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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. Yep, 90 days. But it probably won't take half that time.
  2. If Naifeh does do that again, a lot of voters need to go to their Democratic Representatives and make it plain that they expect a public promise from them to not vote Naifeh back in as Speaker. Naifeh should have been lynched by the House for his arrogance the last time.
  3. If they have an anti-gun sign on the door, I'm not giving them my business - whether the sign is legal or not.
  4. Libertarians tend to be anti-war. I had a discussion with a guy on a Libertarian board. He doesn't even think we need any secrets in government. I'd guess that anti-war part is pretty much Paul's position? I didn't know that. No way I'd vote for him. I don't have any idea about Libertarianism and the death penalty. It probably costs us more than it's worth. I think the appeals average about 13 years in this country and it doesn't act as a deterrent. I'd favor immediate appeals extending no longer than six months and then zap them. Just to get them out of our hair. Found this article.
  5. Found this that may answer your questions: Federal law bars gun purchases by anyone has been deemed a "mental defective" by a court or ordered "committed to any mental institution." Under the law, Cho didn't fall into either category, Virginia State Police said Wednesday. He was taken to a mental hospital for evaluation on Dec. 13, 2005. A friend had told police that Cho was suicidal after Cho was accused of stalking female students at Virginia Tech, campus Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said. The next day, a judge said Cho "presents an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness" but declined to commit him to a hospital, according to court documents. Instead, Cho was ordered to undergo outpatient psychiatric treatment. When Virginia State Police reviewed Cho's March 12 application to buy a 9 mm pistol at a Roanoke gun shop, "we determined he was eligible, and we approved him," said Donna Tate, program manager for the state police Firearms Transaction Center. Virginia courts must notify State Police when someone has been found mentally defective or committed to a psychiatric institution. "We have no such notification," Tate said. A doctor who examined Cho at a Virginia psychiatric hospital found him depressed but not suicidal. "His insight and judgment are normal," the doctor said, according to court documents that were part of a file in which a judge declined to order Cho committed to the psychiatric hospital.
  6. We have a parallel thread going about this at http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=882
  7. From here: House vote permits guns in more places By TOM HUMPHREY, tomhumphrey3@aol.com April 19, 2007 NASHVILLE - In a surprise move, a House panel voted Wednesday to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments - including parks and playgrounds. "I think the recent Virginia disaster - or catastrophe or nightmare or whatever you want to call it - has woken up a lot of people to the need for having guns available to law-abiding citizens," said Rep. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains. "I hope that is what this vote reflects." As amended, the legislation still wouldn't allow guns on school property, however. Niceley's bill aimed to let people holding handgun carry permits take their weapons onto state park property, which is now forbidden. But when Niceley brought the bill before the Criminal Practice Subcommittee, a branch of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Rob Briley, D-Nashville, promptly proposed an amendment to expand its scope. "We've been piecemealing this thing year after year," Briley said. "Why don't we just let you take your gun anywhere you want to?" Tennessee's handgun carry law includes a listing of places where permit holders are forbidden to take their weapons. Briley has proposed an amendment that repeals a provision prohibiting guns "in or on the grounds of any public park, playground, civic center or other building facility, area or property owned, used or operated by any municipal, county or state government, or instrumentality thereof." With very little debate, the amendment was quickly approved on a voice vote with only Rep. Janis Sontany, D-Nashville, chairman of the subcommittee, audibly shouting, "No!" She then asked Niceley if he had any comments before the bill, as amended, faced a final vote in the panel. "I'm in shock, and I can't talk," replied Niceley, though quickly adding he thought Briley's proposal was "a good amendment." The panel then approved the overall bill, sending it to the full House Judiciary Committee for a vote next week. Briley is chairman of the committee. Niceley said afterward that Tennessee should join other states that basically allow licensed people to take their handguns "anywhere they want." The Briley amendment does not go that far, having no impact on separate provisions of the law that, for example, forbid guns on school grounds, in courtrooms or in establishments that serve alcoholic beverages. But Briley, Sontany and others said afterward that it would allow permit holders to take their guns on most other state, county or city government property - including the Legislative Plaza, where signs are now posted to prohibit weapons except those carried by law enforcement officers. Briley said in an interview that he and a handful of other legislators in subcommittees have borne the brunt of harsh criticism from some gun owners for opposing past efforts to "nibble away" at restrictions on where handguns can be taken. "This has been on the backs of just a few people," he said. "Now it's time for other people to stand up and say, 'We want these protections in the law' - or not." Asked about Niceley's comment that the Virginia Tech slayings earlier this week had awakened people to the need for easing of restrictions on licensed holders of handgun carry permits, he replied in the negative. "Anybody who would make an attempt to score cheap political points over that tragedy and what we did in (the committee room) is disgusting and sick," he said. Sontany said she thought Briley acted unwisely "in the heat of the moment" and that the bill ultimately would be defeated. Niceley said that critics of the handgun carry law protested when it passed that "wild West" situations would be created, but permit holders have proven themselves responsible over the years. He said he knows of only one case where a permit holder used a weapon in a violent crime. In Tennessee, 172,828 people held legal permits as of January, according to Mike Browning, spokesman for the state Department of Safety, which issues the licenses. Rep. Curry Todd, R-Collierville, said he had decided earlier to give up this year on his push for legislation to allow permit holders to take their handguns into restaurants serving alcoholic beverages, feeling it had little chance of passage. Todd said, however, that he has been approached by another legislator about a push to allow handguns on college campuses though "I don't know if this is the proper time to do that" in light of the Virginia Tech shootings. Tom Humphrey may be reached at 615-242-7782.
  8. I think the law is pretty clear on this. Only question is about the "substantially similar" part. The code specifically says that the slash symbol is not sufficient and where the signs have to be. BTW, State Rep Hill, who requested the opinion, is from my area. He used to be a talk show host and is one of the guys who helped shoot down the state income tax several years ago. His campaign was based on that and that he is a better Christian than the rest of us.
  9. Glad to see the AG agrees with me.
  10. XD-9s are good handguns. Very reliable and to me aim is very natural with them. You do need to be careful in holstering them, but it will make a good carry weapon. Your method of carry will depend on how you normally dress. Shirts in your waistband require a different technique than shirts hanging loose. I think most of us suggest concealed carry when possible, but remember that in Tennessee you have every right to open carry with your permit, so if the shirt comes up occasionally and shows the gun, that's OK. Just remember what you learned in the class about where you can not legally carry. This board is a good source of information too. Carry feels funny for beginning packers, but feels more normal after a while. Make putting on the gun part of your routine every time you leave the house, just like putting on your shoes. The gun can't help even the odds if it is back at the house when you need it in the Wal-mart parking lot.
  11. Free carry permit course in Church Hill??????? Wow! More details, please. Congratulations Branket. You can start working on method of carry and a good holster while you wait. What gun are you going to pack?
  12. Why, I'd no more carry in a classroom than I would carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol........
  13. I need to sidetrack a little on this one. GOA has some credibility problems. Google: Executive Director Larry Pratt racist. Here are a couple of places to start: http://informe-onu.blogspot.com/2007/04/el-documento-larry-pratt.html http://www.seekgod.ca/cnp.pe-q.htm#pratt We can start another topic if we need to discuss this. I'd just as soon let you read and see for yourself. Back on topic, I don't have a lot of expectation that the TFA will develop into much more than it is now. Harris is just too busy, I guess, to get the group better organized. And he is the TFA. I quit paying much attention to them when Harris wasn't able to even schedule a state convention several years ago. Some local chapters have good meetings, but that doesn't translate into significant political pressure. I'm not slamming the group, but think it is time to move on to a group that can be more active. Having said that, the guy who is trying to found the Tennessee Citizens Defense League, sounds desperate. His tone is sincere desire to get a good group started, but it doesn't sound like he has the organizational skills. Just reading between the lines. If we have to help these groups bootstrap, we might as well do it with our own organization.
  14. Welcome to the party! Look around. We are having a get-together in Oak Ridge this Saturday. Maybe you can make it there. More information at http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10059&postcount=91
  15. Saints, both guns look OK, but I can't vouch for the PF-9 at this point. What I do know is that it won't fit hidden in the back pocket of your jeans, as the P3AT will. I really see them for different functions.
  16. But I heard some British guy this morning saying the problem at VA Tech was caused because we don't have good gun control laws like in Great Britain where crime is lower because if the policy.
  17. BTW, I agree with you about the accessory rail. I'd rather have the gun without it.
  18. Triggers are funny things. We all get picky about how they feel and that's an important consideration for a paper killer. But oddly enough, I think it's less important for a carry gun. If you need to use a handgun in a crisis situation, you normally over-pull the trigger. I've seen the figure of 50# trigger pull in several places. With the adrenalin flowing, you will probably make the gun go off. But again, I haven't shot the PF-9 or even dry fired it. I am hoping for more input from those who have used the gun.
  19. It should be, but in my experience it's a dud organization.
  20. Marswolf

    Kel-tec PF-9

    I had a few minutes yesterday to drop into Guns-R-Us in Bristol. Hadn't been in for a while and had a nice talk with Mike, the owner. He pushed a box across the counter to me and asked if I had seen "one of these." Turned out to be a Kel-Tec PF-9 The answer to the question was no, I hadn't played with one. First thing I noticed was that it is pretty thin. I liked that and commented that it would probably make a good concealed carry weapon because it is thin and flat. Flatness is something I find very important in IWB carry handguns. Mike carries a Kel-Tec P-11 in the shop as his personal weapon. Basically the same gun as the PF-9 but with the old extractor, no accessory rail, but 3 more rounds in the magazine adding a bit of thickness to the handgun. He handed his gun to me, with a reminder that it was loaded, and I compared the two handguns. 0.12 inch of width doesn't sound like much (.88" vs. 1.0"), but I realized that it could be significant for IWB carry. I still haven't pulled the trigger on the gun. The one I looked at was sold and I talked to the guy who came in to pick it up. I suspect it has the normal Kel-Tec DAO trigger. This will be a higher powered carry gun for the guy. He now uses a P3AT. Mike says he thinks he will change to the PF-9 as his shop carry gun. If I didn't already have the P7M8, I'd have to consider this handgun for my IWB gun. And it costs about a thousand bucks less. PF-9 clicky-clicky
  21. Marswolf

    FFL transfers

    Talked to Mike at Guns-R-Us in Bristol yesterday. He'll do a transfer for $25+10 for strangers and knock it down to $20+10 if you are a regular. The rates seem to vary in different parts of the state. Frankly, I think anything over 30+10 is too much and 20+10 is reasonable.
  22. Talked to a friend today who says another mutual friend had a M&P, didn't like it and got rid of it. Two comments about the guy who had the M&P. He is a terrific shot and knows a lot about handguns. He's the one who initially told me how good the Taurus 24/7 is. He was right, as usual, about that. Second comment. He's not infallible. He likes his Glock 23. But I forgive him. He's an ex-LEO (disabled by too many crashes) and the G23 was a duty weapon. I'll have to get in touch to see what he didn't like about the M&P.
  23. TWRA Seized Contraband to Be Sold in Region 4 A sale of personal property seized by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency officers will be held beginning the month of April. TWRA wildlife officers seize various items involved in wildlife violations each year. After the violators have been before the court, any of the items seized that have been declared to be contraband by the court are then ordered to be sold by the TWRA. This sale will be held at the front door of the County Courthouse and each item will be sold to the highest bidder. Said sale of any firearms open only to persons 18 years of age or older and legally capable of possessing a firearm under federal and state laws. The following is a list of the contraband items to be sold, along with a description of the items: Blount County (Maryville) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Remington Model 7400 rifle, .30-06 caliber, ser. no. B8261351, with Charles Daly 3x9x40 scope. * One (1) Remington Model 742 rifle, .308 caliber, ser. no. 091101. * One (1) Remington Model 7600 rifle, .30-06 caliber, pump action, ser. no. 8562797. * One (1) Winchester Model 94 rifle, .30-30 caliber, ser. no. 3939840. * One (1) Remington Model 742 rifle, .30-06 caliber, ser. no. 7149694. * One (1) .50 caliber muzzleloading rifle, ser. no. 611309824605. * One (1) Handheld spotlight. Campbell County (Jacksboro) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Hi Point Luger, 7mm, ser. no. P1279339. * One (1) F.I.E. handgun, .25 caliber, ser. no. 165787. * One (1) H&R Model 158 shotgun, 20 gauge, ser. no. AJ243688, with intense carvings and mosaics on stock and forearm. Carter County (Elizabethton) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Horton Legend crossbow with scope, quiver, arrows and broadheads. * One (1) Remington Model 870 Express magnum, 12 gauge, with scope. * One (1) Camouflage Model 835 shotgun, 12 gauge. * One (1) Golden Eagle compound bow with arrows and broadheads. * One (1) Camo PSE compound bow, without sights, rest, quiver or arrows and broadheads. Cocke County (Newport) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Thompson Center muzzleloading rifle, .50 caliber, ser. no. 14438, with Tasco 3x9 scope. * One (1) Remington Model 550 rifle, .22 caliber, no visible serial number. * One (1) Smith & Wesson Model SW9GVE pistol, 9mm, ser. no. PDT2039. * One (1) Marlin Model 336CS rifle, .30-30 caliber, ser. no. 07028568, with Tasco scope and camo sling. * One (1) Savage Model 110 rifle, .243 caliber, bolt action, ser. no. F441139, with Bushnell 3x9 scope. * One (1) Ruger M-77 rifle, .243 caliber, ser. no. 77-49310, with Tasco 4x12 scope. * One (1) Ruger M77 Mark II rifle, .243 caliber, ser. no. 789-00819, with Tasco 3x9x40 scope and case. * One (1) Tasco 4x12 scope and camo sling.. * One (1) Bass Pro Shop Cyclops spotlight. Greene County (Greeneville) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Benelli Nova pump shotgun, ser. no. Z104432. Hancock County (Sneedville) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Savage Model 110 rifle, .30-06 caliber, bolt action, ser. no. F195669, with Bushnell Sportview 3-9x32 scope and leather sling. * One (1) Marlin Model 336TS rifle, .30-30 caliber, lever action, ser. no. 16011801, with Tasco 3-9x40 scope and nylon sling. * One (1) Cricket .22 caliber rifle, ser. no. 68722, with camo scope. * One (1) KBI, Inc. 9mm handgun, ser. no. BG6879, black and silver in color. * One (1) Bowtech Patriot bow with quiver and four (4) Easton arrows 2213. * One (1) Cyclops 15,000,000 candlepower spotlight. Hawkins County (Rogersville) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Marlin Model 883 SS rifle, bolt action, ser. no. 06466278, with Ultra Vision scope. * One (1) Bear Hunter compound bow, ser. no. CC19254, with three (3) Easton 2216 arrows, quiver and sight. * One (1) PSE USA Spirit compound bow, ser. no. 0243077, with five (5) Easton 2315 arrows, quiver, stabilizer and sight. * One (1) PSE compound bow, with several arrows, quiver, sights and rest. * One (1) Ameristep hunting blind. * One (1) Yellow rechargeable hand-held spotlight. * One (1) Six-cell Maglight. Jefferson County (Dandridge) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Marlin automatic rifle, .22 caliber, ser. no. 96476823, with scope. * One (1) Savage Model 110 rifle, bolt action, .30-06 caliber, ser. no. G305707, with scope. * One (1) Mossberg Model 835 UM shotgun, 12 gauge, ser. no. UM213233. * One (1) Marlin Model 336CS rifle, .30-30 caliber, ser. no. 05072259, with Tasco 3x9 scope. * One (1) Mossberg Model 835 shotgun, 12 gauge, ser. no. UM159832. Johnson County (Mountain City) - April, 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) CVA .50 caliber muzzleloading rifle, no serial number listed. * One (1) 22 caliber rifle, with black synthetic stock, no serial number listed. * One (1) CVA Optima Pro muzzleloading rifle, camo, ser. no. 61-13-195232-03, with Bushnell scope. * One (1) Winchester bolt actions rifle, .270 caliber, with composite stock, no serial number listed. * One (1) Marlin Glenfield Model 60 rifle, .22 LR caliber, ser. no. 22352457, with Daisy 4x15 scope. * One (1) Ben Pearson bow with arrows. * One (1) 4-point white-tailed deer skull. * One (1) Summit treestand. * One (1) Midland walkie-talkie. Knox County (Knoxville) - April 21, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Mauser Model 98 rifle, ser. no. 2347, with Tech View 3-9x40 scope and leather sling. Loudon County (Loudon County Justice Center in Lenoir City) - April 28, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Marlin Model 917V rifle, .17 HMR caliber, ser. no. 94635665. * One (1) New England Firearms rifle, .243 caliber, ser. no. NJ361627./lir> * One (1) Marlin Glenfield Model 60 rifle, .22 caliber, no serial number listed. Monroe County (Madisonville) - April 28, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Remington Model 7400 rifle, .30-06 caliber, ser. no. B8377001, with case. * One (1) Remington Model 7400 rifle, .30-06 caliber, semi-auto, ser. no. B8381973. * One (1) Winchester Model 70 rifle, .270 WSM caliber, ser. no. G2428280, with Nikon scope. * One (1) Remington Model 742 rifle, .30-06 caliber, ser. no. B7229324, with Tasco scope. * One (1) Q-beam spotlight. Sullivan County (Bristol) - April 28, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Stevens Model 87A rifle, .22 caliber, ser. no. RF2258. * One (1) Marlin Model 336W rifle, .30-30 caliber, lever action, no serial number listed. * One (1) New England single shot shotgun, 12 gauge, ser. no. NU231924. * One (1) Stevens Model 62 rifle .22 caliber, automatic, ser. no. 0622395. * One (1) Proline Riptide Trophy Hunter compound bow, ser. no. illegible, with arrows, quiver and sights. * One (1) Night Blaster spotlight, 1,000,000 candlepower. * Three (3) 12 gauge ammo. belts. Unicoi County (Erwin) - April 28, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) H&R single shot shotgun, 12 gauge, ser. no. AJ213716. /lir> * One (1) New England Firearms single shot shotgun, ser. no. N6292272. * One (1) Remington Viper rifle .22 caliber, no serial number listed, with Tasco scope. * One (1) Stevens Savage Arms rifle, .22 caliber, bolt action, no visible serial number. * One (1) Ruger .22 magnum caliber rifle, no serial number listed. * One (1) Marlin .30-30 caliber rifle, ser. no. 12075960. WASHINGTON COUNTY (Johnson City) - April 28, 2007, 10:00 a.m. * One (1) Remington Model 1100 shotgun, 12 gauge, ser. no.L090326V. * One (1) Browning Bar II Safari rifle, 7mm magnum, ser. no. 107NV38904, with Bushnell Elite 3200 scope and camo sling. * One (1) Remington Model Seven rifle, .223 caliber, stainless/composite, ser. no. 57612692, with Swift scope. * One (1) Ruger M77 Mark II rifle, .270 caliber, ser. no. 785-30916, with Leupold scope. * One (1) Horton XL crossbow with four (4) bolts and broadheads.
  24. There are a number of departments around my area that either supply or allow H&Ks as duty handguns. The drive for hammerless duty weapons seems to have started as a PR move rather than a duty weapon improvement move.


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