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Everything posted by Kegger

  1.   Yep, deployed came back then fell into a girl and now I really can't get out if you catch my drift.     They are a ridiculous amount of fun, just be careful to keep a cap on 'em during the day or you'll junk that tube quick.
  2. I'm working on the suppressor now, hopefully an AAC M4-2000. But with NFA waits as long as they are, I dont want to have to wait 10 months to shoot with this setup. We've got a bad yote problem and the neighbors want them gone too, but without all the noise at 2AM.
  3. Or am I the only one? Got back from my deployment and got myself a PVS-14 and an LDI OTAL IR laser. Been looking to get out and shoot after dark, but it's still pretty late when the sun goes down and the neighbors probably wouldn't be too happy about it. So anyone know where a guy can go shoot after dark? Porn.
  4. I've got four, all covered by long sleeve shirts, and all have great personal meaning to me.   I don't mind wearing long sleeves, even in the summer. It is the cost of professionalism and that is something that I like to project.   On the other hand, tattoos are nothing new, they've been around for thousands of years. And every 10 years or so there is a huge proclamation about how they have exploded. They really haven't, the same amount have always been there. It's the level of awareness that has risen, whether that be from age, professional paranoia, disgust, or actively looking for them. They will slowly start to "disappear" from the current generation as they cover them up for jobs sake. But the next generation will flaunt them, and it will look like it has exploded again.
  5. Can't forget about the Stark grip.
  6. Good choice, the Ruger is a good, tight, well built gun. You won't be disappointed.
  7. I read this whole thread, and am simply amazed at the audacity of Precision Firearms and their ownership. That email is downright degrading, and the fact that the president seems to think it was an appropriate reply to such a mundane question, is frankly, impossible to contemplate. And it's made even worse by the fact that he continues to try to drum up business, while being oblivious to the issue at hand, as well as, decent human behavior. I for one, based on the conduct observed here, which tends to be an accurate portrayal of a person's attitude, will never patronize their business. And will be sure to let my friends know the attitude of the people that work there.
  8. Well, you see.... There was this time..... I don't like to think about it....
  9. I use the map pocket on the back of the passenger seat. I can guarantee you there is nothing in there, I even vacuum it weekly to make damn sure. But I still am extremely paranoid every time I put my gun in there...
  10. I'll be in my bunk....
  11. 108 in the shade at my moms place in leipers fork.
  12. Won't let me post pics....
  13. Kegger

    M&P Shortage

    G&R Tactical
  14. Would they be okay with a temp hire? Because I am expecting a firearms manufacturing job to open soon. But need to pay bills now.
  15. Hey Hog, what exactly would the job be. I know I can't be picky, but I like to have a clue, lol.
  16. Third job in 2 years, never for any particular reason other than job cuts.... FML, I mean I was one of the few there that really needed that job. Now I've got nothing.... Anyone need a young back anywhere? Looking but not finding much in my area.
  17. Rabbit in a can is better than any chicken or beef. And for the love of god, sign nothing...
  18. Me and the fiance would be down as long as it's a weekend.
  19. Ya'll are a bunch of hard charging, ain't afraid to get into a firefight, whiskey chuggin, bacon devouring rednecks. And most of you are scared like little girls around snakes..... Sissies. This is just how much I LIKE snakes.
  20. I listened to these recording a couple of days ago and was just as surprised at the amount of people that jumped all over the permit holder. My whole bitch about this thing is the fact that the officer had the permit holder at gunpoint from the get go, no lets see your permit, no escalation of force. Straight up "you move, I kill you cuz I don't know you." The permit holder had every right to carry like that. The cop had no right to have the guys life within 4.5 lbs of ending the whole time. As well as the whole, "lets smash the recorder cuz were f***** otherwise" thing. Who does that? People who are wrong and know it. Who gives a damn if the guy happened to be carrying a recording device? He's not the only one. I do it as well, mostly for when I work car accidents, but also for the occasional arrogant cop who has a beef against OCing. And for those comparing this guy to Kwik, seriously? Kwik has some severe mental issues going on in his head. This kid merely wants to OC legally and not be held at gunpoint for it everytime.
  21. Just. Effing. Lost it.. I'm laughing and crying uncontrollably. EPIC!!!
  22. I carry the same knife daily, without fail. I love the damn thing, hasn't lost its edge yet and I'm not at all nice to it.
  23. Kegger

    AR15 Rail

    Believe me, it's not wasting money. It's an investment in longevity. Good rails can outlive the rifle they are on, even when horribly abused. If you want cheapish and durable, look into the KAC RAS, they can be had for around $150 if you look around.
  24. Kegger

    AR15 Rail

    I don't personally own one. But I have broken two of them on rifles that belong to close friends. Things like dropping to prone and the rail hits the ground and snaps off the prongs holding it into the D-Ring. Bent or broken rails from a light mount that got knocked against a tree. This and they are f-in heavy, which you may not personally care about, but lots of people do. They simply do not hold up to hard use. So like I said previously, low volume shooters may never have a problem, nor ever give it a scratch. But high volume or discerning shooters will either break it, or just steer clear. But hey, it's your money. YMMV
  25. He has OD green already.


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