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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. No offense, but.... McCain could be stronger (a lot stronger like Dubya could be) on 2A, but I actually like him. Have for years. I get a little sick of the McCain bashing because he has some sense instead of being like some sort of mindless right-wing religion nut job and he has actually been there and understands America. He and I disagree on some issues, but he has some sense, unlike most of the other Republican contenders for the Presidential position. Frankly, I wouldn't vote for Palin for President right now. She's comes across as too much of a religious fruitcake, at least as she portrays herself. I'm not sure that is an honest portrayal, but that is what she says. McCain is a good man in of himself. Patriot, hero, sensible man. I'm tired of hearing how he is somehow not worthy because he isn't a zealot.
  2. Well, I have to give her credit. I didn't notice her having any problems. Actually, I was thinking the other way. The teleprompters are so far to the right and left that most speakers look pretty dorky reading at weird angles to the front camera. I have wondered why they put them so far away from the camera angle. I thought she was doing a fantastic job of addressing the audience. I guess she was....
  3. http://www.cybergrass.com//modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=5287
  4. Boy, that's the truth!
  5. I hope you are right. But Alaska is Alaska. They have a reverse tax that actually pays you every year from oil money for being a resident. No other state does that. That's why one of my Army buddies kept his Alaska residency after leaving Anchorage. They have an automatic revenue stream that isn't tied to the economy, as in other states. No one is going to stop buying liquor or gasoline.
  6. There is a lot of technical talk going on about Chrome and spying on you. I was able to easily kill GoogleUpdate.exe. Just disable it in your startup files and delete the entries in the scheduler. I had done this before when I reinstalled Google Earth. I also eliminated it from the process table using The Ultimate Troubleshooter. TUT is not free unless you steal it, but I highly recommend it, BTW. I had my system set up with CCleaner to erase the Google.com cookie when I re-booted. But I added CookieSafe to Firefox to prevent Google from adding its cookie to my computer at all. It isn't needed to use the search engine and eliminates a source of spying. BTW, if you use CookieSafe, you will have to manually add Google.com to your "exceptions". I'm afraid Chrome will be permanently crippled to prevent your ability to not be targeted for ads. The inability to kill Javascript or the Google cookies, even in incognito mode means that you will be tracked. In short, it's pretty useless unless you want Big Brother looking over your shoulder. Back to Firefox.
  7. The more I get into the Bridge to Nowhere thing, the more interesting it becomes. While the bridge was to connect Ketchikan with the 50 people or so on Gravina Island, no one ever mentions that there is something else on that island - Ketchikan's airport. Isn't that "somewhere"? Check http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/09/22/alaska.bridge.ap/ She was probably right that the bridge was too expensive, after the federal earmarks (our tax dollars) were pulled. Ferries still work and their upkeep is probably a lot less than the $398 million the bridge would have cost. But Palin didn't say "thanks, but no thanks", to the bridge funding as she asserts. With exposure, Congress pulled the plug on any more earmarks for the project. The rest of the money would have come from state coffers and she wouldn't go along with that. She flip-flopped on the project after additional federal funding was pulled. I see no evidence that she opposed earmarks, but just had a change in heart after it became politically advantageous. I hope this choice for VP doesn't blow up on the Republicans. Right now, we have the bridge thing, hiring lobbyists to get earmarks while mayor, the Highway Patrol brother-in law thing, threatening to fire the city librarian for not pulling "offensive" books, her wanting to teach Creation "Science" in schools, and I'm sure some more stuff I'm not recalling at the moment. I wonder what else they will dig up? Of course the VP does pretty much nothing of importance, so who is chosen doesn't really matter except for hopefully getting some more votes. I just hope Palin continues as a positive influence in vote getting. But you can bet that Biden will use this against her in debates trying to portray her as a hypocritical religious zealot. I'm not sure that zingers will work there.
  8. I doubt the church will buy them beer or smokes.
  9. Rudy gave an entertaining speech. I did notice when he was zinging Obama about the God and guns comment that Rudy mentioned people clinging to their God, but didn't mention guns.
  10. It was a fun speech, but there were far too many zingers and not a lot else. She mentioned that "bridge to nowhere" thing again. I don't think I would do that. She stopped the project but kept the earmarked funds. That didn't help my tax burden. http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandidateFeed7/idUSN3125537020080901 She's going to have to do more than a comedy act and instead talk issues. I wasn't impressed.
  11. I said "of a religious nature" not of a Christian nature. See my examples in post #1: Ghost Riders in the Sky Long Black Train The Brothers Four : The Waves Roll In Great moral and religious music without one word of Jesus or being saved. Basically, all of the songs I listed are telling you to be a good person - or else.
  12. I'd say that the realistic definition of that phrase is that the business owner says it is OK to carry the gun.
  13. Sounds like CBL is doing everything wrong. Not adding enough real security to fix their crime problem and also insisting that people not be able to protect themselves.
  14. This what you are looking for? Took me two clicks to find it through Google Finance. CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. CBL Center, Suite 500 2030 Hamilton Place Boulevard Chattanooga, TN 37421-6000 423.855.0001 800.333.7310 info@cblproperties.com
  15. Yeah, I saw that this morning. You still have to be an idiot and click on something you don't understand to infect your machine. Sounds like this should be easy to fix. And this is a beta. I've already uninstalled Chrome. It doesn't have the features I want yet and may never have them.
  16. Actually, I have a similar problem. I have a laptop that has died. But I replaced the HD not too long ago and filled up the 60 gig drive (I think it is 60 Gig) with all sorts of stuff. Wouldn't mind giving it to someone, but not with recoverable data on it. I have the erasure disc, just no way to run it.
  17. ...and when something gets messed up millions of users will be out of luck until it is fixed. And you will still have to pay for a license. I'm trying SlimSearch. Looks like it might be handy.
  18. That's because he uses a H&K.
  19. And NoScript, and PDF Download, and AI Roboform.
  20. And see!!!!! Jesus keeps his finger on the trigger.
  21. Those Hogue sleeves do add size to the grip and sometimes make it harder (and thus slower) to draw the gun.
  22. The Incognito mode is nice, but there are plenty of sandbox applications out there. I didn't care for Sandboxie though and I'm just guessing that Chrome did what it says it will do. Chrome is a bit faster than Firefox 3.1beta and significantly faster than FF 3.0. But the difference isn't really huge, as it is with IE7. See http://community.zdnet.co.uk/blog/0,1000000567,10009139o-2000331777b,00.htm. I miss the ad killing add-ons in FF. I doubt they will ever show up on an approved list of Chrome add-ons. There are some good features here. Maybe FF will add them in a version down the line. For now, I've tested enough and it's back to FF. BTW, if you want the standalone Google Chrome setup, it can be downloaded at http://gpdl.google.com/chrome/install/149.27/chrome_installer.exe rather than having to install while online. BTW #2: Chrome installs a Google updater task in Scheduled Tasks that will check every 10 minutes when your computer is idle. I killed that.
  23. It really depends on how sensitive the info on the drive is. If it's still workable and installed, you need a bootable eraser disk. The ones you run under Windows will not fully work. But they will probably keep spouses and local cops away from the data. If it's out of the computer, I'd drill some holes through it, disassemble it, and scatter the parts in woods in three states.
  24. And they don't get slippery just as they come from the factory.
  25. If you think I'm going to watch another P. Diddy video, you are crazier than he is.


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