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GlockSpock last won the day on January 24

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About GlockSpock

  • Birthday 12/18/1990

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    Cleveland, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    G19 w/ Streamlight TLR-7

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Community Answers

  1. And a usual disclaimer, obviously the ones where people die or are seriously injured are not funny. Some of these videos could very well be used to show the seriousness of gun safety to others.
  2. If you want them sorted by popularity but aren't super familiar with Reddit, I'll help: https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/top/?t=all
  3. I discovered /r/Idiotswithguns today. There are so many differing reactions for these videos. Some of them are hilarious, most of them infuriating, and some of them outright dumb. Enjoy.
  4. I'll have to setup my lighting gear to take photos of the lens. But this morning I took photos with the lens, which is easy. All photos taken at f/2.0. Beautiful day outside, yall. P.S. You should be able to click or right click and in some form or fashion (depending on device and operating system) view the photos in high resolution.
  5. Is anyone interested in this lens? I'm selling it for $500. I haven't posted photos yet but if someone is interested I can bump that up in priority. It's a great lens and in almost like new shape. The hood shows some wear and the tiniest of a tiny spot on the front element has a small coating irregularity. It takes great photos but it limits my Canon R5 to 6fps so naturally I want to upgrade to the 85mm f/1.4L (I just love the older, "bargain" EF lenses, ironically I don't own a single RF lens). Specs/details/pricing at Amazon.
  6. I have an extra box of these, each one of the packs are individually sealed and currently unused. You should be able to "recharge them" if needed as well. With tax and a coupon they are $47.44 on Amazon.com as shown here. How Does $35.00 shipped sound?
  7. https://distill.io/ I used to use that back in the early 20's when GPU's were impossible to find. It works great for some sites, those that are mostly static in nature. I was mainly watching AMD's site for their GPU's and their page is very simple/static. I don't know what success you'd have with something like Best Buy. What I loved about the service was if you install it on multiple machines you can essentially designate which machine makes the check. Example: I could be at work but my home computer was loading AMD's site every 30 seconds. As soon as it detected a change my browser at work would submit a ding and could even automatically open the page in a new tab (if I recall correctly.
  8. I imagine that you are right, a customer having to answer the questions verbally. Even then, it seems to potentially introduce a level of either error or deniability that would offer...no paper trail.
  9. Found this video to a local shop. They are advertising a "super simple" process, at around 0:10, "Our front desk girls will do the entire background process for you --- There's no more paper forms, and no more stress on your end". Is that completely kosher by the book? I've never seen it done this way.
  10. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8976710/ I watched this movie over the weekend. Nutshell: They are all sextuplets but do not know of each other's existence. The movie is about them coming together and meeting each other for the first time. There is one of the siblings that...eh...is really smart and nerdy and intertwined somehow into intelligence but lacks emotional intelligence. At the end of the movie, one of their siblings is sitting on a beach (connected via FaceTime) and says something that gets a rise out of them. The nerdy sibling says something to the extent of "I have drones in the area, do you want me to hit him with a drone strike?". It just...made me think of you keeping an eye on your Wife remotely and taking out threats she never knows about. Actually, that would make a great movie. International traveling wife that travels for fame and fortune but rich nerdy guy stays home all the time. She never understands or appreciates him at all but come to find out he runs a full intelligence operation out of his basement just to keep her safe. He never tells her and she never notices. Shenanigans ensue.
  11. The really good news is that you can monitor her safety via drone all from the comfort of your basement.
  12. I'd love to sell this thing so if you are interested, let me know.
  13. Their cost makes them pretty nice overall.
  14. I did not know that. Now, the problem is that I want some.
  15. All of your setup is pretty amazing enough. Just wondering when we can tune in to the Links2witchk channel.


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