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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. I understand the reasoning, but it puts us at the very lowest do-gooder denominator. I always have mixed feelings about this stuff. I don't see any reason for every word to be a cuss word, but I don't find the normal level of "man talk" to be upsetting either. Just don't turn us into a girly-board. I think you will find those "Christian" ISPs also filter on terms like "sh*t" (including the asterisk). Had to remove one of those Christian do-gooder filters from a friend's computer. His wife is deep-end religion (it would be "was" if it was me) and didn't want herself or her husband tempted by real life. She refused to remove it for him so he could read his gun boards. I showed him how to circumvent the filters and make sure they were reinstalled when he quit. BTW, if I can do it, kids can do it. Filter software is useless without parental observation, and if you have proper observation of your kid's computer, you don't need the filter. All of this reminds me that I need to check the library and see what urls it is blocking. BTW, the filtering software on those library computers must be turned off if you are an adult and request it. You probably didn't know that.
  2. Interesting stuff.
  3. In a real sense, I agree with Williams desire to be an independent. That's how all of the legislators should vote. Look at the issues and talk to your local people to see how they feel about it. But you might have to point out why the popular view isn't the best because of unintended consequences. That's what legislators should be doing. Saints, I agree about term limits. That's the only way to get the rotation to prevent corrupt dynasties. Unfortunately you have to get such ideas past the corrupt dynasties to change it.
  4. Thanks for the clarification Progun. How old is Mr. Tune?
  5. I don't mind a serious discussion of where the country has been and where it is headed. Scholarly disagreement is desirable and healthy for the nation. I do object to giving spoiled brats air or column time for what is not an intelligent examination. Just because you can shout loudly, doesn't mean that the media should cover your tantrum.
  6. I despise word censoring software. It's always seemed pretty juvenile to me. Like we don't know what the words are. They have it turned off of my account at the other board. But I don't go out of my way to "shock" people. I guess what bothers me is the political correctness. Oh, you cant say that nasty word. My thought is that if gets too crazy, you warn someone. If they keep going, you ban them. But it's not my board.
  7. Hey, I like the music.... What I don't like is that sometimes it won't let you use the work "cock", as in cock the gun. That needs to be fixed.
  8. Let me be kinda' seeming-sorta partially serious for a minute.... The 45ACP was a good round for WWII and Korea. You've probably seen me post about the M1911 being good for commies coming over the berm. That was exactly what was needed in Korea and WWII (substitute Nazis for commies). Mass frontal attacks against fortified positions require killing up close and personal. The 45 is great for that. I might add that it is appropriate for what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. You need to stop people who are right on top of you, who these days may be on drugs. Vietnam (my war) was different. Have I told you how old I am? The firing distance there tended to be a bit farther out. The M1911 didn't work out as well there and that was one reason we went to 9mm in the 80s. I trained at Fort Bragg under a legendary Sgt named Marcovich. He was the local equivalent of Sgt. Plumley of We Were Soldiers fame. He'd been through three tours in Nam and his job was to teach us to stay alive. His job was also to cut the ones who couldn't survive from those of us who would. Our training class started with 20 men and finished with six. It was on his recommendation that I did not carry a 1911 in Vietnam. It was the wrong tool for that war and that was weight that could be used for more M16 ammo. I followed his advice, and on one patrol I needed that extra ammunition.
  9. We've done this Glock thing to death. It's like 45ACP vs. 9mm. I don't think we'll ever see good stats. I don't think they can be gathered. But ask around at your gun club and see which guns seem to have the problem. Don't ignore reality because you can't quantify it. I contend that some guns are inherently more dangerous than others. IDs / ADs are caused by operator error. But some guns make that action more likely to occur.
  10. You know what they say about opinions. Rifleman, I agree with you that people who run successful training businesses are almost always Type A personalities. The combination of impatience, insecurity, need to be noticed, high level of competitiveness, hostility and aggression that characterizes Type A people often makes them good businessmen. They stir people to action, sometimes wisely and sometimes not so wisely. That depends on other aspects of business judgment as well as their aggression. Being aggressive doesn't necessarily mean being successful in business, but it is a necessary component of business success. The people I deal with have top of the line training. That's a given. Of necessity, I look at peoples' actions in the field from the perspective of required results. I deal with people in combat situations. They are all experienced combat-proven individuals, as well as being superbly trained. What I look for is aggressiveness but not impulsiveness. Pure type A people do not, make top soldiers (or LEOs). The very best combatants are a complex mixture of aggression to act plus the patience to analyze the situation before them before acting. As combatants, type A people make great cannon fodder, but type AB people are the ones you want in a leadership role. They figure out what needs to be done - very quickly - then kick into their active mode and get the job done.
  11. I've always said that the 1911 was an excellent handgun - for World War I.
  12. Yeah it can get worse. My Five-seveN was about 40 cents per round.
  13. Some of you may have seen Grayfox post. He's a retired police chief and carried a revolver. Still does on occasion and likes it. But he also carries pistols. Good blend of tradition and keeping up with technology. I don't think I'd go to a course taught by someone who just thinks pistols are a bad idea for self protection. And I would pick and choose my instructors if given a chance. If I'm footing the bill, I will have that chance. No spin the wheel of instructors for me. While it may be true that even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, I'd rather pick my squirrel training officer to be more than just lucky in teaching me what to do.
  14. They have had a couple of gun related shows over there and they do shooting at the shows.
  15. I live 4 miles from the track as the crow flies. That's a three hour drive when the race is over. I have a couple of ridges between me and the raceway. If I step out on my front porch, I can hear the cars then they are racing. No way I'd get in that mob to see a race. Last one I actually went to was in the late 60s. I watch on TV.
  16. Sounds like The Jetsons to me.
  17. I partially agree with you. People get shot by their own guns because they were doing something stupid. But some guns make it easier to do stupid stuff than others. I think I'm pretty objective about this. This isn't some "my gun is best because that's what I have" thing. Glocks seem to have a safety problem that other guns don't have. I don't understand all the denial and defensiveness about that. Back to Buford, I'm disappointed in him. Sounds like he has made up his mind and no amount of reason is going to change it.
  18. Phantom, I'm beginning to think you know what you are doing. :up:
  19. I normally figure about 14 inches as a rule-of-thumb.
  20. Yeah, the 17HMR doesn't really take the place of a 22lr. the 17 is more of a varmint gun rather than a general shooting fun gun. Ammo prices could eat you alive for plinking.
  21. I like it. Talked to Tungsten for a couple of minutes last night.
  22. Suit yourself, but for most people I think an XD is a better choice if you just insist on a "Glock-like" gun. Of course you don't get the Glock pseudo-status. We gotta do lunch when you get back.
  23. Well, that isn't good. He knew you were coming to see him personally? Have to give him a big demerit for that. Sounds like Buford is old school. Wheel guns have their place. I think Hancock County still uses them. Some of my older LE friends used them and still use them after retirement. Up until guns like the Kel-Tec P-3AT came out, I used to recommend "hammerless" wheel guns for pocket book use. These days, with the smaller and safe pistols, I don't recommend keeping the carry gun in the purse at all but the little guns do work better in a pocket book too, if desired. As I keep preaching, you need to check people out before signing up. We only got half the story on Buford before your visit. Thanks for the report!
  24. Yeah, I do but only to get better accuracy, not to save money. I'm not rich or something, but I have more spare cash to buy rounds than time to save a few pennies. I only load 308 for my Remington 700 VS. I'd start with the Lee Anniversary kit. You can pick it up for around $100 and get started. Later you can add goodies like electronic powder scales and stuff.


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