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Everything posted by 173rdABN

  1. No, they are not. Its M80 ball.
  2. Mark, I ran M80 ammo all day in it. She didn't see any training ammo. Looks like they need to mine for lead again. HA.
  3. I'll be there with Mike Dresner. We are bringing some of our machine guns, mainly belt feds for a red carpet entrance to the after party on Saturday for all the big named companies (vortex, eotech, etc). They will be taking pictures with our guns. Pretty excited to say the least.
  4. Wait..... What..... I beat you?! muahahhahahahaha.
  5. We started putting tannerite in the car for people to shoot and blow the car up throughout the end of the day. I think next time we will put more and more in it throughout the day and keep it going. It's way more fun that way. We have some good stuff planned for the next event. Hopefully in April we can have another event up at Strategic Edge again. We should have quite a few more guns by then as well. If anyone else took pictures please post them up. I am going to try and upload more videos and pictures as I get them in.
  6. My favorite picture of the day. For those that don't know my wife, she hates guns. She is just there to support me. I asked her to shoot my minigun and she said yes just to shut me up. I made some poster board with a couple pictures of the guns we brought so people could see what they had the option of shooting. I only posted a generic picture of a gun, even though we brought multiples. Drone footage of the range.
  7. My brand new 1919A4. Saw its first rounds Saturday.
  8. I'm going to try and post pictures soon. Been swamped trying to play catch up in the shop.
  9. I don't blame you. I never carry cash anywhere. Glad you're bringing someone!
  10. Pretty much all my helpers, Mike and myself are cops. And we have machine guns. I think you're safe. Lol see ya tomorrow!!
  11. We will be taking cash and cards.
  12. I bought a really nice quad rotor with 4K camera the other day just for this shoot. I'd love to get video near the car as the minigun nails it and you can see the shooter firing the gun at it and the car being destroyed. Lots of cool plans. I have a bunch of tannerite as well we will be shooting.
  13. This is coming up guys, please don't forget about it!
  14. I call BS. That was planned!
  15. Working on a MG3. Won't have one in time for the shoot though. It's coming. Just time consuming. One of the last belt Feds I'm interested in I did just get a 1919A4 though Thinking about a Thompson. Hard to justify though. I might consider it if I get enough interest to rent it out. And a BAR probably won't happen honesty. Just not something I'm interested in. Again if I get enough interest where it pays for itself I might rethink it. But very hard for me to justify.
  16. I believe the range is 100 yards.
  17. got my UMP45 in the other day. That will be there. And my 1919A4 should be finished by the shoot hopefully too.
  18. What he said. The owner Mark is a good buddy of mine and we figured this would be an epic way to celebrate the range opening. Marks got some awesome plans for his place, so lots of changes in the future. Hopefully this shoot does well and we head back a couple times a year to make it a tradition.
  19. Just torque and the first few shots jerk it bad. Once that split millisecond is over it's extremely controllable
  20. ill be bringing my new minigun! Hope everyone can make it and gets to shoot their dream guns!


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