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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. Signage is something I would like clarification on a well. I read something today that suggested a mere "slash through gun sticker" is not adequate posting and carries no legal weight for a business. What is required in the state of TN for a business to properly restrict carry?
  2. Trying to figure out if carry is accepted here. The whole carrying in parks thing is confusing. Something about if it is posted it is still ok unless it is posted in a specific way?
  3. I was under the impression (from the Lead Mine Gun Club) that the mall was off limits. However they don't post many of the entrances, I believe the only one that is "posted" is the front. All that is posted at the front is a "rule". Should be good to go shouldn't I?
  4. Ferrel is the guy being charged with the crimes against the woman. You are speaking of Jones.
  5. I agree that bumper stickers mostly are unwanted by me, but if others wanted to buy them from me then that would be awesome. So for those of you interested, what sorta prices would you expect to pay? Just talking about the typical square ones with witty text. Also, if I do decide on attempting this, I would be willing to give anyone a free bumper sticker if they have me some sort of witty thing to put on them that I decide to order some of.
  6. Professional meaning quality, or professional meaning a lot of money invested in graphic design?
  7. My very brief questions consist of this? Would anyone be interested in a bumper sticker site that specializes in gun based stickers? If so, what would the majority of you pay for a single sticker shipped to your house? Would you be willing to buy one, or more than one? Would you possibly buy some for friends? I ask because I have a HUGE desire to start a business of some sort, and have always been trying this or that to make a few bucks in addition to my job. If I could do well enough to break even plus a few bucks, I think this would be a fun little experiment. Be honest, prices and quantity demanded people!
  8. I really really like this idea.
  9. I think it would be nice if we started always using $2 bills at places we frequent to put into perspective how gun owners in Tennessee really are a large portion of consumers.
  10. Just found this today: http://www.gunfreediningtennessee.org/ Figured it'd be worth a look for you guys.
  11. This guy is the one that shoots all sorts of machine guns. Word is he is "gaining hits" for someone's gunship by using their stuff. I'd say he stays perfectly within the law.
  12. So perhaps the .22 Beretta Bobcat would be best? If it is dependable, that would be great! Ammo would be cheap enough to plink with all day. Is the .22lr HONESTLY better than .25 acp?
  13. Everyone should read Alice in Deadland TODAY. It is a wonderful read with a major twist with all sorts of wonderful concepts built into it. I bought it OB the Kindle for .99. Worth all 99 pennies!
  14. Go Go Caliber War!
  15. A long long time ago, before we were dating, I overheard my Fiancé stating "Never will I hold a gun", implying that the guns themselves are evil. Just the other day, she told her mother "I somewhat enjoy shooting". Things change;) She fired one of our friend's Beretta .25's. She liked it because it was small and didn't cause discomfort. I have talked her into getting her CPL, and she wants one of those small guns. I am between a rock and a hard place trying to become comfortable to the idea of such a small caliber. I would love to get her a revolver, .38. However, I would rather her get something she loved and would enjoy practicing with vs something she wouldn't. Should I go for one of those small Beretta's in .25 or .32? Or should I attempt to sway her a bit further into a higher caliber?
  16. Ah yes, the Tactical. I plan on that specific model within the next year or so.
  17. Well I have very much looked at the CZ 83's, but I cannot decide on a .32 or .380. How serious do you think they would be if I requested a 9mm Makarov version?
  18. Hello everyone! I live in the Chattanooga area, and love guns! I recently became intrigued with CZ's. WooHoo! I've been a member of TheFiringLine for a very long time, but love the idea of my forums being local.
  19. I very much like the idea of picking one of these up. I wish I could find one in person, but I cannot unless I luck out at a show. Where the best place to buy one of these online? I would like one in as close to original condition as possible, with the best original finish available.


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