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xd shooter

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Everything posted by xd shooter

  1. Can you extract the screw?
  2. I have acually thought about that quite a bit & I would like to know that I could keep a straight enough mind to go in & get one thing. I kina dout that I could do it. Most of my prizzed peices are setting right together. I could acually grab a couple. My old 12 string is setting beside my gun cabinet that has a glass front on it. Inside tha cabinet is the rem.700 7mm Mag that was my brothers favorite. I would make sure to get it with one hand. I think my guitar would fit nicely in the other hand. On second thought they are all beside a window!
  3. Well it's good to hear form ya again! Hope all has been well.
  4. Looks pretty dang good! Havn't seen you around, or much of ya for a while. Tried sending you a couple text but they would not go through. Holler at me sometime.
  5. Okey I'm surprised nobody has said anything about the deer in your pic through the scope!
  6. Ha ha 100 veiws & no comments!
  7. Would you be interested in a 22-250?
  8. YUP! It's not that bad. You just need to use some common sence.
  9. Evidently you have not looked at casting your own bullets! But only if you need another hobby! I don't care about calibers anymore, I get whatever caliber I feel I want at the time. When casting your own bullets pretty much "all pistol" bullets cost the same, About 6 to 7 cents per round!
  10. W748 and H110 I'm not familliar with. So with that in mind is it sall ball type powdwers like AA#2 & AA#5?? I tried the Accurate Arms # 2 & 5 with my Lee pro auto disk & it leaked all over. I acually changed to a RCBS Turret press with a little dandy measure & started using Unique powder too. I do beleive the Unique will work fine in the Auto disk just because it is not ball.
  11. Wal mart did just start selling guns in Lewisburg again in the last couple of months. So I can proove ya right on part of it.
  12. Yes it is hunting. Just regular small game is what you need.
  13. Charlie Haffner Memorial Range
  14. I should be there with my boy.
  15. 685
  16. Did you say zombies? Old pic I do need to do another one!
  17. Maybe she had to go & didn't like the restrooms in there! Seriously it is amazing how some people think. She probably went home & sent an email to the resturaunt complaining that she can't eat there anymore!!
  18. Dad03 I like it! I'm still acually thinking of doing one something like yours for rifles. As far as tire rubber for the ones that are asking try to find a heavy truck tire & alignment shop that trues tires. If you find one they will have plenty.
  19. I thought hard about one like that, but what I ended up with is a box full of tire rubber. I can acually pull out compleate bullets from it. I am a luck one & can get plenty of tire rubber.
  20. I thought they played like a different team, O wait they are a different team! With that said they looked good with what I could see but ya know it is preseason.
  21. I spent two days cleaning mine before I took those pics!
  22. Well I finally took a few pics of my setup. After all the new realoaders we have on here why was this thread like 11 pages back?? Come on & let's see some benches!!
  23. It all depends on how much money you want to spend, how much time you have to load, & how many bullets you need. Yes I'm like the guys that are saying "bite the bullet & buy a Dillon". I would love to have one. The thing is for me & some of the other guys that have Turret presses are compleatly satisfied with what we have. It is cheaper to start with & for me loading 100rds a day for 5 days gives me 500rds. I have plenty for the weekend. I'm not in my loading room no more than 30 to 45 min. a day & most of that is piddling around. I have like I said a RCBS turret press with little dandy measure, a rockchucker press, a pardner press, Uniflow measure, Lyman 450 lubesizer , Rcbs lube II. Also have a RCBS promelt that I gave $40 for . Now I have about $500 in all that & have all the bullets I can shoot & still have plenty stocked!
  24. Cast Boolits Home I just posted a want to buy rcbs turret press & acually bought it from a guyin Tennessee.
  25. I forgot to mention that I found my RCBS turret press on another forum NIB for $135. The only thin I don't like with the RCBS VS Lee is Lee has the auto index feature.


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