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Everything posted by 173rdABN

  1. Yeah, I've got some storied from when I first started. No pictures because I'm at work. Maybe when I'm home I'll share if I feel like getting laughed at. My grandpa had alzheimer's and cancer, and before he got to far out there he told me he wanted me to have his reloading stuff. He was still living at home at the time, and brought me into his reloading room in the basement and couldn't remember for the life of him how to do it. This coming from a man thats been reloading for over 60 years (I still shoot his 1962 reloads from his Smith and Corona 1903a3...little nervous when I do, but I do haha). Was a very sad day, but, at the same time it made me extremely happy he wanted me to have it, and none of the other 25 grandkids. Well, I think I was 17, and didn't know the different between powder grain weight and bullet grain weight. He didn't send books my way. Just a RCBS single stage, case trimmer, and a bunch of those stuff (all the progressive shotgun stuff I sold because I didn't want to reload shotgun, boy do I regret that now). Well, not knowing the different in grain weight and bullet weight through me for a loop, wondering why I couldn't fit 115gr's of powder in a 6.8 SPC case with a 115gr bullet. needless to say, I got 32 grains in there. Needless to say after that, and holding the gun as far away from me as possible, it went bang, and luckly didn't blow up. But, it was a brand new Rem 700 PSS in 6.8. Andddddd it cracked the bolt in 3 spots, and no joke melted the brass into the bolt like its not welded in there. I had to get a new bolt from Remington, and a gunsmith to take the barrel off to get the bolt out. $80 later for the gunsmith alone, $220 for the new bolt, I have a lame story and a cracked bolt with a round melted inside it. Every time I show someone, which isn't often because its an embarrassing mistake, I hit the brass case against a table or hard surface and it reminds me not to be an idiot and gives the other person a good laugh. Lets just say I learned realllllly fast how to reload after that. A couple years later I think my powder measure throw a little to much powder in a 5.56 SS109 reload and it bent my extractor at about 45 degrees and took some effort to get the bolt unstuck from the chamber. But, that wasn't me, because I was measuring every 10 rounds, and obviously can't throw more than 1 time into a 5.56 case. So, simple machinery failure by a slight margin. #### happens I guess?
  2. macgyver could fix it, why cant you? :)
  3. This is about to be my new favorite topic. haha. 
  4. INSANEEEEEEEEEEEE. seriously. thats a new record. 
  5. Millions of vets over 12 years of war.   Bring it.   If people here have never read about the Battle of Athens, I highly recommend it. A couple GI's did the right thing, and gave the people back their county from corruption after WWII. Using a single Tommy gun, 24 bolt guns and some Colt 1911's, no comms, nothing.    Image todays vets, battle proven fighters, on their own turf, with heavy fire power and top of the line equipment.    OHHHHHHHHHH, I'm calling no balls. 
  6. Thats why I said it was an interesting choice. figured you would want to keep velocity low and you were using a 5.56 tracer powder. I'm glad it worked though and you got a nice good load! It's amazing what people can come up with, and thats a big reason I love this forum. It inspires me to try new things and think outside the box! 
  7. I have an Infidel tattoo on my forearm in Arabic. I catch shit from muslims ALL the time. And I've had some muslims that don't even know what it means and ask me...    Recently, on my way back to the Stan, I had a Delta stewardess come back 3 times throughout my 15 hour flight to be a sarcastic bitch about it and ask me all sorts of personal questions, asking if I knew what it meant. It's like come on lady. You're extremely unprofessional.    I have never been kicked out of places for it, but if/when that day comes and I'm in America, I wont be a happy camper. 
  8. I'm with you guys, I love it here. Screw AR15.com. Wont go back there. my old state of MN has MNGuntalk.com and it was pretty good. but also a lot of not so bright people that shouldn't have even been talking. 
  9. nice man! congrats!
  10. with a personal can, no way will i do that...   but work cans... been there many times :)
  11. Two ammo cans full of aluminum mags. One with ss109s and one with vmax and m193 in the other. It's grab and go situational dependent. 4 6.8 mags for the LWRC. And 11 for the ak74. Pistols, two handguns with 5 mags each. That's it. One for me, one for the wife. Mp5 mags, maybe 6. Max. It's my house gun though, and it sleeps with me.
  12. Very cool! And interesting choice in powder as well. Love it.
  13. Haha, man, thats great. Gotta love bad starters!
  14. Noon: out of stock. 
  15. I have a 1972 21' Winner Viscont that my father gave me after I got out of the Army because it sank and he bought a new boat. He repaired it while I was in Afghanistan, and when I got home I spent 3 solid months of non-stop work sanding it, repainting it, ripping the floor up to put a new tank in, you name it. Getting it back on the lake.... well, every time for the first month it would break down. After some major water coming in my dad was looking at it and found the rubber boot on the lower unit to be...bad. HA! That was an understatement. It shredded itself. Blew a prop hitting a massive wave to hard and fast, broke that right apart, happened to be on the 4th of July as well at 1:30am. Good times... There is seriously endless stories with this thing. But, that being said, I'll NEVER sell it. Its part of the family. In 1979 my dad asked around trying to find someone to put an inboard motor in it, and everyone laughed and said it was impossible. Well, in 1980 he gave up asking and took a chain saw to the rear floor boards and went to town. Now I have a nice 350 Chevy motor that's a tank, and man, is she fast. :) Best story I have with her though... Starter went out when we were about to leave the beach and head home. So, we got someone to tow us about 40 minutes to the closet dock. My step-dad was already on his way after getting my truck at the boat ramp on the other side of the lake to meet us there. I called my dad and was already looking in to a place to repair it, and he said "just hit it with a really big wrench or hammer". I laughed on the phone and he said he was serious. So I did, and boy did I feel like a jack ass. It fired up no problem. Drove back to the original dock and called it a day. Wish he would have told me to hit it with a wrench when it first broke down.... I guess thats when you know your boat inside and out. Where to hit it with hard object to make it work... haha. Ohhhhhh man. I proposed to my wife on the 4th of July as well under the fire works in front of all my friends on this bad boy too. Another reason I refuse to ever sell it. Picture time: Finished back end: Finished inside: Giant hole... My dad sent me this picture while I was deployed: Needs some work... Original hole. The tow bar got ripped out while towing a giant tube, apparently the wood was just to rotten and couldn't take abuse anymore Motor back in: The old rig:
  16. Yeah, all that work, 40 agents later, two raids, and ZERO arrests. Sounds like the ATF had its facts straight again before they raided the two locations.... Surprised no one was killed.
  17. nice grab! congrats!
  18.   Thats not the point. Obviously because he still did it. 
  19. There is a special place in hell for him. 
  20. Didn't the m118lr go back to RL15 back in 1996? Hasn't changed since if I remember correctly.
  21. New mk316 mod 0 rounds use 4064. They went back to it because its less tempature sensitive that RL15. Maybe that's what he was talking about?
  22. I have a s&w 329pd I'd personally use.
  23. To lazy to change it... Mindless idiot.    there goes $80,000,000 in yearly revenues from a single company and countless jobs.    All because they think its for the greater good. 
  24. I'd check out Sig's line up. Shot a friends Tac Ops and loved it so much I got myself one. Picked it up and shot better on that than most guns I won. Was amazing. Super smooth. 


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