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Everything posted by Blitzen

  1. 2 boxes of Fed 9mm purchased at a TN Walmart this afternoon.  $14.97/box. Before last Dec it sold for $9.97.
  2.   +1. Dems sweep, significant gun control will come swiftly. Registration...You Bet!
  3. I'm late to this dance but I have been growing raspberries for jelly making since 96'. Started with red and have been with black raspberries for some time now. Two distinct flavors of jellies. Got a spot fixed to start growing some blackberries and probably will go with thornless variety that will stand up decent. Will probably go with Starks Brothers. Getting the variety it says on the tag may be correct or may not. I planted a yellow raspberry this year and it turned out to be a red with low bushy growth, small berries and branches with needle like stickers all over. They will get a dose of 2-4-D roundup mix in the near future. My Black Raspberries were suppose to be purple and turned out to be black, however they are an excellent variety. Plants stand up good, are relatively disease resistant and make great jelly. 
  4. Miruko has made smooth as butter Winchester 92 actions. Browning used them and may still. The 357 out of a 20 inch barreled lever gun is bad *#*!*. Looking forward to handling one of the new 73' Winchesters! 
  5. Everyone needs one or two Ak's in their arsenal. If anything to put one in the hands of a novice in SHTF situations where familiarization and training time will be in short supply. Milled receivers are great but I give the nod to the stamped receivers for weight savings. IMO they just have a better balanced more natural feel to them. Like an extension of your arm.
  6.   Nope...When I first saw that picture I knew Obama had Corker in his corner. It is a bad bill for the "Republic" but I figure that's the purpose. We are going down Men! High hopes for thumbs down in the House but some of the scuttle butt out of there is not good. Will find out soon. As for Rubio I'll vote for the dog catcher. He's been turned!
  7. +1..I too assume it's an attempt by the progressives to get enough Republicans to vote for the bill. IMO the Senate is dysfunctional and we have Republicans in the Senate that are definately looking for power and prestige (Romanites). Seems nothing is done in that Branch for the long term good of the Republic.. However I do not think that TN and ND Senators are receiving an overwhelming amount of "For Amnesty" calls from constituents. Corker has received two thumbs down from me. Republican Party is close to going the way of the Romans. As for Rubio I can't figure him out. But then again the group he is running with will eat him alive and he may have already been sucked in to far to recover. The Dems are out to destroy all opposition and doing a darn good job of it.
  8. 1977 Ruger Mark 1 Bull Barrel. Still have it. My only personal protection and plinking gun for years. Went with me to college. Those were the days.
  9. +1 on the Mitch Rapp series of books by Vince Flynn. Excellent reads.
  10. I would say that with each passing President, with the exception of a few, "We the People" have become less free. The "War on Terror" has been a huge catalyst for freedom grabbing legislation and will no doubt continue on, well into the future. We must stay vigilant in demanding that our elected officials uphold the constitution and if they don't vote them out of office.
  11. The Arsenal Ak's are a good rifle to have in your arsenal. The SLR107CR is well balanced rifle and folds about as compact as any thing out there without going to an SBR.   http://www.k-var.com/shop/SLR107-66.html
  12. TR's staff taught the course I attended. Mr. Yeager stopped by the class and spoke to the group. Welcomed and thanked us for being there with no war stories. No arrogance at all displayed. It was pretty much a busniess and professional attitude from all instructors in the class. Now is Mr. Yeager confident in what he does and proud of his career, I would say so. The course was fast paced with few breaks except to reload mags, hydrate etc and with a lengthy lunch, thank goodness. One thing TR does is make sure you send rounds down range. One instructor not assigned to the class showed up on both days and spent his off time helping students. I may take some more training or may not, however let me say that never in this country's history except probably during the Revolutionary War has such training been available to citizens. Would not surprise me if civilian tactical trng is shut down at some point in time. Civilians taking "Small Team Tactics" has got to drive the far left nuts.
  13. Yes - Fighting Rifle. Good course and ran through approx 1200 rounds in 2 days. A plus. The TR crew are good people and care about your training experience. Course held at an alternate site, a small abandoned chert gravel pit. OK but not an impressive range site. Instructor/student ratio was very good.
  14.   I beg to differ. With a full out assault on the Republic and particularly the 2nd Amendment, Fast and Furious, Bengazi etc, it means something to me.
  15. My wife talked to a local Walmart sports clerk today. Said the same individuals are showing up the three days a week that ammo is brought out and buying it up. A friend of mine that sets up at guns shows said it is private individuals that sell at gun shows gobbling it up at Walmarts. Last time I was at a gun show noticed several vendors had the 100 rd 223 Federal bulk pack commonly sold at Walmarts priced at 80 bucks or higher. The last half of 2012 you could buy it a Walmart all day long for $39.97. Wish Walmart would tell them to take a hike, no ammo came in and then put it out later. Yes DHS is buying a lot of ammo but then again they are getting to be very very large and powerful in their own right.
  16. Watching the Dems face defeat was a pleasure. We deserve to celebrate for one day. The people won this one, period. It's proof that "90% of Americans want tougher gun laws" is a lie. I would like to know how many pro-2nd Amendment e-mails and calls the Republican Senators received this week. I fully believe that "We the People" prevailed and that the Democrats refuse to acknowledge that publicly, but behind closed doors they know it. When you get your shirt handed to you it doesn't take a sledgehammer to drill it home. The fight may not be over but we won this battle, for sure.
  17. Blitzen

    AR 15 Trigger

    My 2 cents worth...I have two Rock River NM triggers. Good bang for the buck and are reliable which is very important. The only down side is one felt a little better than the other but both have nice pull. Top on the list for me is the Geissele SSE trigger. It is a combat trigger fully tested in the field and has a great trigger feel. I understand that Geiselle is popular with the military but I have never confirmed that. One of the NM triggers is almost as nice as the SSA (but not quite). Both brands can be installed at home.  IMHO the Geiselle SSA is the best deal out there. Shop around. Good Luck.   http://geissele.com/supersemi-automatic.aspx
  18. The Senate Dems had their shirts handed to them today and it was enjoyable to watch there reaction in the press conference on C-Span. Just wish they were not using victim families to move their social agenda. The President in his news conference IMO showed intense anger for having his shirt handed to him. He was very, very pissed. People, this fight ain't over by a long shot. Hopefully now we can have some calm for a little while to let things settle down. Maybe the Senate can work on something constructive that will help the nation although Harry Reid wants to move next to taxing of internet sells. The US Senate is dysfunctional!
  19.   Really. This isn't over by a long shot. At least we won this battle.... I do not understand Senator McCain. I think his best friends must be democrats or he is on a power high. And he represents a big gun friendly state. Go figure.
  20. Corker and Alexander emailed stating my displeasure. The state of the Republican Party is sad and frustrating to say the least. They are getting whipped big time at the national level. Senators Corker and Alexander (and others) missed a perfect opportunity to stand for something and now they stand for nothing! Especially not the constitution and the few Republicans that are carrying the Republic's torch. The move to Socialism is not pretty. I am going to voice MO to the NRA and tell them to toughen up on the rating system. To get an A you have to do better than the 16 that caved.
  21. It is scary but that is were our society is headed. Folks that question DHS armoring up get labeled as wearing "tin foil hats". The opposite to that is wearing blinders. Seems that DHS is quickly becoming a very, very large powerful agency. It is a good thing for citizens and elected officials to question a government agency's intentions. It's good for the "Republic" and our duty as members of a free and proud America. Period.
  22. Welcome. Glad to have you on board.
  23. Thanks for the link. All's not lost and the fight continues!
  24. Just realized waiting on tonight's episode that Andria is the first "Walking Dead" victim of "gun control" initiated by a tyrant. She had her pistol taken away by orders of the Gov. and now she's in the hot seat. For every action there is an equal and oposite reaction. Hope she makes it though..
  25. If passed and signed by Governor becomes law July 1, 2013, just like the parking lot bill.


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