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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. I'm about ready to put on the chicken wings. Would have had them yesterday, but forgot to take them out of the freezer.
  2. Marswolf

    any H&k guys?

    One of the differences between the P7 and the P7M8 is an additional heat shield. It still gets warm, but is definitely better.
  3. As Howard Cosell said, "Look at that little monkey run!"
  4. At least it isn't part of the 500 hours of volleyball they are still showing. NBC is showing more volleyball in the segment leading up to the closing ceremony tonight.
  5. I don't think there is a magic number. Years ago, the unofficial number of personal sales you could do in a year was 7. But it was never official and now there is no accepted number. This seems to deal with intent. If you build or modify a firearm with the intent to sell it, your action is now considered illegal unless you have a manufacturers license. If you build it for yourself but then decide that you don't want it, it's legal without being a licensed manufacturer.
  6. You make my point for me. Google Glock KaBoom. And also look at all of the NDs reported with Glocks. From what I see and read, there are quite a few guns more perfect than a Glock. The evidence is there, but ignored for some reason. Glocks are a reasonably price handgun that solves some problems for LEO carry. They don't have a safety that officers forget to remove in adrenalin flow and they don't have a hammer that scares the public. But does that really make them the best gun for LE use? And if it is not a duty weapon, is it really even a good choice for carry by the public?
  7. The thing is, the 380 is not just a millimeter shorter than the 9x18, but also smaller in diameter. 9mm is .355" while 9x18 is about .363. So the 380 round will not properly contact the rifling of the barrel in a 9x18. That could potentially be disastrous.
  8. The Kool-Aid is strong Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  9. They are still showing Bob Ross on my PBS station. I like it when he brings on the little animals. I'll bet you are right that ol' Bob smoked a few happy trees.
  10. It's actually another name for the P7 - the one with the European magazine release. When they first came out, in the 70s it was introduced as a police gun - Polizei Selbstlade Pistole (police self-loading pistol) or PSP.
  11. I just think that the "Keep your finger off of the trigger" thing is Sooooooo dumb as to be worthy of ridicule. What I carry clearly resembles a Glock in practice, but I have options. Those options are important, as a professional and define the difference between Glock carriers and professional carriers. I know of no - no, none, nada - non LE packers who carry a Glock professionally rather than a H&K or SIG or Beretta. And lots of the LE packers would carry something else if it wasn't for bureaucratic interference. Glocks are just very marginal handguns in professional circles. Sorry, that's just how it is. For any given purpose, there is a better choice than a Glock. That's a truism in the professional world.
  12. Love it.
  13. Them's fightin' words.
  14. Got any squirrel recipes?
  15. If you carry a better gun, it's less important to keep your, " ****ING FINGER OFF THE ****ING TRIGGER" because it isn't necessary to do that. Personally, I never keep my ****ING FINGER OFF THE ****ING TRIGGER. on patrol. Don't know any of my folks who do that. But they are military folks, not civilians. I don't do that in civilian life either. Mindless carry-over I guess.... Personally, I keep my ****ING FINGER on the trigger where it belongs on a properly designed handgun. I buy the proper weapon for the purpose. I don't by an inferior weapon and try to compensate for it.
  16. Actually, I've been thinking this too. You just have more testosterone than I to speak it.
  17. Yeah squirrel, rabbit, gnat.... They all taste like chicken.
  18. This reminds me of an American Cancer Society commercial back in the 60s (I think). They showed a Bambi clone and explained in kiddie language that smoking is bad for you. At the end, they say , "And why do we talk to you like children? It's because, when we talk to you as adults - you don't listen." I feel exactly the same way about Glocks. We explain and explain and explain. But you don't listen. My problem is the pro-Glock diatribe. Glocks are wonderful. Glocks are perfect. Who needs a safe gun - just keep your finger off the trigger. DUH.
  19. That's what I was thinking. Back when I lived in Raleigh back in the 70s we had a city league TACKLE football team. I think the cost to sign up and play was around - let me think - nothing. BTW, my team (naturally) won the city championship thanks to a great running back named Mars or something. I was up to about 145# by then. It hurt to get tackled at that weight so I did my damnedest to not get tackled. We were doing really well until I invited my Fort Bragg buddies up to play us. Hobbled around on crutches for a couple of weeks after that.
  20. I'd be glad to go out as Mr. Sterlings friend and shoot. If $10 happened to fall on the ground, then so be it.
  21. Can I take them with a .577 muzzle loader?


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