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About i1afli

  • Birthday 10/01/1963

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    E. TN

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  1. Pretty cool parts kits. I’m always tempted by those but then I ask myself what in the world I’d do with it. Thanks for link.
  2. i1afli


    Thanks for the update. Glad your last session went better. Praying for you.
  3. Surely the customer has to answer the questions and sign the electronic form. Not enough detail in the video to tell how they actually do it.
  4. I believe the barrel threads on this are .578-28, at least they are on the one that I recently purchased. Check page 60 of the manual. Great gun. GLWS.
  5. I recently picked up this 5.11 bag from Amazon and really like it.
  6. Prayers and condolences.
  7. @Alleycat72 makes a good point. For easy cleaning, any can used for .22 should have titanium or stainless baffles that can be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner as aluminum will pit in a US cleaner. My Banish 30, a .30 multi-cal can, has Ti tube and baffles that can be US cleaned, so even though it can be used for centerfire it’s not a non-rimfire suppressor.
  8. And you can use the 30 cal can on everything 308 and smaller, even down to .17. I’ve used my .30 can on a .22 rifle and can’t tell any difference between it and my dedicated .22 can.
  9. 1969-vintage Bulova Accutron 666 Feet Deep Sea, better known as the “Devil Diver”. This is the tuning fork movement, so it hums instead of ticking. I like vintage.
  10. I used them this year because I wanted a Trust and they made it easy. The current BOGO offer is tempting but I need two more cans like I need another hole in my head.
  11. Why would somebody throw a box full of dynamite into a scrap pile for recycling? And what does dynamite do when doused with diesel fuel and burned…does it just burn like firewood?
  12. Yeah, I’ve had good luck with SG Ammo. The free shipping is nice.
  13. I’ve heard of these but this is the best look I’ve had at one. I think I saw some when I first started going to the CMP in 2011 but I didn’t buy one because I didn’t know what they were or what I would do with it. Thanks for posting.


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