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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. That has happened with a couple of shops in our area - that no longer exist.
  2. Yep. But that and abortion are a couple of key issues. I vote pro guns and also pro abortion. In short, I vote true conservative. Gee, so what political persuasion am I? Maybe sensible?
  3. The video is pretty bad. One of the guys here who is a REAL trainer sent me a copy. It's unthinkable that the same stupidly incorrect video has been required for years. I think I can do something about that. Video at 11.
  4. Having turned down a job with "The Company" in 1968 and ending up with a better job that year dealing with them, I have a pretty good idea of what different jobs entail there. A few more decades dealing with them has given me even more of an idea. Yeah Plame was just an analyst as far as I know. No big deal at all. Outing her was like outing the janitor.
  5. Marswolf

    Oh My God...

    As all of my WWII and Korean War friends (and most of my Vietnam buddies) say, they carry spare clips. I have a real problem with grammar police....
  6. Gee, you'll look just like Wal-Mart. All of the shops around here have their rifles behind the counter.
  7. I guess the board just hates you. I don't see the problem. Looks like it should work as you have it. Maybe you need a few more posts. Calling Tungsten!!! [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hhP9ZGHTEQ[/ame] Works for me.
  8. Marswolf

    Oh My God...

    Good for him.
  9. I think we must already have that plan in my area.
  10. Have to agree. Yeager is ****. Some people just insist on ignoring the facts. I still have buddies in Baghdad, including one guy who was best man in my wedding. Yeager is still the butt of jokes over there the last I heard. He did everything wrong in his panic to hide. Don't think I've ever heard that hiding in a ditch while your comrades take fire is deploying to a secondary position. But we have been over this before.
  11. Boy, that's really big of you.
  12. Since you have already bought it, I guess there is no reason to comment. Why don't you tell us in a month how you like it.
  13. I was about to ask if anyone else was sick to death of volleyball. I'd just as soon watch the woman's volleyball team sunbathe.
  14. It used to be fairly common to carry a magazine missing a couple of rounds for M16s back during Vietnam. But modern springs and magazine design makes that unnecessary, if it ever was really necessary.
  15. I think a lot of the appeal is nostalgia. I've found that modern "like" 1911s are generally better shooters than the originals. I know where there is a 1943 Remington Rand military 1911 for sale. Asking price is $1200. I had one just like it at one time. My Rock Island shoots better. But I've never had a desire to carry one. It was a revolutionary design in 1908, but there are much better designs available these days.
  16. Interesting comments. I'll agree that I wouldn't be too concerned about holster wear. Carry guns are tools, not display pieces. But I find leather to be a lot more comfortable than Kydex. That's why all of my holsters are now leather except for jungle use.
  17. Well, I did have my own plesiosaur to swim with. Actually, I think some of their music is really good and about all of it I've heard is tolerable. If you could teleport them in time to the late 60's they would fit in with psychedelic rock bands like Fever Tree. "Everything old is new again."
  18. Yawn.
  19. Yep, people come to Bristol a week ahead just to party. No RVs in the infield here. There is hardly room for the race equipment.
  20. I lost all gumption after the 6th beer while watching the Olympics, so ended up eating some pasta salad I made yesterday morning. So the fajitas are for lunch today before I repeat yesterday's performance. I do have all of the fresh ingredients for the pico de gallo (or as I call it pico de gato). May substitute a chipotle for the jalapeno.
  21. This idea that the government can tell you what to wear or smoke or whatever because of government subsidized medical stuff is really repugnant to me. We had a lot more freedom before Medicare and other government programs.
  22. Check out the site at http://www.bristolmotorspeedway.com/ Prohibited items: http://www.bristolmotorspeedway.com/fan_guide/prohibited_items/
  23. First, I wouldn't patronize that shop and very politely let them know why. Might suggest a "Loaded Guns Must Remain In Holster" sign instead. But if I did go in, I'd unload the handgun and take it in with me. Might have a loaded magazine in my pocket.....
  24. I live about three miles from the track. Last time I went was in the 60s. First thing is that you have to take me to lunch or supper. Second thing is to take your own beverages. Third thing is to make sure you have plenty of gasoline in the tank to get out of there. It takes a while - which explains why I haven't been there for a race since the 1960s.
  25. In my experience, if you ride a bike for enough years, your "wreck" isn't told until you have at least a couple of pins in your skeletal structure. . Most of my "rider" friends have about five. I have a rule. I ride when the temperature is at least 80 and the sun is shining. And I wear as little clothing as I can get away with and feel comfortable. Yes, I know it is stupid, but then that is what motorcycles are for. Fun-fun-fun! I seem to have this history of doing stuff that jeopardizes my life but is emotionally rewarding. I plan to continue until walkers or morticians come into play.


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