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Everything posted by Kegger

  1. Kegger

    5/3 Bank?

    I've used them for about 8 years now. Very personable bank, they actually care about their customers and have gone waaaaaaaaay out of their way to help me out of a few tight spots before. That and they don't post. I recommend them, highly.
  2. Kegger


    COOK OFF!!!!!!! I'll even volunteer my time and services to judge the competition.
  3. Kegger

    AR15 Rail

    UTG is fine, as long as you are a 200 round a year shooter. If you're anything like me and you actually shoot the piss out of your guns, buy once, cry once is something to remember. Yes, it is expensive. But its worth the investment. Would you put a POS bolt and barrel in there from some unknown manufacturer? Nope. So why go cheap on a significant load bearing piece of kit?
  4. I got the holster out yesterday and did some shooting. Mostly for the enjoyment of wasting money. I put around 400 rounds through my gun, which ran beautifully as always(even though I clean it with the hose, like Mike.) Mostly doing controlled pairs, but the occasional mag dump thrown in to keep the gun hot. The holster held up great, no changes due to heat, no wear, and held the gun very well during movement to cover and an uber cool combat roll I did just to see how well it would retain the gun. Retention didn't change, and I've come to notice that even as awkward as drawing from 4 o'clock is, the cant makes it much easier to deal with shooter fatigue after a couple hundred draws. No issues with the holster body rubbing my fingers raw, despite me trying to do just that. As well as no perceived shift in the holster during the entire shooting series. One thing I did notice though, is that if you tuck an undershirt in behind the holster, it WILL come untucked during normal movement. And especially during sprinting and draws. Simple fix with a bit of mild stippling to the back of the holster body by the end user to retain the shirt. Now back to work and I'll update at the end of the day on how this thing carries in scrubs.
  5. Kegger

    AR-15 barrell gap

    For a little extra you can drop a cold hammer forged Daniel Defense barrel in that thing and have zero fit issues.
  6. Kegger

    AR-15 barrell gap

    What you're referring to is headspacing. You can buy a set of go/no go gauges from midway if you really want to. But if you're using a high quality barrel and bolt, you shouldn't have any issues with improper headspacing.
  7. Got the K25 for a M&P9 FS that Tony sent me yesterday. Initially, very impressed with the workmanship and thought put into this holster. Edges are dressed beautifully, (an issue I've run into with other manufacturers,) all hardware is evenly spaced, lines are clean, and retention is perfect for me. Been wearing it out all day. I normally carry IWB in a Comp-Tac MTAC at 4 o'clock, so positioning was standard for me. The cant built in is perfect for this carry method, it allows the draw stroke to come up naturally without any funny hand manipulation. Holster carries the gun very well, didn't try to pull my pants to my knees when wearing it. Also hides VERY well, the "tumor" we all deal with is minimized greatly with the way this holster is designed. Wore this with blue jeans and a well fitting t-shirt all over town and never had any issues with printing or the gun becoming exposed. Ran into a few cop friends of mine while out and asked 'em if they could see any sign of a gun. One of them didn't believe I was carrying at all until I pulled up my shirt to reveal the gun. I think he may become a customer Tony. I've done around a hundred draw strokes out of this holster so far, and other than a few tiny kydex shavings, no issues at all. As stated before, retention is perfect. Gun comes up and out easily and doesn't try to yank my pants into my armpits. But at the same time, there is no way this gun is coming out unless it is pulled out. Two things I don't like, first it is molded for a pistol with a safety, which I don't have, so there is a small prominence in the holster body that pokes a bit until you get used to it. The other thing is the pull the dot snaps. Never have been a fan of them, but they do the job they're designed to do, so I can live with it. Once I get to put this thing through it's paces, I'll post up the results. Porn.
  8. Now the important question... Did he get a free car out of it?
  9. POLL: Ban high-capacity ammunition clips? - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
  10. That's actually where the thumb safety goes if you don't have one. As for my M&P, I treat it like a redheaded hooker. I cleaned it once, on accident. And have never had an issue out of it the I didn't intentionally create. Go buy one, a case of ammo, and some mags. Then proceed to shoot the piss out of it. You'll be a happy camper.
  11. Because the sheeple in general believe it works. It doesn't. If they just put down a sand/salt mix without any water added, it would have been a lot better. But god forbid anybody in the south do what they do up north.
  12. Show up like you wanna be there, get the haircut, get a pair of boots good and broken in, and for the love of Jesus, know that there is no h in ooorah!!! You'll be respected and admired by all.
  13. Done, $30 to go guys!!!
  14. I tend to OC more nowadays since deciding to carry a light on my gun and shoving the whole package IWB is incredibly uncomfortable being as small as I am.
  15. There'd be 4-5 dead guys and video evidence of their mistake.
  16. I've tried being nice and asking her not to look through stuff, so I took the kid gloves off. I understand ultimatums can backfire, but hopefully it won't. She knows what's at stake and I hope she takes it to heart that I'm serious.
  17. I didn't want any explanations. I didn't ask for them either. I just told her flat out, stop this , or I want the ring back. Seemed to have worked, I'll find out in the long run though.
  18. Well I sat down and had a long conversation with her last night. I put my foot down, and told her that if this behavior continues it will be over, and I will not even consider coming back. I trust her, and she says she trusts me, so I just told her to prove it to me. We're not due to get married until late 2012 so I have plenty of time to see if this sinks in. If it doesn't, then tough tittie, hope she has good luck dating other people. And on the couseling side, I suggested that as well and she is open to it, so we'll see how that goes as well.
  19. So I've recently become engaged to a girl that I've been with for 3 years and known for many more. Recently though she has started snooping through my cell phone, personal email, facebook, and just recently my phone call record on the phone bill. I've talked to her several times about this and how it makes me feel like I can't be trusted, and how I would never do anything like that to her. Hell, I can't stand getting something out of her purse when she asks me to, I just can't go through someone's stuff like that. She has said several times that she would stop and I dropped it, til the next time she did it. Every time she does this she wants to try to explain why she's going through everything, with excuses that hold about as much water as a colander. Now I've never cheated on this girl nor had the inclination to do such a thing, but I am seriously considering breaking off the engagement and moving on over this. Am I going going overboard or am I justified? I just need another opinion on this.
  20. I carry an M&P9 FS everyday in a Comp-Tac Minotaur. Very easy to conceal, even with a t-shirt and jeans. No need to go smaller as long as you dress around the gun a little bit.
  22. Bleeding, thrashing, and in pain = Sharks circling.
  23. The doc didn't want to cause anymore trauma than had already been done. Incision is a last resort in that kind of situation.
  24. If the invoice says console, I'd make 'em give me the console. They are contractually bound to do it.
  25. Seriously, this doesn't apply to the tropical Zodiac, you know, the only one the western world uses. It is based on seasons, not on actually positioning of the stars like the Eastern Zodiac. So please quit spreading this, it's totally bogus.


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