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Everything posted by Kegger
Dicks in cool springs has lots of .40 S&W, and 9mm, and some .357 Mag. As well as lots of rifle calibers. Walmart has Blazer 9mm.
I would treat. But it is my moral, ethical and legal obligation to. If I don't, I can get the crap sued out of me and never be able to practice medicine again. But hopefully if it comes down to that, my aim was true and my efforts pointless.
I cannot wait for this game to come out. I'm a COD junkie, and need a new fix. EDIT: better link here
New Kimbers can be found everywhere. Check The Outpost Armory, Hero Gear, Guns and Leather, Franklin Gun Shop. All of the have a rather good selection of brand spankin new Kimbers.
Spendy!!!!! That's a Yankee word!!!! Beat yourself child!!!!! I know, lol. It's something your save your nickles and dimes for.
Here's a couple of mine, some of you might even recognize it from seeing me at work. And the finished product.
I didn't pay a dime for any of my stuff. My brother's in 7th SFG and they didn't want the older issue IBA back after they issued the Eagle Industries CIRAS to the teams, so he shipped it to me, along with an ACH. YOu can usually find them online for like 800 bucks though.
I just read this whole thread and I think people have though into it too much. I think the original question was meant as a SHTF type deal. Not as a daily wear thing. I've worn body armor at several points in my life, working EMS, as a PD explorer, and as a soldier. And, yes, it sucks big ole balls to wear it all day. I currently have BA, with soft inserts and SAPI-X plates, I don't wear it all the time, in fact I only wear it when I have to and when I'm training. As for the original question, by all means go out and get it. If you feel the need to have it handy, get it. It's just another measure of protecting yourself should a situation necessitating its use arise. I advocate it whole heartedly.
Kimber Ultra Stainless II in 9mm fits.
I get em for free from a local mom and pop place. Give em to a friend of mine who uses em to load me some nasty handloads. Surprised my weapon hasn't been blown to pieces yet.
Anybody else get an immediate need to own something Aimpoint? All I know is that I saw a video with boobs and the word Aimpoint used a lot..... Makes me want one.
How hard is it to relocate an AR front sight?
Kegger replied to strickj's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
You're going to have to replace your barrel. You gas ports are drilled in a specific place, and redrilling them to exact tolerances is going to require a drill press and a few barrels to get it right. Taking the sight off is no problem though, unscrew the compensator, punch the pins on the front sight and off she comes. -
That's a very clean example of the Double 9. And very sorry about your Grandfather, he has my prayers. If you were to sell it, you might be able to get 185-225 out of it.
I live well outside of Franklin city limits. Just have a Franklin address way out here in the sticks. But I have actually seen a few cottonmouths. And by a few I mean exactly 3, all within the span of 16 years of living here. Very uncommon to see them, but I've seen more of them than copperheads.
There are, correct me if I'm wrong, 5 separate species of snakes in this state alone that very closely resemble a copperhead. All of them missing one very important thing. If you see a snake that looks like a copperhead, look for a penny on its head. Small circular area that looks like slightly dull copper, then move away slowly. Advance on it and it will more than likely get very defensive. All the other look a like species will bolt. Use to swim in creeks and ponds all the time as a child and have only seen one actual copperhead. Scared the bejesus outta me and my brothers. You'll see cotton mouths more often around here than you will ever see copperheads.
That guy is a douche nozzle. He needs to be permanently removed from the contributing gene pool. Cuz if I meet him or him offspring, you'll see me on the news for educating him on polite manners in an impolite way, lol.
Looks like the feds found it. Links dead.
+1000 for corn snake. And wook at all the big bad men who's afwaid of a widdle snake or spider..... I love both, and you'll know it when you see me by my tattoos alone.
Definitely worth the money. Twelve or thirteen bucks for very well fitting ear plugs, that dampen sound excellently.
Those are pretty much the same ones we use in the Army, and I love 'em. They are quite comfortable to wear for long periods of time, and dampen noise very nicely. I've never had an issue wearing them, even after 2 years of constant gun fire while I was training soldiers in small arms tactics on active duty. I even did better on my hearing tests since using them. And in fact they saved one of my ear drums. We were doing a movement to contact drill and we were using arty sims and a SCOPUS (mortar/arty sim). Had to pull an ear plug out to use the coms and a sim when off right next to me. Perforated my left ear drum, but kept my right completely safe. I highly recommend them. Just slightly behind Surefire Sonic Defenders of course, lol. I'm in love with those things.
Yeah, I have to concur. Just a reason to get plastered and hit on random college chicks whilst puking in a storm drain.
Don't forget to add an SB-600 for your camera. Low light + noise = FAIL
Thank you for your service. You old salts should always share your wisdom and knowledge. As a currently serving soldier, I see too many of our brethren forgetting those words. But they shall always ring true in my heart. I took that oath very seriously when I spoke those words when I was 17 and will do it again here in the next few months. They are words to live your life by, and I always will.
Now put that thing together and bring it in so I can play.