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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. Wow. I'll admit I used Gmail from Freshman year of high school up until about 2 months ago. That would be...about 6 years. I never noticed any issue like this. Honestly, I always considered Gmail to be the best email service, but this is admittedly inexcusable.   @icloud for me!
  2. Latest Graph: Latest Percentages (which the graph is based upon): The Pre-Nest data is based upon data from 9/18/2012 to 9/1/2013 and the Post-Nest data is based upon data from 9/2/2013 to 9/24/2013. Obviously the more data I have the more accurate it will be, but unfortunately I will not be able to offer true statistics for Nest savings because it is no longer the only variable. As of 9/23/2013, I installed (11) 6w LED's, replacing (11) 65w incandescent bulbs. As of 9/25/2013, I reduced the water heater temperature from ~140F° to ~120F°. Therefore, since the Nest data only goes up to 9/24/2013, the average usage based upon Nest installation is a very high percentage based upon the installation of the Nest itself due to the fact that only 1.5 days of the data is also based upon LED installation. I think it is safe to conclude that the Nest will save somewhere between 5% and 15% total energy usage. If you assume that the days Post-Nest usage was higher than the Pre-Nest usage were simply anomalies (based upon dish washer usage, washer/drier usage, etc), I think it is safe to say that the Nest is saving me >7%. I will update this thread with more graphs and data as time goes, but just keep in mind that those graphs and data will also be factoring in additional factors than just a Nest. However, just remember that my ultimate goal here is not to create accurate graphs regarding Nest installation, but rather to save every possible $1 in regards to my electric bill.
  3. I also ended up purchasing a 12 pack of air filters on Amazon. I admit, I'm they guy that goes 2-3 months between air filter changes on the HVAC because I forget about it. The good news is that 12 of them costed $18, and my Nest will remind me each month to replace the filter. From my research, a dirty air filter can increase your electric bill anywhere from 5%-15%.   Even if I only save 2% by changing the filter each month, based on $100 bill, I will net a few cents to dollars. Something to consider everyone!
  4. They've got to slow down on the product updating. I haven't even found time to sell my E2DL in order to upgrade to their brighter model! 
  5.   $100 for lightbulbs, but if calculated correctly should save $10 a month on the electric bill and also the cost of replacement bulbs. I hate changing lightbulbs. We don't use microwaves, but the wife does love to bake. Familiar with electric vampires, that is something I just haven't yet taken the initiative to full with.   I did take a look at the water heater setting and realized the water was set to 140°F. I changed it to just under 120°F. That should amount to quite a bit. I also calculated that if my wife and I take a 15 minute shower daily, I can save >750 gallons a month by installing this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003UQ17O4/ref=ox_ya_os_product   Since it's just a few bucks I am going to give it a try. If we like it and are able to shave >750 gallons, that will shave 1-2 units of water off my water bill. One unit of water is right at 750 gallons. After water and sewer charge, a unit is roughly $5-$7 per unit. Dependent upon how much we use the shower and what my usage is for the month, it could pay for itself the first month. Our current showerhead is 2.5GPM, so that is cutting usage in half for the showerhead. Not to mention the cost savings for the electricity that would be used to heat the additional water being used.
  6. I'm just glad to see this was of positive humor rather than actual disheartening.
  7.   The Pro wasn't as available when I purchased my M68 (CompM2). I'd probably do that route now. 
  8. If an EOTech is what you want, then get an EOTech. However, I am simply stating that I researched a lot on the issue, and decided that an Aimpoint was for me. Aimpoint M2 for me with a LaRue Tactical QD mount. Research them if you haven't, if you have and just want an EOTech, go for it!
  9. As an update to my prior request, I'm interested in one lower and possibly one upper. Someone sent me a PM with the expected price for the lower. If it is in line with that, I'll purchase one.
  10. I think my issue is essentially that the house leaks pretty well in terms of air. In the winter, I feel like a lot of warm air escapes outide. However, in the summer, it is in a pretty good amount of shade comparatively due to a large overshadowing tree.   Electric bill is generally $100 to $120 during the warmer months, but very close to $200 in the winter months. Hopefully we can shave that down:)
  11.   I do like the Cree's, but I will say that the 60w equivalent bulb I tried hummed when not at full power. The interesting thing is that now they are making LED's compatible with (my) standard dimmers. I just hope that doesn't shorten the lifespan. Glad to hear about the Ecosmart brand. If I have any trouble in the next few weeks, I'll give the Creebrand 40w equivalent a try for $2 more per LED.
  12.   I haven't done anything permanent yet. Lightbulbs and thermostats can be taken with you;) I did however send him an email just now, notifying him of the changes and to see if he wants to offset any of them. I mentioned wanting to weather seal things better, and suggested that perhaps he'd consider that. We'll see.
  13.   The bulbs I wanted were 3 times as expensive ($19 instead of $7.50). They are the Cree 9.5w BR30 Soft White LED's. The standard A19 size looks a little off in my canned lighting, but most of the time the bulbs will never even be noticed. I too assumed that if one of these is going to go bad, it will probably do it quite quickly. Also, even though they are rated at 20,000 hours and supposed to go for 15-20 years at average usage, I'll be more than thrilled if they go 5 years average usage. For one thing, I just hate changing lightbulbs.   I purchased roughly 4-5 different types of LED's last night and tried them all out. I got the more expensive Cree brand in the 6w, 9.5w, and then the "daylight" variation. I honestly ended up liking the cheapest bulb (listed above) better than any of them, so took them all back and got these today. As long as the "Ecosmart" LED's don't have quality issues longterm compared to the Cree brand, the "Ecosmart" LED's are an excellent deal. The Cree bulbs are marked "Assembled in the USA", which had me at first, but assembled, really? Perhaps I am wrong and would like to be, but Cree probably does the absolute minimum needed to put that sticker on there. Who knows? I don't. The Cree bulbs are really neat though.   As to all the window talk, I'd love to update our windows. However, I'm just renting, and I really hope we don't stick around long enough to offset the cost of replacing windows.   So far on my list I have potentially:   .25 GPM Faucet Aerator 1.25 GPM Showerhead Caulking and Sealing Possibly Hot Water Heater Insulating Cover Possibly Hot Water Heater Timer
  14. I just ended up purchasing some LED replacements for the main lighting in my house. Home Depot has a packaged deal called "Ecosmart" and has (2) 6w A19 sized bulbs for $15. Assuming that they actually only use 6w and they last anywhere near their 20,000 hour expected life, they will easily pay for themselves. My main concern is that they will either not last even a year or that (due to wiring, dimmers, etc), they will actually draw much more than the 6w they are rated at.   Assuming each light only draws 6w, then:   I can run all 11 of them for 66w vs running one of the previous lights for 65w! Here are these (I purchased 12 of them, but only need 11). http://www.homedepot.com/p/Unbranded-6-Watt-40W-A19-Soft-White-LED-Light-Bulb-2-Pack-ECS-GP19-W27-40WE-FR-120-DG-2PK/204338794?N=bm79Z25egxh   I also purchased 10 (only needed 9) of these smaller bulbs to go in the three light fixtures that take them. Each fixture is centered in the ceiling of three of our rooms. Typically they are a 25w bulb, but these are .6w. However, they are made for "night-lights", and I'm not sure if they put out enough light to even full with. We'll make that decision tonight once it gets dark. The plus side is that I could run all of them (9*.6), and use less energy that one of the 6w LED's listed above. Here they are. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Philips-0-6-Watt-C7-Nightlight-Replacement-LED-Light-Bulb-2-Pack-421818/203343848   Assuming that we use every light replaced in the house for 4 hours a day, it should amount to a savings of $8-$10 a month on the electric bill. Assuming that the LED's last at least 2 years, they'll more than pay for themselves considering the cost of bulb replacement.   I'd say if you are willing, at least go purchase one of those $15 packs and see if you liked them. I'll try and update this thread if they give me any trouble.   I did the bulbs first because they were a piece of cake to replace and some bulbs needed replacing anyway. I have no experience with sealing doors/windows, but I know that there are several areas that there is a considerable air leak that should be filled. Loving the suggestions. Also considering spending the $10 or so it would take to put an even more 1.25 GPM efficient shower head in and a .5 GPM aerator in the bathroom. If I can bring my water usage down by 1 "unit" (roughly 750 gallons), that'll save me roughly $5 a month (after sewer charges). The thing is, sometimes I might go over that unit by 100 gallons and sometimes it may go over by 700. An aerator might do well in cutting usage by 100 gallons a month but won't come near the 700 gallons. So it may be a hit or a miss, and I guess I'll give it a go just to see how it works.   Any more thought?
  15. I don't know what "ridiculously low" means in terms of today's market, but put me down for two receivers dependent upon final price and how close of an FFL will use for the east TN area. Maybe an upper or two dependent on price. Are they generally cheaper than the lower? Will either decline or commit to it in PM once pricing is discussed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - [url="http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1"]now Free[/url]
  16.   They sure did. They always do well and throw in so many extra goodies. This time they threw in their standard drink opener and dillo dust, but also an unexpected Larue Sniper DVD. Thought that was pretty cool. The only think I dislike about it is that if I drop another pants size then I fear I will not be able to wear the belt effectively unless I have my gear on. But I will have lots of room to shrink and still carry! WooHoo!
  17. Alright. Been wearing this belt since I received it this evening. With no doubt, it makes carrying even that much more comfortable. I tried High Noon Holster's Rock Steady (leather) belt, it was pretty good. Spec-Ops's cheap "Better BDU" belt was ok, much to flimsy and worked best when cinched to my quite tightly. The tightness caused it to be quite uncomfortable after a while. Although this belt does take a bit of time to put on, the Ares Ranger is by far the best belt I've ever owned. Would highly recommend. If the buckle seems unneeded or scares you away from purchasing, keep in mind that they have a "lite" version with a more traditional buckle.
  18. Been wearing for about 15 minutes now. One of the first things I have noticed is that compared to my BDU belt, I do not have to tighten the belt as tight in order to conceal well. Long term, this should be much more comfortable. Also, it is indeed very well. Might I also suggest that LaRue is one of the best companies out there? I received more free stuff from them than the last time I ordered from them! Admittedly, the BDU belt was nice and quick, but surely I will get used to the buckling system on this one. It sure looks mean! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - [url="http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1"]now Free[/url]
  19. ??? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  20. I didn't watch the video but just read the article. Just saying, even if cynical about it, he seems to realize that arming yourself against someone that wishes to do you harm is your best bet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  21. I did end up saying "No Reply". The main reason I did not wish to reply was just in case they are up to no good, perhaps they would ignore my number. Now they may add my number to a list of "valid" cell phone numbers and I may receive more calls/texts. In terms of a scam, the best I could see is that if someone took the bait, they would probably make some sort of claims of needing payment for the package to be released. I also dreamt up a scenario by which they "accidentally" sent a verry valuable package to you and will "pay" you money in order to ship it back to them. However the catch may be that you have to pay "FedEx" money in order to receive the package, when in reality you would be paying the scammer. Example: You have to pay FedEx $1000 to receive this very expensive package but we will send you $1500 for your time and troubles. So far I have received no response, but in this day and age no form of scam surprises me anymore. Just the first thoughts that popped into my head. Then again, equal chance it was just a wrong number. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  22. Expecting a package, but it is being tracked via UPS and there is nothing in the text that alludes to it being anything I should plus be expecting. Never hear of them. I have tried Googling the number as well as the names, nothing concrete shows up. Package is being shipped from Mississippi. Probably wrong number, but equally probable it is a phishing scam or the like. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  23. First, let me just state that it is also possible someone just has the wrong number. However, I receive this message this morning:     Tracking number is an actual tracking number that can be tracked on the Fedex website. It shows delivery to Chattanooga, TN. I am unsure whether "Cleveland" is considered part of "Chattanooga, TN" on the Fedex system.   It reads like a scam to me, and to me I believe they could be finding real tracking numbers via the Fedex website (by guessing random numbers until they get one right). Once they find one, the look up area codes for that location, and then start texting random numbers until they get a response. I'd follow up on it, but since it is my phone number I don't want to keep receiving scam offers.   I contacted Fedex about the issue.   Any thoughts or information?


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