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Everything posted by 173rdABN

  1. That's amazing. Really. If she sticks with it she's going to be some MAJOR competition to compete against!
  2. Mp5, ump, aks74u. I'd consider all those. I have an mp5 in 9mm and .40 and I'd take either to a 200 yard fight. Me and DMark were shooting steel at 220 yards at GGC no problem. With both calibers. Yeah pistol calibers might not do much at that range but does your wife really need to worry about that? What are the odds she shooting that distance to kill.
  3. Niceeeee. That's one of the guns of the top of my list.
  4. if only...
  5. not to shabby :)
  6. Sam worked on my 329PD. good guy. 
  7. son of a... i was just at the outpost, twice, two days in a row. and its an hour from me. i would have got more AR308 ones if i knew that...
  8. Wow....... Guess the 4th means nothing. At least to a foreign leader running our country.
  9. I posted a link to another forum talking about the same guy and how he's a scammer. Using a fake military I'd. Always in different states. Posting an add In NH on the 29th but saying he's in OK on the 30th... Moved cross country In a day and posted it the day before he left. Yeah...nooo... Little clues like that give it away. Google his email I posted and see for yourselfs. Please no me try to buy this or get scammed by him...
  10. Whatcha gunna make me :)
  11. yes, its the stock photo from LWRC's site.   well, the signature in my email says my work (irrelevant because its my afghan cell and no ones going to call that) cell number and personal state side number and my full name and job title. i use that email for work and personal stuff.    http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=664011   hes on forums like this one.    i hope he doesnt use my info, and i get called in the middle of the night by EVERYONE. mannnnnnnnnnnn.   just not my day....   as a warning to everyone else.    bullletproof007@gmail.com   get an email from them. its a scam.
  12. from him: Barrel length is 10.5" PSD model... Listed it in NH when i was still there but i have moved to Oklahoma which is the more reason why i am still looking to sell it because i have got to get somethings done at the new place here.   From me: Only questions I really have are, what barrel length is it? 10.5" or 8.5" PSD model? Your add was just LWRC's info off their site. Also, the add says your in New Hampshire...? Just the typical questions to make sure every things legit.     From the seller: It is still available sir. It is brand new and never fired. I guaranteed it is in 100% perfect condition. Where are you located? I am currently in Taquelah,Oklahoma... Please let me know if you will be available for a ftf here or i can handle shipping to your doorstep... Please let me know. Thanks Leah     nevermind. dude was uber shady. i walked away.....   a buddy brought up a good point. who moves overnight from NH to OK and lists the add in NH?.... not for me. oh well, i'll keep looking. 
  13. Please don't steal this ninja style if its legit. I've been dying to get my hands on one of these.   LWRC upper for sale on Armslist for $1,300. Shortly like I want. Its all just copy and pasted info from LWRC's website. And, add says its in New Hampshire...   http://www.armslist.com/posts/1538244/new-hampshire-gun-parts-for-sale--lwrc-m6a2-5-556-ar15-upper--223   So, I email the seller. This is my response.   It is still available sir. It is brand new and never fired. I guaranteed it is in 100% perfect condition. Where are you located? I am currently in Taquelah,Oklahoma... Please let me know if you will be available for a ftf here or i can handle shipping to your doorstep... Please let me know. Thanks Leah     Does this seem legit? Two totally different locations... quick, good response though.    Would you follow through with it...?      
  14. Anddddddd no. F- that state. Roll your own.
  15. Drink more, it always comes back to you then. Haha
  16. Only mp5 I don't have. K model. Lucky duck!
  17. Very nice !
  18. I use Mobil 1 and change it every 6k in the car and truck just because its habit all my life. On my diesel excursion it was every 8,500 with semi synthetic rotella. Ill probably always do 6k as well. I've replaced a motor in my 87' Chevy blazer because when it was given to me, my cousin didn't change the oil for 13k and it caused the engine to blow itself up. Cracked the block, ect ect. Pulled the oil pan to satisfy my curiosity and it was literally sludge. Clumps and handfuls. That makes me want to keep changing my oil every 6k. I know that was a 20+ year old motor and things have changed, but I'm stuck on my old ways. And I feel I have good reasons.
  19. Funny you say this. I cleared my house last night thinking I heard something and felt I needed practice because of all my "dead space" so I did it again this afternoon. And i currently still clear buildings and do MOUT work in Afghanistan. You can never have enough practice. It's extremely perishable and you really do need to just keep going at it.
  20. Aero also makes spikes tactical and many others. Good company and good lowers for sure.
  21. Saw WARS 10's are the outpost yesterday for $899...... What the heck happened to the $300 days... 
  22. Dealer sent my form 4 off today. Let the count down begin


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