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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. Microwave is working fine after I shorted across the fuse. Oven temperature sensor is out ($200) Toaster oven died and the replacement had to be taken back because the temperature was 50 degrees off. Have a nice day....
  2. Yeah, my body parts closest to the Black Hole (are we talking about Obama again?) getting ripped from my body would probably be upsetting, but only for a nanosecond.
  3. Damn it all. I hoped he would go down with the island....
  4. Just watch for the light bending toward the border of France. Be quick about it.
  5. Actually, I like Berettas for those locations.
  6. I thought about the TP shortage too. The one I loved was the "salt shortage" rumor. Morton said they could only hope for that. They said they had one salt mine in Alabama that could supply the US for at least 400 years. I can remember back in 1973 when there actually, sorta, was a gasoline shortage, thanks to the Arab Oil Embargo. (Pesky Arabs as usual) Gasoline went to a dollar a gallon (from about 37 cents) and gasoline was rationed and you could only buy on alternate days dependent on whether the last number on your tag was odd or even. Really, there was plenty of gasoline as long as people didn't stop at each station to top off the tank. Much of the gasoline is refined at Texas City, just inland from Galveston Island. They will be back up refining in about a week and gasoline prices will really fall as everyone burns their expensive gasoline from their tank. Winds from this storm are not that horrible. That's what harms the drilling platforms. It's the diameter of Ike that will drive storm surges and kill Galveston Island because it is only 7 feet above sea level. Right now, Ike is 175 miles from Galveston and at 105 MPH winds. Not a big deal for oil platforms in the Gulf, but a real problem for low-lying areas on the coast in a shallow coastal plain.
  7. What a way to go!!!!! It would better than Obama getting elected. BTW, did you know that 80% of the French people favor Obama? Yeah, there was a short discussion during WWII about whether the A-bomb would ignite the atmosphere. Fools are born every minute - and some of them become "scientists" somehow.
  8. Yeah, lets put the gasoline comments in the other topic, since it is longer. I'll also change the title on the other topic. It would be very helpful if the topic title explained what you are posting about. This one does that; the other doesn't.
  9. Yeah, things are crazy around here. I had to run to Bristol and prices were $3.87 per gallon at Wally-World (LONG LINES) to over $4.00 at Shell stations. The storm isn't the problem. Oil companies plan for storms. As I understand it, the three major gasoline pipelines are still operating at full capacity. There is no shortage of fuel except for people filling their tanks because they think there is a shortage. But that means there is no reason for the distributors to raise their prices.... They are just asking for government regulation.
  10. I'll have to see the new design. I just hope those aren't slide grooves from a Glock in the background. We did a change over at another board and it became very artsy and horrible to read. Fortunately, there was the option for individual members to go back to the old board design.
  11. I figured you would. Be sure to get one of these too.
  12. I agree, but think it had a point - that nothing happened. I'm suggesting that the jury is still out on that one. When someone comes into an establishment with a gun on their side and curses the employees, there probably is a great deal that is happening behind the scenes. It may not be obvious yet, but it is almost certainly happening. I've served on boards, public and private. Boards always have a good conduit to lawmakers and lawmakers do listen. A number of guys here think it is OK to push the limits because they are "legal". How about being "smart" instead? Legal can change in an eye blink. I'm for smart carry. Enough of this sort of nonsense and legal will change. You can count on it. We've gone through the wisdom, or lack of it, for OC before, I have nothing to add. But being angry and cursing private employees while OCing is not good for any of us. I'll leave it at that except to say that if OCers continue to piss into the wind, all of us will eventually get wet and only get to legally CC. As I said, you can count on it.
  13. Folks, you are going to keep rationalizing reasons to OC until the state changes the law back to concealed carry only. The reason for the change from CC only to OC allowed was to prevent permit carriers from getting into trouble with LE that didn't like citizen carry. The idea was to keep us out of legal trouble if we inadvertently flashed our handgun. Laws can change, and I'm betting that the way some people are acting, that first, legal no carry signs will go up and then the law will change back to CC only. Incidents around here with legal carriers are why just about all banks now have either legally binding no carry signs or the non-binding Ghostbusters one. We are going backward on carry issues and the reason is permit holders who just don't use any common sense.
  14. Those days departed with the 15 minute national newscast. Yes, they used to do that. They had a half hour of news. First 15 minutes was local news and weather and the next 15 minutes was national news. That was completely adequate to let you know what you needed to know. My local news (5 - 6:30) last evening was almost all a live broadcast of an Obama town hall meeting up in Lebanon, Virginia. No, I didn't watch.
  15. And we actually let folks like that walk among us.
  16. This is mostly accurate but is old news (is there such a thing?) and combines a couple of events. Always check Snopes, even when an email says they have verified something. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/australia.asp
  17. Hope you are right. But if people start coming in with a gun and cursing the employees, I'm betting that a legal no guns sign goes up.
  18. Great zinger, but the general populace probably won't see it.
  19. That sounds like a reasonable question. Just because I don't have my "favorite" cover shirt available doesn't mean I have to go OC. This whole scenario just doesn't make an sense. BTES, ECU, open carry? Hmmm....
  20. That sucks for everyone. Guess we will just have to shoot them.
  21. Well, obviously the gods are against me. My oven's fancy digital temperature sensor died and my toaster oven controls started smoking. Guess I'm down to microwave, gas grill and stove top until I get to the appliance repair store. Guess I can build a fire in the ashtray next or cook over a butane lighter. I've started updating my pasta recipes.... Can you survive on cigars and beer?
  22. Boy, this topic has drifted a bit. But it's coming back toward its roots - at least a little.
  23. I think I'm moving to NO to await a storm.
  24. As far as I know, county detectives are not authorized to carry at all times. It depends on the county, but retired detectives are authorized, with permit. Frankly, I'd doubt it. Liability would suggest that all Ex-LE or not on duty are not covered.
  25. I have a nice geezer patrol at the Bristol mall. $1 per day. All the coffee you want. Contact me for details.


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