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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. [ame] [/ame]
  2. The customers like to think they are getting a special buddy deal. If they can talk the dealer down and the dealer gives them an OTD special price, the customer feels good about it - even if the special OTD price is the same as they would have gotten from an OTD tag.
  3. I have Harry's private number in LA. If you will pay his expenses, he might come. Can I put you down for that?
  4. Yeah, but the Army understands this stuff. And they will pay the bucks up front.... You didn't know that? But if you want to shoot the fifty, it should be from the turret in Baghdad. Doesn't sound like you expect any combat experience. Back to square one....
  5. Just have to tell him that the Governor has to get his share too.
  6. Hey, this sounds like a done deal. I've probably organized a couple of dozen Civil War ..... Oops... War of Northern Aggression... reenactments. Y'all don't mind a bunch of drunk guys running around with .577 muskets do ya'? Some will be in Gray and some in Blue.
  7. I wonder after reading a scientific report on PTSD earlier today. That's very imaginatively patriotic. If you had actually done that before going to law school, you could have explained to your fellow students and professors why they are full of ****. Let me know when you enlist. I have a gift I send to military guys as they deploy.
  8. Gun lube or....well never mind.
  9. That's my understanding too.
  10. Well, the My Lais were an infinitesimal percentage of what happened in Vietnam. And even that event had a reason. But people never in uniform probably have never researched it enough to understand the situation. The problem is that if you do not have combat experience, you are unlikely to be able to interpret properly the events reported. It's like the anti-gunners imagining blood in the streets if we let common people carry a gun. But it never happens. Reports from the battlefield have the non-combat folks imagining all sorts of horrors. There are horrors, but they are not the ones the public imagines from the anti-war liberal "reporters." BTW, My last combat wound was actually in Cambodia. Come over and I'll show it to you. I'll even let you kiss it. It was a Forrest Gump wound.
  11. I never liked the draft, although I was un-draftable for at least three reasons. The draft was unfair to a lot of folks. So naturally I volunteered when asked to do so.... But I do favor universal military service. It would probably eliminate 80% of the whining liberals and 90% of the anti-gunners.
  12. If I organize it, it's gonna be no farther west than Knoxville and will be located next to water and a place to shoot. I'm thinking of a guy who has a great farm in the county near Rogersville on the Holston River. Camping only, but Rogersville has lots of places for Ramada Rangers. And yes, there will be dancing girls and FA will be allowed. Hell, I might sell tickets to the public.
  13. Hey, I served and got wounded in Vietnam twice and I volunteered. You are 23 years old and obviously don't know a ******* thing about war. The vast majority of Vietnam vets faithfully served their country and don't deserve crap from effete know-it-all snobs like you. All you know about it is how to run your mouth.
  14. We finally ended up with .94" of rain yesterday, by my gauge. But no thunder. We are having a few very light showers here now. Guess I'll have to settle for it. Time for a quick cigar.
  15. Maybe they are all Libertarians.
  16. Marswolf

    I'm sorry.

    Ooooo, lots of fun.
  17. Not missing, just won't play as a redirect. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkyAsbuXrLk"
  18. Mods don't get to state their opinion too? Sharon B. Pollard vs. E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS, INC Bricco is a dingbat.
  19. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkyAsbuXrLk[/ame] "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkyAsbuXrLk"
  20. Love it.
  21. What's a good time when you are high on funds and I am low on funds? I think there is something to say for that last line. Yeah the idea of the wine is to break down the connective tissue over time.
  22. Love it. Should have said that on our second anniversary....
  23. We can do dat. Ain't gonna stink are you?
  24. It would help if you want to make a point to post in a standard script rather than obnoxious weird stuff. You want to make a point or an affectation? Of course I can correct that that, if you like.
  25. I guess my construct is that crappy wine is crappy wine and not good for much of anything. But semi-crappy wine is OK for cooking beef, which is gonna taste crappy anyway.


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