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Everything posted by Shima

  1. Shima

    Smith and Wesson 410

    I'd keep the Kahr. Just my opinion. I like the carriability of it.
  2. Hoppes solvent to clean and Hoppes oil to lube. Its cheap at Walmart and does a fine job. Congrats on the Ruger. Just noticed your Ruger is stainless steel, so you may want to pick up some Flitz stainless steel pollish.(sp?)
  3. Interesting story, but not sure why you put it in the Handguns forum. I went ahead and moved it to general off topic.
  4. Don't know if you guys have seen this or got this from High Noon Holsters email list, so I thought I'd pass it on. Obama's new Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2ndAmendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court's accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms. Here's what you need to do: First - vote on this one. Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published. The Question is: "Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?" Click on the link below and PLEASE vote USATODAY.com - Quick Question
  5. Work is highly overrated. I went to the range about 2 and stayed till 3:30. It was a good time. Pretty muddy. I stayed in the pistol pit most of the time.
  6. Looking like afternoon. Gonna be muddy, but maybe not raining.
  7. Jeremy, go back and read my post especially the part that says "the following is an excerpt from a previous thread: " Yes, I took it from one of Phil's posts and included his sig line so anyone that wants to argue with me on the basis that I'm not a professional can take a professional's word for it.
  8. I think you should get the Cougar. It's one I'd personally like to have. I've shot the Ruger P95 and don't really care for it. Just my
  9. Depending on the weather, I'm gonna try to go out to CHM range (Owl Hollow) tomorrow morning-mid day. Anybody want to join me? Speak up or shoot me a PM. I'll subscribe to this thread and set my PMs to go to my email.
  10. Really??? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Just another stupid thing I've heard about the place. What was the reason for that?
  11. I sure wish everybody would quit trying to persuade people to buy a 40S&W on the school of thought that you can just swap parts around and make it a 357 Sig or a 9mm. The only one I've seen advertised by the manufacturer to do that with is the Sig. If you're a fan of one cailber or the other, that's fine, but I think alot of you are misleading these "newbies" by telling them that it's OK or recommended by the factory to do that. Yes, there are conversion kits to swap calibers in a Glock, but I don't know if anybody is gonna take on the liability if it messes up your gun. I'm almost positive Glock won't take it back. I doubt the conversion manufacturer will buy you another gun either. I'll totally retract my statements if someone has written proof otherwise, but until then, that's my honest opinion. The following excerpt is from a previous thread where PHIL ARRINGTON DISCUSSED THE ISSUE concerning the conversions. I also copied his signature line to show who made the statement. Now for a little FYI on barrel conversions going from 40 down to 9mm. Simply put it will eventually mess up your gun. Its not just swapping out the barrel and mag. The breach face is different and so is the ejector, guide rod spring, and extractor. Doing this will also void your Glock warranty. Thus the reason Glock wont sell you a 9mm barrel if they know thats what your going to do. Glock only recommends the conversion too and from 40-357sig. Now all that being said, I know customers that went ahead and did the 9mm swap, and the gun ran for a while... but then parts started breaking. I'd leave it alone and get professional lessons. Its just like getting your first high performance car of 4x4 truck, your going to need some help getting the most out of it. Anyway just an FYI... __________________ Phillip Arrington Goodlettsville Gun Shop 602 S. Main St Goodlettsville Tn 37072 615-859-8822 ggunshop@bellsouth.net www.goodlettsvillegunshop.com Phil's thought for the day: If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
  12. You got it good then. I wish I still lived out where I could go in the back yard and shoot. Those were the days.
  13. I hate it there too. I went with my wife and a buddy I used to work with only because I forgot Owl Hollow was closed that weekend and the car was loaded up and we wanted to shoot somewhere. It was NOT a fun shooting experience. We had to wait for over an hour to use the rifle range. I couldn't even enjoy it because of the range nazis and all their nitpicky rules. Safety is great and very important, but that place is not pleasant at all. I'll never go back.
  14. I would skip the guide rod laser and spend the money on night sights and plenty of ammo to practice, but that's just me. Congrats on the G26. It's a great CCW gun and a great shooting gun.
  15. That stuff is funny. He needs a real job. He's got way too much free time on his hands. That dude has a bunch of videos. I think it's funny that "Tex" AKA Dereck Grebner lives in Illinois. It's scary to think how many weirdos there are out there. I've been watching some Youtube videos lately. Some of those guys are really strange. That guy has like 2000 people following his Youtube videos. I REALLY hope it's just for the comic value, and not people putting stock into what this kid thinks about whatever. "As always, God bless all my Ted Nugent blood brothers..."
  16. I dont know about the PM9 because I haven't shot one, but if the trigger is as long as the CW9, wow you better pack a lunch to wait for it to fire.
  17. Can't beat the reliability of a Glock. I love my 26. The PM9 may or may not run perfect out of the box. It's also a little pricey. I don't know anything about the other 2 mentioned. The Storm is a much bigger gun than all the rest you mentioned unless you are talking about a sc model.
  18. I spent part of my tax return on my G26. The wife spent part on her camera. We also put a set of Nittos on my truck and paid off a credit card. We should really adjust our tax withholdings.
  19. Shima

    Detective Special

    I've had problems with Magtech FMJs in my J frame with some of them not firing. I don't know if the primers are too hard or what, but no other brand has given me trouble. Maybe the JHPs are better, but I'm not personally gonna trust them for carry.
  20. Shima

    glock 23 magazine

    Wow, maybe I need an Uplula. I think the Glock one works fine, so maybe an Uplula would load the mag without me doing anything.
  21. I had a Ruger SP101 .357 and it was a great revolver. You can't go wrong with it. You just have to have a good holster because it is a tank. It is tough as nails. A Hogue grip makes it much more comfortable to shoot, but it's a great gun.
  22. This is my blacktical family of defensive arms. Benelli Supernova Tactical 12 Ga, VEPR K Carbine 7.62x39, Glock 21 in 45ACP, Glock 26 in 9MM. It brings such a warm and cozy feeling to see them all.
  23. But do the front and rear sights have Tritium vials in them? I thought David was gonna look at getting some for his M&P, but they didn't glow on the front or the rear. I may be mistaken though.
  24. Go with night sights. Save your money on what the laser will cost and buy a good holster and some ammo. BTW, Congrats on the G26. I love mine. You might also check out the magazine floor replacements from GAP inc. They supposedly help with grip and control of the gun without adding to the length of the grip and hurting concealability.


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