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Yep. 1/3 of 1/2 cup. That's........1/6 cup or 1/12 pound or ......errr....never mind. It's correct in my database. I started getting my recipes into a computer readable database years ago, but a lot of programs can only read their own databases. AccuChef (what I use) can read about any recipe database. Import from ASCII is easy too. Unfortunately export is sometimes problematical. BTW, like a lot of warriors, I love to cook. I'd make someone a great wife.
I wish I had a good answer. By all means take some basic classes if you can, like the NRA training in the home and outside the home classes. That should give you confidence in your abilities and some basics. I'm very skeptical of the advanced "operator" type classes. Take them for fun if you like but the hokum is pretty thick on some of the classes. But many of us here can recommend trainers for serious advance classes if that is what you want. Of course military service is great. Nothing helps situational awareness like actually being somewhere people are actually trying to kill you. But if you don't have that experience, consider that you are in that situation in some parts of major cities. Practice to make shots at close range, probably 5 to 12 feet, and try to get the mindset to protect yourself and those with you by actually pulling the trigger. As VK says, keep learning. Talk to people who have been there. Pick their brain. Learn to ignore the pretenders (lots of those) who will tell you anything they imagine. Some of the best lessons I have had came about on a practice range, sometimes with experienced people I was training for another job. I taught them; they taught me. So try to find people to practice with who are better than you and have experience other than just shooting at paper. That's not hard. Just ask around at gun shops. Tell them you want to do some shooting with people who wouldn't mind helping you get better. You might meet some great new friends as well as learn something.
what is on your adult beverage menu for the evening?
Marswolf replied to Mike.357's topic in General Chat
Well, I'm trying Coor's Light in the 2008 Commemorative NASCAR 5L Race Can mini-keg. I haven't had Coor's Light in some time and I'm pretty unimpressed. Weak flavor and insipid body. Guess I'm more into stouts these days. More importantly, the beer seems to have a metallic taste. Not pleasant at all. Bet I drink it all though. The Heineken 5 Ltr Keg is much better and the dispensing manner is much more better too. -
It's about 350 calories for all four servings before you add the fruit and it's sweetener. Gooooood stuff.
First of all, I don't care what he paints on his plane. If he doesn't have the kahoneys to actually fight for the country, I'd just as soon he not use the flag. I pretty much agree with you Tower. Apparently the "one drop rule" is alive and well among those who think they can get some positive mileage out of it. If he was just another young white guy he would be properly ignored. He has no experience, only the arrogance of inexperience to think he actually understands issues. Notice how many positions he has changed lately? Verbal, black ops is reserved for matters of importance. Guys, be careful what you say on an open board. The Feds have no sense of humor. Don't threaten those they protect, even jokingly.
Cuckoo's Nest was tolerable thanks to the great supporting cast. His standard acting job is being himself - weird and annoying. I have a copy of Little Shop of Horrors around here somewhere. He played that first role as he has played all of his parts since.
I was asked to volunteer. I was actually draft-proof at the time. I was a little skinny thing back then 7 pounds under the minimum weight to be drafted plus I had all sorts of deferments. But I had certain specific electronic and munitions skills, so they asked me to go. Long story. Teddy lucked out. The moon landing pushed his story back a few pages. He half-heatedly offered to resign and everyone forgot about him.
We missed another anniversary from just before the moon landing. July 19, 1969. The name "Chappaquiddick" ring a bell?
We never have worked out lunch....
Moon landing? I was at a forward assault base in Vietnam at the time. I wonder why no one ever references those 100mpg patents? You can search online these days. But if we had done something during the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973, we would have been energy independent 25 years ago.
Good video bkelm18. I hadn't heard that one. BTW, to answer the question, an Australian friend turned me on to the Beccy Cole song.
Higher ticket prices. That's another reason I don't go to a lot of movies. How much was popcorn? $50 a bucket?
East Tn TGO Members JULY 26, 2008 Meet
Marswolf replied to Marswolf's topic in Events and Gatherings
Mike, I think I'll wimp out on the camping. My mother is having a few more problems and I had better stay a bit closer to the land line. Maybe I can drop by for a while. -
Happy to share it. This is one of my favorite deserts. I made one from apples on Friday. I like it plain, but a lot of folks prefer it with a scoop of ice cream on top. It can be reheated, but is best when it first comes out of the oven. Basically, it's a cobbler without all of the hassle. Simple and delicious. Only trick is getting the dough to cook but not overcook. I always put a spoon or knife into the center. If the batter is still runny, give it another five minutes until it is done. After a time or two, you can tell by thumping on the crust. I'm making it sound like more difficult than it is. But times do vary depending on how much liquid is in the fruit mixture. Title: Mountain Pie Categories: Dessert Yield: 4 Servings 1/3 Butter Or Margarine 1 c Flour 1/2 t Salt 1 c Sugar 1 t Baking Powder 3/4 c Milk 2 c Sweetened Fruit With Juice [Note: Delicious with either peaches or blackberries. Other fruit works fine too.] Preheat oven to 350 degres. Melt butter in 2 quart baking dish. In separate bowl, mix flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, and milk. Pour on top of melted butter. DO NOT STIR! Add sweetened fruit on top of batter. DO NOT STIR! Recipe will make its own top crust as it cooks. Cook uncovered 45-60+ minutes. Pie is ready when the top is brown and it had a firm (not hard) texture. Note: I use 1/2 cup sugar in peaches and 3/4 cup sugar in blackberries and let it sit for a few minutes to draw out the juice
I agree. He is a major reason I've never seen the first Batman movie.
I've got lots of bushes and they bloomed great earlier this year. Then the faucet got turned off and there are very few berries in our area. Second year in a row. Sucks man. You got the recipe of Mountain Pie? That's primarily what I make with blackberries.
If you haven't seen this video, you should see it. It's Poster Girl by Beccy Cole, an Australian artist who supports the war. She received a letter from one of her fans saying they were taking her poster off of their wall because of her support. This is her answer. Sends chills up my spine. BTW a "digger" is an Australian soldier. [ame] [/ame]
You ever hear about parents who see that their child has a black stool and think they have internal bleeding? Feeding your kid Oreos does that.
I weed eated the pets grave markers. Two minutes of work. To reward myself, I ate four more brownies.
Just goes to show how futile it is to try to keep the drugs out. The drug lords can afford those things because our laws keep the price of the crap so high.
I liked Gettysburg better - except for that suck-ass performance by Martin Sheen as Lee. That was truly awful. BTW, for all of you movie freaks, go download Movienizer. It is a totally free movie cataloger and database. It downloads info about the movies, actors, etc from the Internet. By far the best application of its kind I've seen - free or paid. Most of the movies I see I get from the $1 overnight racks at the rental store.
Well, the weather is nice, so I plan to move the junk in front of my storage building to the newly cleared rear of the storage building and mow the grass where the junk was - about 10 square feet. Then I plan to come in, watch TV, play with the dogs, eat brownies and cookies and have something to drink. Taco salad sounds good for supper. Sounds like a good plan for a weekend.
Well, I have a bit of tummy bulge, but since you only input height and weight, it doesn't take into account the muscle to fat ratio and muscle weighs more. My problem isn't so much weight as that my chest is now in my stomach. Anyway, it's a good reminder to cut back on the candy bars and all of that olive oil I put into everything. Excuse me, I have to go make a double batch of brownies.... And Phil Fulmer adds up to enough fat for the whole team.
Or they are able to keep their prices high. Depends on how you look at it.
FYI... Krav Maga classes now available in Nashville
Marswolf replied to TGO David's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Most people don't have enough mind to matter.