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Everything posted by 173rdABN

  1. I can't tell you how many times I've had an A10 over head lighting up a position giving us a major advantage let alone a hard on. I'll find some pictures on my computer later when I get on it that'll all make you hate the government for mothballing the A10
  2. Awesome congrats!
  3. 173rdABN


    DPMS uses standard ar15 triggers as well. So you have many more options to trigger upgrades down the road if you so choose to swap it out. DPMS also takes knights mags, pmags, DPMS mags, and I think one or two more. The SASS barrel is amazing. I put one in my MATEN build that I did and couldn't be happier. Was shooting at 550 yards the other day and was more than impressed, as well as the two others that shot it. It just seems the DPMS pattern has much more to offer than anyone else.
  4. Thanks for the info guys! Got this house last November and didn't want to use the chimney last winter because I'd rather be safe than sorry. Hopefully this winter we and actually enjoy a nice fire!!
  5. haha, at least you just hung up.
  6. 173rdABN


    i think he means DPMS Panther
  7. I wish I could go... That's a long drive though. I'd love to buy cheap guns :)
  8. anyone willing to throw some .45, 9mm, 223, 308 or 6.8 my way?  :wave:   I have a little bit of 357 and 38 I can trade for. 
  9. Anyone have any recommendations?
  10. Come on now 6.8, it was dirty because I was cutting a hole in my bench and didn't put my tools away before I took a picture. I got to excited. Hahaha. I cut my .223 in a band saw before I do my final cut to 300/221. Won't be burning up my trimmer anytime soon!
  11. very cool! great post!
  12. thanks!
  13. Got a Dillon RT1200 from a member here. Went to Home Depot on my way home to get a vacuum, ordered a 308 and 300/221 die for the trimmer as well, and it's set up for 223 right now. Wish I could do 6.8 as well with this motor but I can't :( I set it up to go through my bench with the vacuum underneith and out of the way. Works perfect. Little loud, but that's what ear muffs are for. Big benefit is I can now vacuum my bench without bringing in my shop vac or anything. Makes perfect sense.
  14. The brother shouldn't have made a fast move to spark the offices reaction. Not saying what he did wasn't right or what I would have done. But it's a slippery slop there.
  15. Right? I know who's going to comment soon :)   I have a 300/221. Predecessor to the blackout. 8.5" barrel, and only shot 175 and 208's in her. Never done for accuracy, just functions testing. Haven't found enough bullets to load some up since I got her. 
  16. Talk to mike. User name "lawenforcementsales". Extremely nice guy and super helpful. He usually has suppressors in stock and has more than fair prices. I'd look at the AAC 762 SDN6 for 308 and lower (ie: 556, 300 blk, 6.8, eft). Also sure fire makes some amazing cans with better, more solid mounting systems but cost a little more.
  17. Oh wow.... Holy attention to detail batman... Only 2.5-5 mil estimated....
  18. Nice! Almost got one of those but I choose to pick up a 10.5" m6a2 upper instead which brings me up to 2 LWRC's total! That will probably be my third one here shortly and a perfect competition gun!
  19. Holy smokes you did a great job on cleaning that up! Nice detail with the grips :)
  20. 173rdABN

    Magazine Wear

    I leave all my mags loaded. Never have an issue.
  21. touche. didn't see that.
  22. No one even mentioned harmonics? 
  23. Sounds like a good time! Glad you guys got to enjoy the day.


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