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Everything posted by Kegger
I'd jump on it. But I'm an HK snob. A compact would be a breeze to carry. Look at me, 160 lbs and I conceal a .45 USP full size everyday. And my round count is around 15,000. I still trust it.
Yes it is, lol.
I'm probably gonna get lynched for this.... But If I recall correctly, most of the crap we're dealing with now, started when President Bush was in office. I admit, President Obama has done some things that I personally find atrocious, as do many of ya'll. But he didn't start the economic downturn, or the housing crisis, or government rebate checks that were funded by China. The last guy in office did.
I've spent the past 5 years of my life playing airsoft. And like with everything else, you get what you pay for. Look for an AEG (automatic electric gun), that has an FPS of 350 or greater. As well as adjustable hop-up, which puts a backspin on the pellet allowing greater distance and accuracy. I always played with a Classic Army M1A Scout. Beefed up, with a 320% spring, new gear box, bigger, juicier battery, and a tighter bore. Pushing 625 FPS, and I could shoot matchsticks at 75 ft with that thing. It would bring blood on the playing field, lol. Some out of the box rifles are like that, but you pay for it. Check out redwolfairsoft.com or airsoftatlanta.com and look at prices and specs. Make sure you get something that comes with a battery and a charger as well. And another plus, you can train with it in your own backyard and not piss off the neighbors. Not to mention the fact it's ridiculously cheap to shoot.
I carry both ways, but when I get made while concealed, I tell people it is a colostomy bag and act real self conscious. Kills the line of questioning instantly, lol.
Any responsible and well liked gun store will give you a better deal than that. Try Hero Gear or the Outpost and see what you can get.
All they really need is a photo ID and something state or federal issued that has your current address on it. So you can use you DL and vehicle registration if you want to, as lo9ng as they get a copy of something with your current address on it.
SAFE QUEEN!!!!! You inherited the Holy Grail of HKs. That is the first HK production pistol, EVER. In most hardcore HK circles, that is the most lusted after pistol they made. Put her away, clean her occasionally, even shoot her if you want *wince*. But don't ever put her in a situation where you could lose her.
Congrats dude. Hope you enjoy your pizza party.
BTW. We now have case lots of 9mm in stock. Federal American Eagle, 1000 rnds. As well as Federal American Eagle .40 S&W.
You got denied for height and weight? They let some big guys in the Army. When I went in we had two guys that were easily 40 lbs over their max. They lost every shred of it. You need to get your recruiter to file a weight waiver for you.
We've got 38 SPL by the case, LRN for the most part, maybe some FMC Flat. Around 400 for a case of a thousand.
Quite plainly, no. Your health is considered too high risk to allow you to enlist. Your have a congenital corneal defect that cannot be corrected short of a corneal transplant, and you're hypertensive. Which BTW, I hope you have gotten it treated and have it under control. You pretty much have to be in prime health to get into the military. Though what happens after you get in is a whole nother story.
HK USP Compact .45 HK 45c canned S&W M&P .45 Compact Sig 220 with AAC can Nighthawk Customs T3 Kimber Pro Carry CDP II M4 with ARMS foregrip, BUIS, EO-Tec w/ magnifier, AN/PVS-14 NODs, PAQ-5, Canned M14 with M68 CCO, canned Norenko AK-47, tacticooled, canned M82A1 98B
Does it count if your were born in the 80's, and every word still applies? Cuz then I'm in, lol.
I grew up in a very liberal family that would never allow firearms in the house. In fact, I didn't even have a BB gun til I turned 17, the same day I joined the Army. Always been interested in guns, shot many of my friends guns over the years. Learned about HCPs when I was 19. Started saving the same day, and when I turned 21 I went out and bought my first handgun. I couldn't get my HCP since I was AD in WI. But I did spend a retarded amount of time with Small Arms Readiness, training, shooting, and more training. I qualified on the Army Combat Pistol Qual course with a 30 out of 30. Then turned around and started training with some CID and Swat guys for about 6 months. And took three different pistol quals, from the standard MP pistol qual to an advanced SWAT CQB and long distance pistol quals. Got home and applied for and received my HCP. Now I carry everywhere.
Glad you like it David. Feel free to come pick up more, lol.
Why do I get the sudden feeling of nausea, that coming off of active duty to go to school is now going to bite me in the butt..... I'm gonna end up bitch slapping some yuppie kid if he says something derogatory about my wonderful country, that I have served faithfully for the past 5 years and will continue to do until they literally kick my ass out. Or maybe it'll be fun.
Alarm Going off in Tractor Supply
Kegger replied to 59allstate's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
My Blackberry sets off alarms all the time, as does my GF's. So I just leave my phone in the car for the most part now. -
For such a low price, those NcStar scopes are quite nice. Nice EBR. Need to get me one now, lol.
I'm like Mike, open carry everywhere. No matter what. I'm a small guy and trying to conceal a full size USP is impossible. And buying another gun right now is out of the question. So I just open carry, plus I have to for work so why switch it up.
I shoot like that, only I keep my thumb under my safety. Just feels better to me. I just tried thumb over safety and that's just awkward. I feel like I would lose a great deal of control if I shot like that.
Cocked and locked, 24/7.