I figure it's worth the $150 to hopefully have a shipment of food for March, April, and May. Can alway cancel if/when things "return to normal". Unashamedly, if anyone uses this link to sign-up, you'll save $30.00 off your first box and I'll get $30.00.


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