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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. I think that all dress uniforms look goofy but I'd let them wear about anything if they would just get rid of those sissified Berets.
  2. Yeah, whatever. People have been saying stuff like this since Moses ran against Ramses. I think people are catching on that Obama doesn't have a clue how to deal with stuff rationally. I just feels that we should do stuff, like all of the liberals, whether it makes any sense or not.
  3. Marswolf

    THE Question

    Definitely Connery for me. I guess Craig next and then Moore. Actually, the books are much better than the films. I read almost no fiction but made it through a number of Bond books. BTW, has anyone else seen Darby O’Gill and the Little People? That one also had Sean Connery. Horrible film. I even hated it when I was 10 and saw it in the theater.
  4. Marswolf

    any H&k guys?

    They would still have them if H&K would make a couple of minor changes for them. How did I miss this topic for a day? I carry a USP 40 variant 3 and a P7M8. Fantastic handguns. I have a friend with an MP5. When I win the lottery, I'll get my own.
  5. I was wondering about that. We need to find another place to meet up here.
  6. Well, I'm glad to hear that someone else takes everything apart just for the hell of it. Only gun I have that I won't do more than field strip is the P7M8. I have heard stories of gunsmiths taking 14 hours to get one of them reassembled....
  7. Does she use that special arsenic seasoning?
  8. Well, the semiannual Bristol traffic jam is going nicely this week. Had two races yesterday. Today they closed off State Street and are having a big fan event downtown as I write this. Then races each night tomorrow and Saturday. I try to stay off of the roads around here as much as possible during race weeks. Beer is pretty much stacked to the ceiling at my local Food City.Unfortunately, I'm getting low on stock at the house, so I'll have to brave the mob tomorrow. I'm also low on dog biscuits. Boy, those go well with beer.
  9. Time to start a new topic. Standard place and date should be Kingsport on September 20.
  10. Last night was a salad with lemon-pepper grilled chicken breast on top. Not in much of a cooking mood today. Looks like Salisbury Steak in gravy with mashed potatoes and corn for tonight. $1 on sale made by Banquet.
  11. That definitely sounds great.
  12. Last time I tried to pole vault, I was about 14 and in my neighbor's back yard. Used a bamboo pole. I think I was able to clear about 4 feet.
  13. There are certainly pro-2A folks who are Democrats. Len is an example. Unfortunately, if you elect them, they will vote with the nutso-Democrat anti-gun leadership. The art of arm twisting is very strong and not that many elected folks will see their power diminished by voting against party policy. That's how Naifeh retains the Tennessee House leadership. If you are pro-2A, you had better hold your nose and vote for the Republicans. Thank goodness we will be getting rid of a super-idiot Republican US Rep in my district and replacing him with a less-idiot Republican US Rep next January. Mostly, I hope we can retain the Presidency and keep the Democrats from getting 60 votes in the Senate.
  14. I don't think I want to see the evidence of that....
  15. According to the polls, the voters are figuring out Obama. He'll get a boost with the convention, but he's really not doing too well.
  16. I suspect that 212 on the flasher areas feels like 220.
  17. According to the charts, I'm a fat-ass too. I'm so depressed about it that I'm having another low-cal salad.
  18. OK...I'll say it. I don't like ankle carry. And yes I have tried it. I know one - one - professional guy who works serious undercover and packs a PSP on his ankle. Way too heavy for me, although it's a fantastic weapon for IWB. For me, even lightweight handguns are still too heavy for comfortable ankle carry. It will slow you down by 50% if you need to run. It's also a terrible place to grab in case of emergency. Strictly an "as needed" solution to me. Mars, out.
  19. Check here for a quick and simple overview of stainless steels. Or Google "stainless steel characteristics" (without the " marks). Google is our friend. I think I have told this story more than once but I think it bears repeating. Not too long before we were were married, my wife had to have some surgery. She repeatedly told the medical people that she was very allergic to Nickle. She knew to tell them repeatedly. He mother is a retired RN. Anyway, she had the surgery and they used surgical staples. So we went in to have the staples removed and I thought the medical staff was going to pass out. The site was pretty gross. The guy actually removing the staples had a hard time removing them and said he had never seen such swelling. I asked him what kind of SS they used. He looked puzzled. I asked if it was 304L or 316 or what. He looked at me like I was from Mars. I explained that she had told them that she was allergic to Nickle and told him that most SS contains significant amounts of Nickle. Medical folks don't have a clue about alloys. And so too most gun folks don't have a clue. SS is great for corrosion resistance, if you use the right alloy. But generally, they don't have the strength of other steels. Think gun discussions of steels are interesting? Bring up SS characteristics in a knife forum. Basically, SS is used in a less stressful area on handguns - the slide. Corrosion resistance seems to vary a lot depending on body chemistry. Personally, I prefer a "better" grade of steel for the slide that might rust, but has more strength. The perfect SS slide? A non SS slide with Duracoat.
  20. Top Notch didn't have a coffee pot. I always thought that was a mistake. OTOH, you could smoke there after the stupid Tennessee public smoking ban went into effect. I didn't smoke then, but still appreciated Mike's stand against legislative stupidity.
  21. Maybe they are 2.7 miles below sea level. Or get their water from a pressurized superheat line. Or maybe the reporter is not as literate as he/she thinks he/she is.
  22. It gives the other guys someone to laugh at.
  23. You do have to wonder what happened to get the Virginia folks so confused. Oh well, back to normal.
  24. I don't think I've ever heard regulars at gun shops called goobers. Personally, I like the kind of atmosphere that encourages regulars to stop by for a while, talk guns, have a cup of coffee and maybe even buy something.
  25. Hopefully not a rogue, but certainly a rebel. Or independent thinker, as I like to think of it. BTW, for anyone doing the math, the 1968 job I turned down was a summer job while I was in college. It's a long story that I may have told on here. Not a big secret. I have a very weird government employment history. But voting comes down to picking the guy who can reasonably win without a miracle and who most supports your views. If you are going to vote for a third party, you might as well stay home. Sometimes that may work out fine, like in Florida in 2000 when the Green Party got Bush elected.


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