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GlockSpock last won the day on July 19

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About GlockSpock

  • Birthday 12/18/1990

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  • Location
    Cleveland, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    G19 w/ Streamlight TLR-7

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Community Answers

  1. @MacGyver I just gotta say…you definitely called it regarding the Magbak Classic. I’d been seeing ads for months about them but your review definitely caused me to give them a try. At first I was concerned that the case itself was too slippery but after reading a bit about it online others had said it gets a bit grippier from use. Sure enough, just two days in and it no longer seems slippery. Excellent case with magnetic strength that surprised even me. It’s night and day different than the Rokform I used to have. I really wish that they made the same thing for iPads.
  2. Four books sold as a set. Books are new. Links take you to Amazon.com to see paperback pricing. Prices add up to about $51.00. I'll sell the bundle for $35.00 shipped. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Never Split the Difference 12 Rules for Life Beyond Order
  3. Those do look nice for a super active lifestyle on motorcycles or bicycles. But for me, "Magsafe" compatibility is a very important feature.
  4. I had one of the Rokform cases with additional magnet that fit in the twistlock mechanism. I generally loved it but didn't entirely love the fact that I lost wireless charging with it. This was for an iPhone XR so it was a while back. I decided to bite the bullet and buy the Magbak today for an iPhone 15. I think I'll end up loving it because it should be everything I loved about the Rokform without anything that I hated about it.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/@MyPixelBus That is a pretty good series to watch.
  6. Yeah, even in Cleveland there are a few of them. On a different note, this is one of my new favorite Reddits: https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/
  7. How does it compare to Rokform, if you've ever tried that? It looks like the Magbak keeps Magsafe compatibility. That's good.
  8. Maybe it was just me, maybe it was a few others along with me, but I always loved the MagPul phone cases and considered them the cream of the crop for drop protections and a "normal" case. Of course there were "better cases" but for "normal use" I absolutely loved them. However, they stopped creating updated models sometime around the iPhone 6 or so. Today, I just so happened to find "EGO TACTICAL". To me, they look 99.9% just like the MagPul cases, so much so that I wonder if either they were manufacturing the cases for MagPul or if MagPul sold the design to them. They are available via Amazon, has anyone tried them? Some reviews on Reddit state that they are identical to the MagPul cases, just a different logo. I'm trying to figure out whether or not to get one right now or upgrade my phone first.
  9. That's why we only need bolt chairs. Once bolted, you cannot move them. End of story, no more racing down the streets or hallways.
  10. This definitely needs addressing. What in the world do you need to sell so many different firearms to fund via a "Beretta 92 project". Methinks we need details.
  11. Well I certainly guess they know what they are doing. It's been 10+ years since I've been there.
  12. Has it always been like that? I didn't think that used to be the case? Did they move buildings?
  13. Disclaimer, they are in Rossville, GA so if you plan on purchasing a handgun there is that additional step. I suspect they should sale long guns as expected.
  14. But I've always wanted one of those HK Rak 78. How much did it cost you?


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