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About Blitzen

  • Birthday 05/26/1956

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  • Location
    Hillbilly In Rural NW Tennessee.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Working on the farm.
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Walther PPKS 32ACP

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  1. I bet "Non-Smart Firearms" will command a premium in the underworld by the year 2030, or 2040, or 2050?
  2. Equipment still available if anyone interested.
  3. Blitzen

    Trunk gun

    I once asked a co-worker who is a former Marine and was in Fallujah both times what was hotter. The 100+ dry heat in Iraq or the 90+ high humidity heat in the southern US. His answer.. Hot is Hot!
  4. Blitzen

    Trunk gun

    Put a thermometer in the trunk on a hot sunny day and see how high the temp gets. Bet it will not exceed the high operating temperature of 140F for the EOtech. Now in the Arizona desert it might be a concern.
  5. Grayfox54, thanks for uploading article link. It's frustrating that the "Constitutional Carry" and "2nd Sanctuary" laws will not protect Tennesseans 2nd Amendment rights like they should have been written to do. Having Republican control of both chambers and the Governor's desk at the same time is not an easy thing to do or maintain. Keeping red States red in the future is an uphill battle. Was an opportunity just squandered by our Republican controlled government? Most likely. Am I surprised? No.
  6. I agree. The pesky filibuster has the agenda bogged down in the Senate. Thank goodness!
  7. I have put in some comments asking for ruling to be withdrawn. Maybe if they get enough it might help. A mute point at this time if you have a braced weapon or not. This ruling is a serious hit on the 2nd Amendment and is only the beginning. Much more so than the previous Bump Stock ruling. I always regretted not writing my elected representatives, ATF and the President on that one even though personally I did not think much of Bump Stocks.
  8. I agree. Larue Tactical mounts are high quality. Light weight and solid mounting on non slotted picatinny rails.
  9. I'm not a lawyer and have never claimed to be so.....Received a message from the Gov's office alerting that TN is now a 2nd Sanctuary State. If I understand the text correctly it only applies when the US or State Supreme courts make a ruling that the law, exec. order etc is unconstitutional. Is the law just a feel good thing that means very little? I'm thinking it may very well be that. For example if an "Assault Weapons Ban" is passed at the federal level and the US Supreme Court and TN Supreme Court do not elect to hear and make a ruling on the constitutional legality of the legislation the TN Sanctuary Law will have no affect. Have pro-gun Tennesseans been duped by our politicians? Seems that everything hinges on Supreme Court action. Even if the high court decided to take up a gun case it can take years before it actually comes before them. I wonder if this type of language is in other States sanctuary laws? IMO it is good that this law has been passed and it is pushback which is needed. Text from e-mail attached below. >Last week, he signed the “Tennessee Second Amendment Sanctuary Act” which states that “Pursuant to the sovereign authority of this state, a law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation of the United States government that has been found by the supreme court of the United States or the Tennessee supreme court to violate Article I, § 26 of the Constitution of Tennessee or the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is null, void, and unenforceable in this state.”<
  10. Well put! Great question that has been debated probably since the first guns were invented. Heck, I bet before guns people debated how many arrows were enough. I pretty much go with "the gun you have with you is better than the one left at home". With that being said a full size auto with extra mag on your person is a good thing in today's times. Confidence in what you carry is important also. If it's a 5-6 shot revolver have at it. I think I've read before that most defensive gun use situations end without shots being fired.
  11. TN voter law heads to the Governor that requires invisible water marks on all absentee ballots. Big step in the right direction. Pushback is a good thing. Tennessee Legislature Passes Bill Requiring Absentee Ballot Watermarks (breitbart.com)
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  12. "ILLI AUTEM O". Just look up current news from Homer Alaska.
  13. Bump for price drop to $155 shipped!
  14. Recently purchased a Holosun 507cV2 to try out. Mainly due to Holosun's pretty good recent reviews and lower cost since it is my first try out of red dots on pistols. One reputable training company that I somewhat follow has been working with red dot pistols for sometime basically recommends RMR's and then Holosuns. However other red dots out there may work fine. Good Luck!
  15. In the personal protection world of what equipment to arm yourself with, one of the hardest feats to accomplish is to "buy once cry once". That seldom happens. Personal preference changes as experience is acquired. Excellent comments from personal experience have been uploaded to this thread and I agree red dots can fail at anytime and the "KISS" principle is a good thing in high stress situations. Seems like a 1/3 co-witness with black rear / tritium front would be a good option. Fairly simple and would not clutter the field of view very much but still provide some reasonable low light aiming. However I've used Heinie straight eight tritium sites for years on my carry gun so might go single tritium dot front and rear. With the straight eight setup wouldn't the rear sight dot be below the window anyway so only the front site dot would be visible in the window view? I'm thinking that once I practice using the pistol red dot system I probably would not notice the tritium dots as mentioned previously but will be there if needed. Think I'll throw out options one and two. Go 1/3 co-witness with either two dots or one up front. I'm almost there and yes I over think everything! Thanks.


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