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Everything posted by Kegger

  1. All of em.
  2. Sitting outside gamestop right now with a line ahead of me to pick up my copy. Not gonna sleep tonight lol.
  3. Out. Freaking. Standing.
  4. And another thing, has anyone ever heard the little line "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
  5. As someone who has served alongside soldiers that I know are gay, suspect are gay, or merely call gay, I see no issue with this ruling. There's more flamboyant homo-eroticism in a highschool football locker room, most of the gays who serve just want to do they're job and go home at the end of the day. I've never had nor seen any issues, personally, that have arisen because someone is gay. They're joes, plain and simple. Everyone's green, and last I checked the Army doesn't allow sex other than missionary, so technically, every last damn one of us is looking at NJP. Regardless of orientation. And for the guys who have never served, but like to write policy, I bet you all have at least one friend who is gay, and you will never know it. Yet you let them in your home, watch games, and drink beer with them, and have for years. Would you stop being their friend if you found out? Those of you that would, would have no place serving amongst the brave few who are willing to lay down their lives. The others, thanks for being a decent human being.
  6. Basically. You could come back fine this time, then the next you get denied. It's a crap shoot.
  7. I'll take one in .308 I'd be in for a .22 mag.
  8. Because the clowns at TICS don't actually know what the 4473 says about DUI's, or any other charge for that matter, so they just deny the purchase. So it forces you to appeal and 9 times out of 10 the denial is reversed.
  9. I know some guys, that if contacted on the right radio frequency, could put a couple 155's through his kitchen window....
  10. That's me on the right. Generally my normal appearance lol
  11. Most mil-surplus places carry it. You can even occasionlly find the 1000' foot rolls for like 40 bucks if you look around.
  12. Kegger

    Rule #23

    Mug of Leipers Fork Coffee (local roast) followed by another, with a cig first thing. Then a red bull or monster on the way to work. If I don't have all of them, my day goes to *****.
  13. Pre-ordered it the day pre-ordering started.... Does that make me weird?
  14. Call ahead to make sure, but they generally keep them in stock.
  15. They sell 'em, and a bunch of other thing you won't be able to live without lol.
  16. Nails do work but man do they mar the finish. Mike, I may be headed down to the outpost on Saturday and could pick you one up if you still need it.
  17. Here are some pics, for those who want to see it.
  18. I'm looking to get $200 for it, and no not getting out of the business, just emptying some tuff-boxes of mine. Don't need all this crap any more, lol.
  19. Got my hands on a spare ACH that I don't need and am gauging interest in it. Older MSA, unused, been sitting in a tuff-box. Black pads and chin straps, size large. Anyone need one for their SHTF gear?
  20. Ummmmm.... What? Everything these guys do and teach directly relates to real-life scenarios.
  21. Tony Bellione over at ABC Gunsmith in Franklin can hook you right up.
  22. Sitting at work, avoiding work at all costs. Fixed an old shotgun, put some bullets through my babies, and drinking beer. Pretty much standard for me.
  23. Keep us updated on the class.
  24. Do you have the correct extractor for it? And is it a rivet in or the snap in?
  25. Kegger


    "I don't care how many skydives you have, until you've steppped out of a plane at 1250 feet, in pitch black, with 90 pounds of gear, and 35 pounds of parachute, you're still a f#*$ing leg." Just kidding, I've been interested in skydiving for a while now. Especially since I can't get an airborne slot....


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