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Everything posted by Blitzen

  1. My local gun shop re-opened today. Do not know the reason for the closing although after a short phone conversion do not think it was self closing. May very well be a local city/county gov't thing. I'll get the reason for temp closing sooner than later.
  2. Good to see DHS support 2nd Amendment openly even if it carries little weight on what happens at the State level. Putting a burr under the gun control crowds saddle. Wonder how many gun shops have closed in TN. A local gun shop in my area closed but don’t know if it was self closed, or shutdown at the county/city level. Have not heard if TN has closed shops at the state level. Don’t think so.
  3. Thanks. I overthink things often. With crush washer will need approx 270 degree rotation to get it clocked.
  4. I want to mount an A2 Flash Hider on my Ar15 barrel (16") that came with a thread protector only. First the A2 clocks pretty much dead on without using a crush washer or shim etc. However once the A2 bottoms out against the barrel face behind the threaded section it only rotates slightly when tightening with a wrench. But once tightened it cannot be removed by hand, have to put the wrench back on it to get it off. Question since it clocks well without washer/shim would it work to install without them and apply a little rocksett or blue Loctite? Have the JP double crush washer and a set of shims for the job. I don't want it to be difficult to remove down the road but also don't want it backing off. Could try it a see how it works. Thanks in advance for any input.
  5. My wife has a number of relatives in Cookeville. Fortunately they all live south of I40 out of the tornado path but of course have friends impacted. President Trump called the Cookeville mayor today. Had an old friend call from Jacksonville FL after seeing the news wanting a local charity to make a donation. The destruction and loss of life is terrible. The community response is huge. Go Volunteer State!
  6. Well said and plus 1! Hoping it passes. Notice received today that bill is in Senate hearing. Sent an email to members urging to support. IMO with the nation wide all out assault on the 2nd Amendment going on at local, state and federal levels it will be great for Tennessee to strengthen it's law abiding citizens 2nd Amendment rights instead of doing nothing and standing pat. We are fortunate at this point that Virginia did not totally fall with the postponement of it's assault weapon ban legislation. Elections have consequences and now the gun owners of TN can win one and take advantage of having elected a majority of pro 2nd Amendment representatives.
  7. Opps, typed wrong date in previous post. Called ATF on Feb 26th. Anyway correct on time frame of 11 months for approval after check cashed. Still waiting on tax stamp to get to dealer. Could have knocked some wait time off if I purchased an in-stock supressor. Don't think my FFL keeps many suppressors in stock and certainly did not have an Rugged Obsidian 9.
  8. Rugged Obsidian 9 with Tri Lug to mount on sub gun. https://ruggedsuppressors.com/product/obsidian-9/
  9. It's Christmas time in March! Called BATF Jan 26th. Said it was approved on the 25th with stamp to go out to FFL soon. Check cashed March 25, 2018. Eleven months total. Add two months for FFL to get the suppressor. Two weeks for mailing forms to ATF and check cashed, a couple of weeks for tax stamp to make it to the FFL brings total wait time to approx. 14 months. I'm stoked to get to the range. Never shot a suppressed gun before.
  10. Hopefully pro-2nd Virginians will be able to beat this kind of legislation back. Attacks on the 2nd Amendment and personal protection liberties across the country at the local, state and federal level is alarming to say the least.
  11. Check out DS Arms. They have the FAL pretty much covered. Will build one to your specs. https://www.dsarms.com/
  12. Have a Winchester 1892 in 357 magnum. Fun to shoot with a smooth action. However does have the safety. Always wanted a Cimarron 1873 brush gun in 357. It has a half octagon 18 inch barrel. Never shot a Cimarron but they seem to be well made. The brush gun version seems to be harder to find in stock however. The 1892 action is my favorite.
  13. Local gun shop a few weeks back said there were over 100,000 pending tax stamps in TN alone. Sounds like a lot. Maybe I got it wrong and it is more like 10,000.
  14. Check cashed 3/25/19 so on seventh month now. Figure it will take 11 months or thereabouts.
  15. I am looking for a variable scope for tactical 223 carbine and am considering the Sightron 1-7x SIII. Looking at "true" 1x if there is such an animal. Let's say very close to 1x so it can be comfortably used like a red dot. Been researching Sightron and they seem to get good reviews for glass quality and customer service etc. Has anyone on the forum have or used a Sightron scope or even the 1-7x specifically?
  16. I have a Nightforce NXS 1-4x24 compact with the FCC-3G reticle. I wanted a true 1X which the scope is. At first I was hung on a daylight illuminated reticle since most of my experience has been with red dot sights etc. I'm glad I dropped that requirement. The scope is excellent. Now I want a 2-10x32. Their customer support was very helpful in my decision to purchase the 1x4.
  17. The two 2014 shows I have attended thus far were the Goodman show in Nashville and a Jackson show. The Jackson show was 10 bucks to get in. To small of show for that price of admission imo. The Goodman show was fair with a price of 8 bucks. One dealer was asking $35 for some older metal Chinese AK mags. Wait till Magpul comes out with their Gen2 AK mags and the steel foreign stuff will be very hard to sell at inflated prices. Don't know why the left is so up in arms over gun shows. The gun culture will take them out with high pricing eventually. I'm getting close to cutting out gun show attendance altogether.
  18. Blitzen

    Season 4

    I thought the way they went back and showed why Rick gave up the leadership role was excellent. He came back with a vengeance and won't hesitate to go primal if need be for the tribe's survival. The tribe is a very cohesive group now and will be a handful for the Terminus cannibals. I also think the writers did a good job telling everyone's story and now they will move on. Hopefully Tyresse and Carol will come to the group's aid and help in an escape next season. They are the groups wildcard.
  19. Because they are good and reliable? Buy them while they are still on the market. Without them you have a metal and polymer club. I would not call them expensive. Less than HK, Walther and Sig.
  20. A political war against the Ruskies may be in our favor since POTUS does not recognize the constitution. Do we have the upper hand? Our wild card!  
  21. First thing out of the gate Mr.Obama issued orders to sanction about 11 Russian business men after takeover of Crimea. I've read one take that the people are heavy into Soviet arms industry and that weapon related stuff will dry up quickly. Would not be surprised the the importation has already be halted. I am reminded of " Don't let a good crisis pass you by". Wonder if anyone on the forum has more concrete up to date information on how sanctions will affect the firearm industry in the US of A.
  22. Took awhile but my rebate came in. Purchased a unit (xps2) on sale from Quantico Supply so it was a good deal on an excellent sight.
  23. My go to AK mags are circle 10. Metal reinforced where it counts and lighter weight. Excellent mags. Hopefully magpul will beat them when they come out with their metal reinforced version. I also like the smooth spined mil spec metal mags but they are hard to find.
  24. It seems to me that all gun owners should stand up and take notice to what is happening in CT. Those in CT that sent in their registration paperwork late are about to feel the weight of their government. Turn them in, destroy them, render them inoperable or take them out of State. Those that did not register, expect a visit from the Gestopo after they have un-constitutionally obtained their name from back ground check forms. Wonder if the Gestopo have to register their personally owned tactical rifles and high cap mags. We will have a front row seat on how this plays out.
  25. Better to assemble in the woods with a heavy canopy cover to stay out of the drones sight.


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