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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. So I went out today and got home in time for the afternoon thunderstorm. About the time the storm started, I dragged the cheapo plastic table and one of the chairs under the porch roof. Since I was wearing camo shorts and a beautiful OD green patriotic T-shirt, I wasn't too worried about the grungy green chair staining my clothing. The Beagle was happy to stay with me in the storm. Hey...he's a beagle. The Chihuahusund was OK with it as long as he could be in my lap. The Poodle was happy under my computer. He's the puppy mill "Bichon" breeder that had to stay out in all sorts of weather. He hates lightening and thunder. I hope someone shoots that "AKC Breeder." I hope it's me. Anyway, I grabbed a Black & Tan and a cheap cigar, along with a family heirloom silver and crystal ashtray, and went out to enjoy the weather. There is something really nice about monsoon weather under a canopy with beer and cigar. A couple of dogs is a nice complement. Am I the only one who enjoys nasty weather and thoughts of vigilantism? Gee, I may go out for another smoke and beer.... Life can be so good.
  2. I have a friend who has one. But I've never heard a report or have shot it myself. I know the guy who makes the Thunder-Five. Never shot that one either. Seems like a goofy idea to me.
  3. Apparently, I don't. I demand my 1:02 back!
  4. Since it's on your C: drive, you will have to upload to the TGO server. Personally, I prefer to upload to Flickr or another service to avoid the idiotic TGO banner.
  5. While I'm not a big fan of HOT!!! foods, I probably have a couple of pounds of Cayenne in the refrigerator. Stuff like that happens when you buy at Indian (East-Indian) groceries. I'm more into subtlety. Did I mention I have three (!) pots of Basil growing on the front porch along with the thyme, dill, marjoram, mint and opium....err...I mean poppies?
  6. Marswolf

    New Mag release

    Actually, plastic guide rods seem to work fine - for a while. Hey, gotta' keep that cost down to $50.
  7. "Stainless" steel by definition just has a higher chromium content. There are better and worse stainless steels. Some of the "best" stainless steels may not have the best properties for an object that requires a lot of stress.and steel makers make stainless for a lot of markets. I know a lot about steel. Worked with properties of industrial steel alloys for a long time. That's one reason I'm not big on Stainless for guns.
  8. Marswolf

    New Mag release

    I'm glad you like it. I'm happy for you. Hate to rain on your parade, but that sounds really high in cost (why should 5 cents of plastic cost that much?) and I had one for my G23 that I hated because it was in the way. Might I suggest the convenient ambidextrous safety on the H&K USP, or about any other other H&K that was designed properly by the factory and so doesn't need replacement? Yes, I know I'm being a prick, but I can't help myself in the face of Glock Perfection.
  9. I don't know about gun deals, but everything else about West-Tennessee sucks.
  10. Thank God some of us remember what is supposed to be about.
  11. Some states do allow carry in bars and it hasn't been a problem. If we need to get PC and not allow bar carry, then that's fine. But it is a fix to a problem that doesn't exist. We just need to allow carry.
  12. I'm still into Grand National and Sportsman racing.
  13. Thank the gods that someone finally posted a recipe. You folks know I'm very domestic, at least as long as beer might be involved with it. Any more recipes?
  14. I built an M16 upper receiver for my AR without any instructions many years ago. It really isn't difficult to do. Just take your time and you will figure it out. It requires few (no?) special tools. And there is a pride of being able to do the work and understanding how and why stuff is as it is.
  15. While I'm not generally a fan of stainless guns for metallurgical as well as tactical and aesthetic reasons, I'd hang on to any 92 series Beretta. I've had a 92SB for more than 20 years and still use it in the field. The 92 is one of the great guns of all time.
  16. I'll close this one down. Just use the other thread.
  17. I've used Slide-Glide too. I've come to view it an mostly an intermediate step. First clean, then Slide-Glide, then lubricate with oils and grease if not used in a couple of days. But Slide-Glide is really good if you plan to swim with your handgun.
  18. Sure do! brake cleaner is great for the gas tube. And grease is good for general lube. See my desert comments above for an exception.
  19. I can't get used to the idea that a bad load would blow up the chamber under my face rather than in front of it.
  20. Policies normally pay for suicide after two years of coverage. I imagine they will pay for execution as long as the policy remains paid. I don't know for sure, but I can't recall a clause excluding payment in that situation.
  21. I have to agree that different lubes work best for different guns and conditions. Frequently that means grease as well as oil. There are certainly some gimmick "super lubes" out there, but generally the tried and true lubricants specifically formulated for guns are the safest and best way to go. Special conditions, like desert sand and dust situations may call for something a bit different. But I can't think of any situation where something sticky and gooey would be the best choice. You might get away with it, but other choices are better IMHO.
  22. Wish we would do that - at least on the murder thing. I might throw in treason and pedophilia.
  23. [ame] [/ame]Personally, I don't see the big deal about it.
  24. Absolutely correct. Still, I don't let WD-40 anywhere near my guns. It cruds up stuff after a while. If you need a penetrating oil, use Kroil or CRC-556 then re-lube with a decent gun oil.
  25. Who you calling an oxymoron?


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