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Everything posted by Blitzen

  1. I carry a Benchmade and an older Victorinox Swiss Champ. Bought the Swiss Champ years ago at Smokey Mountain Knife Works and mostly goes where I go.
  2. Gun Control, Gun Control, Gun Control! and then follow the constitution! Is top four "OK"?
  3. The key words are "for a while"! I'm sure the administration is working hard to do an end run. The ole "statue of liberty" play. One of the reasons I believe in the NRA.... I think you can tell that I'm glad football is back.
  4. The 7.62x39 is very similar in ballistics to the 30-30 and should do fine with deer or wild hogs. It is not the most accurate pick so long shots may be ??. Hornady and CorBon makes some quality loads that give you better acuracy and more suitable for hunting. There are also soft point loads out there. If the SKS is what you have I'd use it and not think twice.
  5. Excellent rifle. Enjoy. Close as your going to get to a Russian AK. Could have come with a 5rd or 30 rd mag. Probably circle 10 which is one of the best. If not could be an add on. Also probably came with a test target but if your paper work bag was not opened, maybe not. The master molder was probably thrown in. Did it have the buttstock cleaning kit an oil bottle? Sorry for all the probably's but based on what Arsenal does when deciding on what to include and what is snatched from the box before a second hand sale who knows. SGL20's were a limited run rifle. A comparable rifle now is the SGL21 but not quite as nice IMHO. They were available before the price spike after last Pres election.
  6. I like Paul Ryan and think it's a good choice. He's a conservative maybe not from the South but more swing states are in the North. He will be severely attacked but then any pick would be. Limbaugh stated last week that the Democrats were running a campaign akin to "Political Terrorism". Interesting take. Could you say "Political Terrorism" took Palin out? Hope Romney takes the gloves off. Maybe after the Olympics are over with tonight. His answer to the "murder" attack was weak at best.
  7. I'll put a plug in for any Winchester with a model 92 action. Smooth as butter.
  8. Treasonous stuff coming out of Washington seems to be a regular occurance these days. How Obama Care was passed showed us there are no limits. If guncontrol happens it won't hit us straight on and at "high noon". And we thought our elected leaders read bills before voting for them. Silly Us!
  9. Ditto. A detailed report would be great.
  10. Dish just recently dropped AMC so no "Walking Dead" for me. Guess it's time to switch satilite provider. Two large companies can't come to an agreement and customers suffer. Chewed on a Dish nice young man and he tried to buy my loyalty with 5 dollars off for six months. Told him to keep it and just before "Walking Dead" fires back up I'm switching. Need new equipment anyway.
  11. I've used the Range USA in Jackson also back when it was under the Great Outdoor Store. Good range. Under old mgt you could bring own ammo and targets. Most indoor ranges I have visited let you do that. Hey you might get some practice inside the range and on the outside.
  12. I thought Ramsey was one of the tried and true East TN Republicans that could always be counted on. Vote right of center and vote often!
  13. It seems that Mr Morris has come around and now has the "Force" with him. I figure it's good to have him because anyone who was instrumental in getting Bill elected twice knows the system well and best to have him on your side. We will find out shortly if Dicks prediction comes true. I say the odds are in his favor and we will be fighting the treaty shortly in the Senate and thats an if at best. No doubt it would be best not to get to that as Dick points out. Sad to say I wonder how our two TN senators would vote? "Even though the judge's political and judicial philosophy may be different than mine especially regarding 2nd amendment rights, I will vote to confirm because she is well qualified by experience, temperament, character and intellect to serve." Lamar Alexander
  14. No complaints from me. About Mr. West or his statement. He is a true "patriot" Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; They are the peoples' liberty's teeth. George Washington
  15. Now I'm one of those who thinks the Treaty can be big time trouble. Don't forget who is control of the Senate. Obama signs treaty, Senate sits on it. Obama gets four more years and does big time damage to the 2nd Amendment and could care less about the constitutionality of his actions all while getting three more appointments to the Supreme Court. Hopefully he does not sign it and we don't have a bunch of if's down the road. The NRA seems fairly concerned about the treaty and have been following it closely.
  16. Ditto on the "Wilderness" belts. Got one with the titanium buckle. It's super light weight and worth the extra coin in IMHO. Pay close attention to their sizing instructions and give it some thought. Excellent nylon belt.
  17. We won't have to wait long to see if Dick's prediction is right. Looking back at how Obama Care was passed I would tend to agree with him. No doubt the Second Amendment is next. They are not going to get the Second Amendment vote anyway. We look at fighting political battles in terms of right and wrong, constitutional and non-constitutional. The left fights the battles on winning and losing period. Sadly the treaty will be signed by our president and ironically on US soil.
  18. "This is a great victory for all citizens." I think we are less free after the ruling which is not good for individual Americans. A bogus law was rewritten by the Supreme Court. A law which was passed without the consent of the governed using backroom deals and bribes whn most Americans were asleep. Now our only hope is to beat Obama in Nov and boot out enough Senators to take the Senate. Hold the House then hope that the politicians we have elected will do the right thing and repeal Obama care. This is some big if's. We did not ask for this law. We should have had a Supreme Court ruling based on constitutionality, not consequences of an election. That is where I totally disagree with Chief Justice Roberts. I have heard a quote before but can not remember who's it is. "Every President since George Washington has left us less free" Yes elections have consequences but that does give the Supreme Court a red light to legislate from the bench.
  19. TLRMADE, Good to see at least On Target is making it right after all the trouble they put you through. Hopefully Arsenal will repair it right so you can get on with enjoying the rifle. I have an SGL107-20 and it is solid. I'm curious if you ever determined what the problem was? Canted sight etc..
  20. I checked out a bunch of tactical rifles at the NRA convention last month in St Louis. Several rifles really caught my attention. The KelTec bullpup rifle and shotgun to name a couple and the DSA SA 58 CTC 16" barrel carbine was really nice. The KelTec head of R&D was there and said that the bullpup shotgun is over 15,000 units backorderd and they are making 500 per month with all sales going to civilians. Another interesting firearm was the Kriss 45 caliber carbine. The PTR bunch were really excited about their G3 clones. Did not bring their 7.62x39 version because it's being reworked to accept a wider range of AK mags. I could go on but these were a number of rifles that I have not handled much in stores etc. Does anyone have experience with any of these platforms? Can't leave out the Barrett Rec 7. It was an impressive AR. Hillsdale College had a set up with the President and various professors at the booth. All the big players were there and we had a great time.
  21. Ron Paul or No one means someone, BHO! Just go back in history to Ross Perot! Lets split the conservative vote and see what happens, again! Only this time much more is at stake.
  22. Is your front site canted to the left of top dead center? That has been common with many new AK's. I understand that it's a simple fix. I think Rifle Dynamics has a video on line that you can watch to understand what it takes. A good gun smith should be able to fix it easily if thats the problem. I know that should not have to be done to a new AK but......if you can get over the initial shock you may be more than satified with the Arsenal if indeed you only problem is a canted front site block. When I handle AK's, first thing I check is for a top dead center or close to top dead center front sight block. You don't see this problem has much with more current manufactured SGL's and SLR's. If canted sight tower, get it fixed, enjoy the rifle and forget On Target. Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me!
  23. Got to shoot a auto piston ar awhile back. It was smooth but even the semi piston versions of the same are high dollar. I have a DI gun and completely satisfied. It's lightweight and runs great but I keep it clean. More parts are interchangable with DI guns since each manufacturer has their own piston design if that means anything to you.
  24. We are losing more liberties week after week like our freedom to protest in the same location where the Sercret Service is located. I don't care who gets the republican nod, they are getting my vote. Sure Romney is not a conservative but I think he would slow the takedown of the constitution and our "Republic" form of government. George Bush was not a strict conservative but he did do conservative things. I don't think we have many more shots at slowing this thing down. Recently heard a famous quote, can't remember who's but it says alot, "Every President since George Washington has left us less free". What's wrong with choosing the one who will do less of the "less free" part? Works for me!


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