It all depends on how much money you want to spend, how much time you have to load, & how many bullets you need.
Yes I'm like the guys that are saying "bite the bullet & buy a Dillon". I would love to have one. The thing is for me & some of the other guys that have Turret presses are compleatly satisfied with what we have. It is cheaper to start with & for me loading 100rds a day for 5 days gives me 500rds. I have plenty for the weekend.
I'm not in my loading room no more than 30 to 45 min. a day & most of that is piddling around.
I have like I said a RCBS turret press with little dandy measure, a rockchucker press, a pardner press, Uniflow measure, Lyman 450 lubesizer , Rcbs lube II. Also have a RCBS promelt that I gave $40 for .
Now I have about $500 in all that & have all the bullets I can shoot & still have plenty stocked!