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Everything posted by Shima

  1. Shima

    Favorite TV shows

    I also have to say I can't wait to watch the Coach Saban's boys play on Saturdays. Roll Tide!!! And did anyone say hockey ey'? Go Preds!!!
  2. Shima

    Favorite TV shows

    I work 2nd shift so I'm religiously hooked on Nash Bridges reruns every morning. They show 2 episodes every day and at that pace, I can watch all 6 seasons in a couple months. Yes, it is a little hokey like The Unit,but I find it amusing. I know that San Fransisco does not sell fully auto EBRs in gun stores, but it makes for an entertaining storyline. Like I said, I like The Unit, also a little hokey, but entertaining. I like Heroes. Obviously ficticious, but still entertaining. I like the Big Bang theory for my comic relief. Saving Grace has peaked my interest in a trailor park cop chick kind of way also. Trashy women are interesting especially when they are LEOs. Other than that, Andy Griffith is my all time favorite classic. B&W, not color. Finally, the Dog Whisperer is very educational for me.
  3. Good idea. When and where?
  4. Funny HAHA!!! LOL!!!
  5. I had a great time as well. It was good to meet those I haven't met before and see familiar faces again. Schmootika, thanks for letting me shoot the Saiga. Loki, thanks for showing me how to turn money into noise with almost autofire. Coop, thanks for letting me run your AR 22LR and keeping me hydrated. Jason, thanks for driving. Tower, thanks for letting me shoot the 410 revolver. That was cool. It was a good day spent with all. Hope to see you all next time.
  6. I'm a slob. I always wear untucked T-shirts, polos, or loose button down short sleeve shirts with loose cargo pocket trousers or shorts. I conceal my G30 IWB just fine. When I'm feeling fat and the Glock feels too tight, I wear the Bersa IWB as well. If it's winter time, and I'm wearing jeans, I carry in an OWB rig with an overshirt or jacket. I always wear a good belt. I never stress out about printing since open carry is legal anyway. I have to figure out what to do when wearing pants or shorts with no belt loops. Maybe a smart carry?
  7. Give it about a week.
  8. Westwind Mike and I will be there by 11:30.
  9. Sushi, YUM!!!
  10. I need to meet up with some mid TN CJ jeep guys to pick at from time to time and go Jeepin with? Any of you guys out there? Speak up. I've always got questions and other people's experiences can be priceless.
  11. I have a Galco IWB with a single clip, but it isn't anything like a Crossbreed or MTAC. It has the clip in the middle. I use it with a small gun also. For a heavier gun, 2 clips is the way to go IMHO. HBE has some good looking holsters with 2 clips, but I prefer kydex bodies for ease of reholstering. Crossbreed is still my favorite.
  12. I belive junglist is also a member. We'll just have to make sure one of us will be there when the nonmembers show up and one stays till all the nonmembers go home. That's the good thing about meeting up someplace before hand and riding over to the gun club at the same time.
  13. I'm a member there.
  14. I'll be there. My wife is sitting this one out. I'll bring my mistresses from Russia, Austria, and Argentina. (VEPR, Glock,and Bersa) I need a Norinco 1911 to throw in the mix.
  15. +1 for Crossbreed Supertuck. I love it and carry in it everyday.
  16. Coop, I beat you by 5 bucks. I got $30 for my 10 year old $350 mountain bike at our garage sell. I'm still stuck with my wife's Huffy.
  17. Take something soft to sit on. Your a$$ will thank you. We didn't know to and had to make a trip to Wally world to get a thick childs sleeping pad to share. I also bought a little walkman with earphones and wore one walkman earphone in one ear and the race scanner earphone in the other ear with my earmuffs over the top of coarse. It was cool hearing the race on the radio and seeing it in person at the same time.
  18. It's a late 90's model KHS Crest with Shimano everything and front suspension. Not sure exactly what year. It's black with trimmed in red. It had a red plastic or kevlar saddle. Very uncomfortable, so I took it off and replaced it with a Walmart padded saddle. So yard sale price huh? $75 or so? Higher or lower?
  19. I'm trying to put a sale price on my KHS mountain bike that I bought back in 1999. I'm guessing about $125 sounds about right. I paid $350 for it back then at the bike shop. I think I'm gonna have a hard time selling a $125 bike when you can go to Walmart and buy a new Huffy for less than that? What do you think? How do other people sell expensive mountain bikes? Input appreciated. Thanks.
  20. Owl Hollow is cheaper to shoot. It allows for visiting and socializing since it's out in the open. I imagine you can shoot longer distances since it has the rifle range. However, you do have to take turns in the pistol pits since there are only 2. It's great fun though.
  21. Congrats on those permits guys!!!
  22. In addition to guns and taxes, don't forget gas prices. I guess that kinda goes hand in hand with taxes though.
  23. I went to Owl Hollow Gun Club Sat evening and shot my newly aquired rifle. This thing is awesome. I was shooting with the standard iron sights and blowing clays to bits at the 25 yard range. With a little more practice and maybe a bipod or shooting vise, I'll step out the range to 50 or maybe 100 yds in no time. I just gotta get some new contacts or glasses so I can see a target that far away.
  24. If I'm not mistaken, Natosha already has a S&W 637 J Frame like mine or has one on layaway or something. If that Galco belly band really works, I may have to get one to wear with wind pants. and gym shorts.
  25. I went to Owl Hollow this evening to shoot the VEPR and had a great time. The Range Officer, my wife and I were the only people there. It was great. The gun is awesome. I could not be happier. OHGC is always a great place to shoot, but if you want free run of the range with no waiting, go on a Sat evening. Only bad part is with no socializing, you shoot faster using more bullets and costing more money.


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