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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. Well, the pictures are entertaining.
  2. As you say, the free advertising issue isn't part of my purview. That's a done issue for me. The horse will die when he is allowed to do so. The critics are not the ones who keep the issue stirred up. New posts telling and showing how wonderful pseudo-military training is does that. And potential customers are not the ones who should be critiquing the training. The people doing that should be people who work in the field and have experience with real bullets coming back at them. As I recently commented elsewhere, my force on force training uses real bullets on both sides.
  3. I think that may seem like a valid point to the pickee, but the reason for that may also be valid. Actually, I think most of us would pick apart about any training photos from anyone, but I have to admit there is an undercurrent of hostility that has developed here for what may be legitimate reasons.
  4. Keep us informed....
  5. He doesn't expect that posted training pictures won't be picked apart? What we do here is very polite compared to other sites.
  6. Problem is we don't see any training photos of how to survive an ambush at an ATM or how to thwart a home invasion and protect the family. What I see are a bunch of guys having fun pretending to be combatants. I don't see anything wrong with that if it's for fun and it does, I guess, have some training value. But some of us who have recent or current combat experience have been critiquing the photos and having a good laugh on another board. There has been a lot written here about training correctly. A lot of what we see is not correct technique. I'm not going to get into a long-winded discussion of all the things we see, but don't imagine this training done this way is going to teach you the right way to "operate". That said, I'd probably have a lot of fun running around with these guys.
  7. Hey, I've got a SASS badge that I've never used. Isn't that just as good and funny as a concealed carry badge?
  8. Good post SSS! For most people, tactical training has potential for real world use, but is probably something that will never be used. Add to that, a lot of training schools really don't teach usable tactical techniques very well. On another board, a number of real world people currently involved in tactical operations are critiquing a photograph from one training school. These are people who are involved in tactical operations around the world. We represent several different countries and training techniques. The training school is being picked apart for numerous bad techniques obvious in the photo. What you learn in civilian tactical training may not be as good as you think it is. I guess my thought is that you should take such courses for fun or as a primer for other more advanced training. In my experience, military tactical training is the best in the world. There is an attention to detail that can make the difference in whether you live or die. It also takes the time to learn properly and with sufficient repetition rather than trying to squeeze the training into just a few days. Law Enforcement training is sometimes very good, but sometimes lousy. It depends on who is doing the training and how much time is devoted to doing it. The better LE trainers have military experience too in my view. I admit to being very critical of training programs, military and Law Enforcement as well as civilian. Particularly in the civilian programs, I've just seen too many "graduates" do far too many dunderhead things that would result in their likely becoming casualties in a real firefight. More than one person I've observed doing stupid things are instructors. That's why I'm so big on checking out the credentials of the instructors. Just because you are a training junkie, doesn't mean you know what you are doing. Be realistic about what you will get out of a civilian course. You will probably learn some useful stuff, but realistically you aren't likely to learn enough to handle hostile operations where you get shot at in foreign lands. You probably won't learn enough to handle hostility in the inner cities of this country. I think attendance should be mostly for enjoyment and expect to pick up some useful technique at the same time.
  9. You have now.
  10. I got a chance to play with a couple of M&P 40s yesterday. The interesting thing about it was that there was no sear deactivation lever and no magazine disconnect. So basically, it was a Glock with a better trigger and much better ergonomics. I did like the feel of the handgun in full size. Didn't care for the compact.
  11. I love talking to Civil War reenactors. About 3/4 of them get Cavalry confused with Calvary.
  12. ....
  13. Around here, they generally fingerprint you in a motel. Back when I got my carry permit, you went to the drivers' license office and they used ink.
  14. It apparently was a toy cap gun. I seriously question whether any of the teachers seriously thought it was real. If they did, they shouldn't be teaching. If this had happened when I was growing up, people would have thought it was cute of the woman to play with the kids. These days of the uptight soccer moms, it was just stupid to do this. A little common sense from all parties to this would have been useful.
  15. I can understand your pleasure. :D Just tell her you found a gun your really want and will have to postpone the wedding for a couple of months. Believe me, she will understand and love you for it. <diving for bunker>
  16. May I laminate that for my wallet? But you are right. Tower, you better keep Julie happy.
  17. Boy, that sounds like a Democrat....
  18. Sorry I can't make the festivities tomorrow. I have met Macho some time ago and Towerclimber today over lunch. (He bought! ) Both are good folks. Y'all have fun!
  19. Yeah, good people. Even Towerclimber. He and his intended bought me lunch today. Nice folks.
  20. Marswolf

    FFL transfers

    I couldn't find the tax law reference but it came from a Federal ruling several years ago that states could not be REQUIRED to collect sales tax on sales received in interstate commerce. It's it up to the state where the item is received. Tennessee does not require this. If your transfer dealer tries to collect tax on interstate sales in which they are the transfer , tell them they lost a customer and move on. For some reason I don't understand, apparently they may charge tax on the transfer fee, including the state's $10.
  21. Marswolf

    FFL transfers

    This tax thing was laid to rest several years ago. For a while, everyone thought they would have to collect it, but some ruling said no. They can not legitimately charge sales tax for an out of state purchase. I've gone over it with Top Notch and they refuse to listen. Maybe we can find the legal reference.
  22. Marswolf

    FFL transfers

    I'll add another to the list. I talked to Top Notch Guns at Bountville (really between Kingsport and Bristol). If you are doing a personal transfer or from another small gun dealer, they charge $20+$10. BUT if you are buying from someone like CDNN, they charge 15% plus state sales tax.
  23. From 39-17-1351. Handgun carry permits: (l ) The department shall issue a permit to an applicant not prohibited from obtaining a permit under this section no later than ninety (90) days after the date the department receives the application. A permit issued prior to the department's receipt of the Tennessee and federal bureaus of investigation's criminal history record checks based upon the applicant's fingerprints shall be subject to immediate revocation if either record check reveals that the applicant is not eligible for a permit pursuant to the provisions of this section. Maybe we can set up a reference section to post laws, AG's decisions and such. Meantime, learn to use the online version of Tennessee code at http://michie.lexisnexis.com/tennessee/lpext.dll?f=templates&fn=main-h.htm&cp= .The gun stuff is Title 39 - Criminal Offenses; Chapter 17 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety and Welfare; Part 13 - Weapons. Handgun carry permits are in 39-17-1351. Tennessee gun code is pretty easy. About all of the stuff in in this one area. The exception that comes to mind is about packing in Wildlife Management Areas. (Right now you can't except for hunting) Also see Archi's posting at http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=414
  24. Right now, the issues are clear to a lot of people who normally don't think of carry laws and such. They were properly outraged that something might have been done to prevent the extent of the tragedy at Virginia Tech. By now, that fervor has died down a bit and in a couple of weeks most will have other things in their life more important that pushing their legislator for a change in the gun laws. This probably has a long way to go. The secret to long term success is to elect good people to the legislature. Push now - carefully. Write letters and call your House legislators. Contact the Senate folks too, if you like and the Governor. But make sure the calls and letters don't sound like a bunch of crackpots. Reason and calm resolve are the properties you need to convey. You want to be able to carry a concealed handgun in place currently off limits so you can protect yourself and your family.


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