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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. About 8 months ago while still living with my parents, I noticed an unmarked SUV stop directly in the road in front of our house (the house is probably 200' from the road). Some guy got out with a cell phone and was walking around. He walks around the corner for a while and comes back, still on the phone. Few minutes later a black and white shows up. After a few moments of nothing "exciting", I decided that I'd walk down there to see what was going on. Turns out that there was a "throwaway" meth lab that someone had dumped down thereat the corner of the road. One of our neighbors, a science teacher, had seen it while walking and reported it. I have a feeling that a lot of people probably go by stuff like this more often than they would ever imagine without even noticing it.
  2. [quote] Ideally I would have it for shooting at the range and for shooting small game in a SHTF scenario.[/quote] Someone will disagree with me, but I would prefer a bolt action rifle for this. Not to take away from .22lr AR's, but I just feel that the bolt action ones, preferably tube fed, have more to offer. For example, I can feed the CCI "Quiet" .22lr ammunition in my bolt action. Pull the trigger, it sounds like a pellet gun. Cycle the bolt, pull trigger again. http://www.cci-ammunition.com/whatsnew/newproducts.aspx [b]710fps 40 grain bullet[/b] Just a thought. I own the Marlin XT-22TSR. It was the only .22lr stainless tube fed bolt action I could find. For a survival gun, this is my vote.
  3. I agree with those that say this should be supplemented with other things. However, I think the main reason for this is the fact that it is affordable for most anyone, as simple as can be, and will keep someone alive for a very extended amount of time. For someone getting started on stocking food, it'd be a great base. ~$300 and you'd be set for roughly a year. That's less than $1 a day. That looks a whole lot better vs starting out stocking some of the other methods at $5 or more per meal for a family.
  4. [quote]Anyways what business is it of theirs and how would they know?[/quote] Typically the owners of an apartment complex would probably see it as a liability. The more firearms in an area, the more of a chance of a negligent discharge or that one of them will be used to defend one's self. In either case, there is also a chance that a bullet would go through walls and strike someone completely unaware of the situation. The owners are probably afraid that the unintended innocent victim will sue the person that fired the shot as well as the apartment owners themselves. I am not sure whether there is an precedent for such a thing, but I could see it happening and thus so unfortunately understand why the owners would be weary of leaving firearms unmentioned. It's all about the lawyers and insurance.
  5. [quote]Like I said, if you're skinny. I can't suck my gut in enough. My spare mag carrier is a loop style so I've gotta take my belt off to add it anyway. Pulling the holster out is easy. Putting it back, not so much. Maybe it's just me.[/quote] I'm not skinny. Currently 218lbs at about 5'9". I will say this. I can very easily slide my Down Under into my pants very easily with my belt still on (while standing). I just have to fiddle due to the fact that I have to get the loops on the holster underneath the belt.
  6. [quote]Unless you're really skinny and/or have very loose fitting clothes, you're gonna have to arrange everything anyway. Doing so while sitting behind the wheel is a bit of a chore.... AMHIK. One of the reasons why I pocket carry a lot.[/quote] Well, I figure it would be possible to take the holster with the gun in it, slide it into your waistband, and mostly be done? This is if you are standing?
  7. [quote]When you must disarm, why take the holster off? Just remove the gun and keep the holster on your belt.[/quote] It isn't so much as arming or disarming, but rather coming from an area such as work when I do not have my holster on. Many times after work I will go other places, and rather than have to loosen my belt and "arrange" everything, it would be nice to just slide the gun and holster into my pants (if the clip will hold them belt in this instance). I assume it will work great.
  8. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It should be. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I recently saw a special where they had Ipads in baggage that didn't make it to the destination. The agenst stole them. They had locating beepers on them and found 1 at dude's house. Of course he didn't know how it got there. It was like the "to catch a predator" set ups.[/font][/color][/quote] This I have a problem with. However, on the other hand, I'm sure everyone knows about the Land of Unclaimed Baggage? http://unclaimedbaggage.com/p/about/our_story
  9. Well, perhaps this is an issue that we will just have to disagree on, but here it goes. If TSA tells you that you cannot bring such objects on a plane, and someone tries to bring them on the plane, I do not see this as stealing. I would argue that in many cases it would be best if TSA returned the items to their rightful owners, but we all know this isn't the case. Once in possession, what is TSA supposed to do? They auction them off in lots, some of which make it to Ebay (people buy the lots at auctions and then place them on Ebay). I suppose it would be better for TSA to place photos on the internet of 10,000 SAK's being turned into scrap metal? Post a photo of police agencies scrapping guns and then everyone cries "I'll take them! I'll buy them!". Most of those guns are probably stolen, used in crimes, etc.
  10. Just letting everyone here in on a little interesting tidbit. Occasionally I'll just search Ebay for "Airport Confiscations" or "TSA Confiscations". Lots of pointy objects. Reckon we could probably form a group buy and get some of the stuff pretty cheap per item. The only "confiscation" I ever bought was I believe 15 of the "Slip n Snip" folding stainless scissors. I am pretty sure I payed roughly $1 each for them. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=knife+confiscation&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=airport+confiscation&_sacat=0
  11. [quote]I used the Bare Asset for a while when I had my SR9. It was was very easy to put on/remove quickly and fairly comfortable.[/quote] Did you feel that the clip grabbed your belt well enough? I use one of their Rock Steady belts. Anything more to say about the clip?
  12. [quote]Reasons why we may charge you a small fee for a repair:[/quote] Perhaps they'll charge you a bit for it then? I don't know. All I'm saying, I think it would be worth contacting Buck, explaining to them that the tang has snapped in half, and maybe mention the blade profile has been modified. See what they offer? Phones calls are generally considered free. Unless of course you just want the fun factor of fixing it yourself and having a 100% custom to you knife.
  13. I am sure you that you already know, but just in case: [url="http://www.buckknives.com/index.cfm?event=about.warranty"]http://www.buckknive...=about.warranty[/url] I don't' know how they'd handle it, but I wanna say you would probably get a new one? It's been a while since I bought a Buck knife, are the still made in USA? I've heard rumors that some of them are being made in China. BTW...how in the world did this happen? I suppose it's up to Buck whether to replace it for free, but I found this: [quote] [color=#413F3B][font=arial, helvetivca, 'sans serif'][size=3]REPAIRS NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY[/size][/font][/color] [color=#413F3B][font=helvetica, arial, 'sans serif'][size=2] If your knife needs to be repaired, please send it to us for evaluation. Don’t try to repair it yourself. Self–repair will void your warranty, not to mention that it could cause self–injury.[/size][/font][/color] [b] Reasons why we may charge you a small fee for a repair:[/b] [list] [*]Damage caused by misuse or abuse. [*]Failure to care, clean and maintain your knife. [*]Damage due to self–repair. [*]Knife loss due to shipping to and from the Buck Knives factory [*]Damage due to dismantling or tampering with your Buck knife [*]Sharpening your Buck knife on a grinder. [/list] [/quote] [list] [/list]
  14. [quote]Why in blazes does Civil Constructors send their entire fleet of dump trucks out on the interstate during rush hour traffic? Geeeeezzzzz!![/quote] Because, like you (assuming you are going to work), there is work to be done.
  15. They do sell a kit on their site. It also mentions that run time is typically 50% of disposable CR123's.
  16. I had them out in third grade. The kid next to me in the recovery room was eating a hamburger that day. I went nearly a week without any solid food because I wouldn't stop bleeding and kept throwing up. P.S. The reason I wrote this post is because several years ago I was at the doctor and he made mention of my tonsils. I politely informed him that I had my tonsils removed. His response? "They must have grown back". It's funny, really, because as I was being wheeled back to have my tonsils removed, the surgeon made mention that "It's no big deal. I've had mine out three times". I used to get strep throat many times a year. I don't think I've had it once since they were removed.
  17. [quote]I would never use a flashlight that uses expensive CR123a for every day use. That would be extremely expensive.[/quote] I on the other hand love using CR123's for daily use. Admittedly, I am interested in a rechargeable light. I just haven't found one that fits the desires I have in a light. Also, although CR123's aren't the cheapest battery, I worry a lot less about whether it works when I want it to. I suppose when I carry a flashlight in my pocket such as the E1B, the 5 lumen setting is good for most everything I use it for. Thus the batteries last a pretty long time. However, suggest to me a flashlight roughly the size of a Surefire E1B that is rechargeable, holds a charge, and is USA made, and I will take a look at it. I'd like an excuse to buy something:)
  18. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The main thing that keeps me from something like this is the john Wayne toilet paper at work lol [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Have you experienced any headaches?[/font][/color][/quote] In my humble opinion, soft or rough, it makes no difference during the cleanse. I haven't had headaches, but my wife has had some aches and pains. [quote]At least you won't get scurvy![/quote] You know, I never quite appreciated the lemon. Now I am going to get some high quality tuna steaks and cook them up with some lemon juice. Not sure how yet, but I'll find a way. Once you get used to doing things with lemons, you appreciate them more. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]man i know people who have done this and the results were amazing (on most of them!)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]however I just cannot bring myself to do it![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]good on you...and congrats on the weight loss my friend.[/font][/color][/quote] Well, whatever floats your boat. I will admit I didn't think it would be easy. I pictured myself being weak, hungry, and generally dissatisfied.Like I said, other than craving food, I'm all for it. I'd say the first day was the hardest. It took a while for the stomach to shrink. I felt very hungry that day. Now, "hunger" is more of a very subtle, numb feeling. It is very easy to fulfill by drinking a glass of water.
  19. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]According to the article, he started shooting while he could only see them from the waist down. How did he know they were not friendlies?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The he admits to killing the girl basicly because she laughed at him. This guy needs to be put out of commision. I stand by my precious statement. They should hang this idiot on the public square![/font][/color][/quote] I also doubt she laughed at him. It was probably more along the lines or sobbing, coughing, etc. What person would assume that someone they had just shot was laughing at them? I question the sanity of the homeowner. What blows me away is he left them there a day before having police called. A logical thinking person would want two dead bodies out of their house as soon as possible. Blood, smell, heck even the sight would be too much for most people. I feel after his initial power trip, he realized he screwed up irreversibly big time and was trying to figure out the best way to do things.
  20. [quote]I love my Surfire E1B, carry it everyday and have for the past several years. My only complaint is that I finally broke the pocket clip when I was getting out of a vehicle quickly and it got hung up. If you're looking for something to carry everyday I would say get another Surefire but if you're looking for more of a vehicle light go Streamlight.[/quote] Call Surefire. They'll replace it. Heck, the rubber tailcap on my E1B has a hole in it and I was concerned it affecting its waterproof abilities. I called them, expecting them to send me a rubber tailcap. He said it was going to be no problem. I asked him if he could briefly explain how to replace the rubber piece. He told me that it is pressed in at the factory, and he was going to send me a tailcap assembly (metal, rubber, etc). The first time I never got it. I think it got lost or stolen in the mail. I called them back and requested the same thing, a week later I had a new one in the mail. All of this was free! To me, that is why Surefire's are worth their price. Before that, I too had broken a pocket clip on my E2DL. I called to have it replaced, and asked if he could send me an extra. Surefiredly enough, I received two replacement pocket clips for my E2DL. Some parts are available here: http://www.surefire.com/rapid-replacement-parts If you call I believe it is basically a per request consideration and fulfillment.
  21. My wife is one of those health conscious people. Aside from having to go to Hardee's for biscuits and gravy, I have grown very fond of her eating habits. Growing up, her mother occasionally did what is called The Master Cleanse. Recently my wife decided she wanted to try it, and decided to do it. She asked me to but made it clear it was up to me. I decided I would try it. In a nutshell, you don't "eat" anything but rather drink a special lemonade mixture for every meal and drink laxative tea. Before I tried it I honestly did not really think many positive thoughts about the idea of it. Well, I am on day four today. I can honestly say I feel very good right now. I don't feel tired, and I don't really feel "hungry". Honestly, the worst part about it is the thoughts/smells of food. My sense of smell has gone through the roof! French fries, hamburgers, biscuits, and gravy are the main things I am craving. But besides those cravings it is going well. I am fortunate enough to have a job that easily accommodates something like this, but I will very quickly say that this diet isn't for someone out and about on their job. It can be very...inconvenient. To put things in perspective, I weighed myself on Thanksgiving before eating, I weighed ~230lbs. This morning, I weighed myself and I am 219.6lbs. Remember, that is only on day four of the cleanse. The minimum suggested is ten, which I think I will finish. For anyone interested, read more about it here: http://themastercleanse.org
  22. I too am a longtime Surefire fan (G2, then E1B, then E2DL, then Saint Maximus). Still have all of them but my daily carry E1B. I lost it. I think I am finally to the point of accepting that it is gone. Did some research on Streamlight, I think I'll stick with Surefire. I was looking at their website today, and noticed they have a EB1 (200 lumen version of the E1B). It's pricey, but that's to be expected. Thinking of picking up the EB1.
  23. I am looking at holsters. I currently carry using the High Noon Holster [i]Down Under[/i] with straps. It was my first and is my only holster. It works great for when I leave the house with a gun, and come back all the same. However, I am looking for a new holster for two arguably three reasons: 1) I'm finding that there are some instances when I have to leave my gun somewhere (work, posted areas, etc), and find the straps a lot of work not to mention the fact that I have to loosen my belt for a bit. This is a huge inconvenience. 2) I'm interested in a tuckable holster. 3) I'm interested in a lower riding holster. [b]So, my questions:[/b] 1) Would the clip that High Noon uses make it easier to take take off and on? I'm imagining not having to loosen my belt? Should it keep everything secure, especially in a draw? 2) Is it even worth considering getting a tuckable holster for a gun the size of a P-01 (think Glock 19 for you non CZ people). 3) I am interested in a low riding holster for easier concealment. Is the ease of concealment improved vastly with a low riding holster? I suppose I would like to keep my 15° cant unless there is a reason "no cant" would be better for the type of holster I am looking for. [url="http://www.highnoonholsters.com/Product_Line/Belt_Holsters/Inside_The_Waistband/inside_the_waistband.html"]http://www.highnoonh..._waistband.html[/url]
  24. Shouldn't it technically be this guy: [img]http://kineticillusions.com/ilovedowntownsac/10/boomerang-angry-bird-stuffed-animal-i13.jpg[/img]


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