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Everything posted by Blitzen

  1. I agree with Fulton Armory or a good GI gun. Stay with mil spec. I visited the Fulton Armory setup at NRA convention and they were excited about coming out with the M1 carbine. Receivers made by LMT I think would be a big plus. Have not noticed much 30 carbine ammo on shelves lately.
  2. Blitzen

    SOCOM 16

    +1. I know because I have one. A Socom commands respect as a CQB rifle. If you want to reach out further than 200 then you might consider the Scout. But I bet it will be hard to find one near the $1300. Good Luck
  3. Same one I received. The move to socialism is not pretty. Regardless I would have liked to have seen every Republican Senator fight it tooth and nail.
  4. She is right. We would not be talking about Obama Care if Cruz did not do all that he could. He is a "Patriot" in my book. The path to Socialism is not pretty.
  5. What about something like the Leupold Prismatic? The reticle is etched on the glass but it is still a 1X scope. http://www.leupold.com/tactical/scopes/tactical-prismatic-riflescopes/
  6. I like EOtech's on Ar's. Battery choice is important. I have an older one and have to get batteries at a battery store. For other rifles with side mounted bolt handles etc, their width can be a problem for some.
  7. Didn't the unmanned machine guns they set up in the corridor have round counters also? Many of the reruns don't show that scene.
  8. definitely....corker is playing get along and forgetting what the majority opinion on syria is. He needs the boot in five. since senators have been elected by vote, they no longer represent the majority views of the individual states.
  9. (Really!) You got that right. If you want it you better get it....and.... the gun grabbers have over three years to get it done and we have no guarantee on outcome of next election.
  10. IMO the Russian Navy expects no conflict with the US Navy. Otherwise they would not have them in theater. "Carrier Killer"...right...No matter how weak Big O seems his military options are many when compared to the Russian Navy. Could we lose some assets, sure! Frazier got some licks in on Ali also. Should we be in Syria..No..Both sides are enemies. As for Putin he is a tyrant also. Sending the rebels just enough aid to keep them in the fight may not be to bad.
  11. +1...Busting a gut to shoot off some munitions in Syria but could not save American lives in Benghazi when no constitutional requirement to get Congressional approval existed. Assets within distance to make a difference. Nope. Did not watch it. No way to know what the truth is anyway. However I do believe that both sides of the Syrian civil war are not our friends. I say "stay out of Syria". No upside for us. All my elected officials know how I feel but doubt if that means anything.
  12. My wife checked out a number of auto's. Racking the slide was the problem with all. Settled on the Ruger 38 LCR. Loves it. Goes with her most everywhere which is the most important thing. Does not do you any good if it is not with you. Have her check out a bunch of auto's and revolvers and she should hit on what's feels best to her. Confidence is very important. The trigger pull may be high on the list for her also. Be patient looking and Good Luck!
  13. The US keeps messing around in the middle east....we may some day lose an aircraft carrier! Sad if it's over money, power, control and a civil war we have no business being involved with. What would make the politicians strike an enemy to help another enemy? Could it be natural resources. I believe Kissinger once said "strange bedfellows" when describing the relationship between Russia and China concerning middle east. US politicians and the Syrian rebels, strange bedfellows???
  14. Check out the Heinie line of night sights. http://www.heinie.com/product-category/online-catalog/glock-sights/
  15. Agree....Small house dog breeds may not last long continuously outside. Lost small breed dogs are on the local "pet patrol" everyday and I figure someone lets it out and forgets and checks on the pooch two hours later and it is gone. Coyote food.
  16. Remember and follow the 4 "S"s. Don't go to stupid places with stupid people doing stupid things at stupid times.
  17. If you have a flat while there ride it out on the rim. The BBQ Shop on Madison is very good also.
  18. My mother was raised in the Magnolia area (Burlington) and my father was raised close to Cherry Street I40 Exit and I'm talking pre WWII, Knox High days. They were fine places from approx. 60's back.
  19. Gen3 19 is hard to beat.
  20. Interesting. Have not heard that before. A lot of AR trainers teach to use the charging handle and not the bolt release button..
  21. Are the NATO version Augs out yet, or in any numbers? Can't quote where I heard it but Steyr may be producing only standard versions for now due to the crazy gun market. The MSAR has a last round bolt hold open as well as the standard Aug. The NATO Aug does not if that makes a difference to you. My MSAR STG556 goes bang every time and is well made. Even with a 20 inch barrel it is still shorter than an AR. I like the AUG top rail better than MSAR's. A little longer and sits flush. I've read and heard that MSAR mags will fit in standard AUGS but never confirmed. Don't wait to long on either and buy plenty of mags.
  22. Some kind of rock and roll CQB monster but able to reach out there rifle. Sometimes does not get the credit it deserves but....definitely a "Zombie" killer. Get some more mags while you still can.
  23. The Democrats with GOP progressive help will make sure he gets the Republican nomination in Sixteen. After the Republicans lose that one, they will wonder aimlessly in the desert for 40 years. Make that 32 considering the 8 years from 2008 to 2014.
  24. Welcome and good to have you on board. I boat on TN river however have been on the upper half of Center Hill many times. Have a relative up that way. Really nice lake.


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