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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. As written now, I agree that it does not apply to handguns, but the feeling of the legislators seems to be that this was an oversight. Bristol recently decided they did not have to post in their city parks based on legal advice they have received from the state. I don't know who would win in court. I think we need to propose legislation to specifically permit concealed carry in city, county and state parks then go to Nashville with a bunch of people who have been accosted in parks. A few women telling how they had to fight off rapists in parks would probably help our cause quite a bit.
  2. This is some Italian judge who doesn't like us. Totally dippy. Make Italy look like fools. We do kinda like our airbase at Aviano. Too bad it didn't also kill that anti-American "journalist" who was being rescued.
  3. Marswolf

    I've had it!!!

    I might add that Firefox does a good job at importing bookmarks and stuff from IE. It's a painless transition. Only thing I miss from IE7 is a keyboard shortcut to close all tabs except the current one. Opera has email too, but I'm still using Eudora. I'll use it until the freebie open source Eudora comes out. My wife uses Thunderbird and likes it.
  4. Marswolf

    I've had it!!!

    I looked at Opera. It's a bit weird. Some people seem to love it though. I ended up with Firefox and have used it for about three months. I'm happy with it. You will still need IE on your computer to do Windoze updates. Actually the best thing I've done is get rid of all Symantec / Norton products. Speed things up about a zillion times. I recommend the freebie Comodo firewall and Avast! antivirus (also free). I recommend them not because they are totally free, but because they passed all sorts of firewall and virus tests I threw at them that other pay products failed on. Very highly recommended!
  5. I keep pepper spray in the car, but not on me. Something to grab in case the situation looks like it might warrant something less than a handgun. For a pit bull, I'd use the gun.
  6. Local sporting goods places that supply ball teams have plain ones that they will embroider. But I wear a cap normally for ID and to actually keep the sun out of my eyes. I seldom wear a plain cap.
  7. What ever happened to just buying a cap that fits?
  8. The Harold Fish case was pretty ridiculous. OTOH, that web page is pretty far out. A judge is never going to let you talk about jury nullification. That doesn't mean it isn't done. I once sat as foreman on a jury that essentially did that.
  9. Mostly a matter of bullet speed, as I'm sure you know. Most 45 ACPs are around 850 f/s out of the barrel while .357 SIG are around 1350 with much lower mass bullets. My Federal catalog / calculator says the drop at 200 yards is 87.8" vs. 18.8".
  10. How small does Flexfit go in size? I normally have to go to one of the tightest notches on cap adjustment. Small head to fit a small brain.
  11. That's always a useful consideration. I seem to do better talking my way out of confrontations than running.
  12. Very handsome. 1911s are a lot of fun to shoot. If you have a spot with a good dirt backdrop, so you can see where the bullets hit, try shooting it at a can or something at 100 yards. You might be surprised how well you do.
  13. Hi Tommy. Sounds like you are going to have some down time.
  14. I never used that powder measure. I figure it's more for shotguns. I gave away the scale. Picked up an electronic one from a friend at a good price.
  15. Most dogs generally act OK if brought up right. But different breeds have different behavior traits wired in genetically. Pit bulls are great dogs in many ways, but there are too many cases of the breed being loving pets until they suddenly snap and turn on their owner, or kids, or someone/something else. There is a reason for communities with no-pit rules. It isn't all paranoia. If they attack you, you are in a fight for your life and the chances are very good that you will lose. The CDC did a study a few years ago about fatal human attacks by dogs. About a third were by pit bulls. Next down the list were Rotties with about half the number of attacks as the pits.
  16. Actually I have a couple that were given to me. They are in the drawer with the "Lorcin Quality" shirt. Caps are good identifiers, so I wear them a lot. I don't mind the ones with the adjusting strap. I would think the elastic one would get on my nerves big-time. I don't care for the caps with the narrow, highly curved visor. My wife calls them "Goober caps."
  17. The idea of an embroidered T-shirt makes my nipples tingle.
  18. But you do have state income tax. This is somewhat offset by lower sales taxes. Gun laws are OK. Much like Tennessee, except that you can carry concealed in a state park in VA. Roanoke is OK. It does flood downtown regularly but not for long. I wouldn't consider Richmond or the DC area.
  19. I think a letter to the editor is in order. I wouldn't use the term "white-trash" in it. Tennessee has a dog leash law. In Tennessee, it is unlawful to permit a dog to run at large, unless the dog is engaged in legal hunting or herding. Basically, as soon as your dog steps a paw onto a public road or someone else's property, you are in violation of state law. Doesn't matter whether you are in a city or the county. It applies to every inch of Tennessee.
  20. I'm sorry. I went brain-dead for a moment. My anniversary is next month. I even thought about buying a Glock.... But I still can't make the get-together this month.
  21. I think all of us have the problem of thinking a ND won't happen to them. We had (have I guess) a thread over at HK94 where a surprising number of people admitted it had happened to them. It's easy to do. Just takes a fraction of a second of not being on your guard.
  22. I won't be able to make it. Among other things, it's my anniversary weekend.
  23. Me too. I traded a G26 for an XD-9 sub.
  24. They can be hard to find. We have a couple of shops around here with them. Most people will just settle for a cheaper gun, like a Glock. Lots of quality stuff about H&Ks is hidden. You have ti do some digging to understand why they are more expensive.


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