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Everything posted by Moped

  1. Thank you Worriedman, for all the work you do, on our behalf!
  2. Leroy, let us know what you end up doing. While I like Taurus Revolvers, I also like old S&Ws. My two latest revolvers are a Model 10-5 (1983) pencil barrel which is a joy to shoot! The trigger is smooth as butter. I do wish it were a 2 or 3” though. I also recently got a pre Model 30 (early 1950s) .32 S&W Long 6 shot I frame with the flat latch. It’s very accurate, but the tigger is no where near as smooth as the Model 10.
  3. Moped

    Go Vols!

    It was a nail biter at the end, but they pulled it off!
  4. I have a Model 627 Tracker 7 shot .357 that’s a wonderful gun to shoot! Very accurate, decent trigger and the barrel ports do a great job taming recoil. I recommend it! It’s been my hiking pistol for the last 4 years. The men and women over at Pistol-Forum.com, mostly think highly of the 856 in either 2” or 3” barrels. Most claim to see as many issues now a days with the S&Ws as the Taurus. I think @Jamie Jackson would back me up on that. I’d be glad to let you try it out.
  5. Jamie, oddly enough, mine seems to like the Federal Punch. I’ve ran about a 100 rounds of it through my “full size” TX22 without a hiccup. I’ve also ran Federal Auto Match, Antiqua HV, some old Olin White Box SV and some really nasty Remington Pistol Match. It didn’t like the Remington at all. But it was very nasty.
  6. Those are some beauties right there! But I’m starting to have a strong relationship with this little pre Model 30 .32 S&W Long I got a couple of weeks ago. It’s making me think I don’t need another .22!
  7. A .22 revolver is on my next to get list, after I get a Glock 21 out of layaway. I’ll probably go with one of the new Ruger Super Wranglers. Just wish they’d have made them a 9 shot instead of just 6.
  8. I find it hard to load them here, but will try tomorrow.
  9. My Winchester 94 finally arrived home Wednesday, after I freed it from layaway (along with a S&W I-Frame .32 long). I plan to refinish it. So @Snavebaexpect some questions from me, when I get started on this project. The serial number (188XXXX) indicates it was produced in 1952.
  10. I’ll toss out another vote for the Taurus TX22! Bought one several years ago and it quickly became my favorite .22. So much so, that I gave my Ruger MkII Target pistol to my dad. I just never shot it anymore, after buying the Taurus. I’m very interested in buying the TX22 Compact model now.
  11. Crossroads Firearms on Broadway, in Knoxville, had one a couple of weeks ago.
  12. Oboes are my go too, but they’ll run you $180+ or -.
  13. Should say on the roll mark.
  14. Nice! Like my first deer rifle! GLWS!
  15. I agree. To me they are all about the same. I know pop pop and I both settled on the Max 9. Mine has the CTS1550 RDS on it.
  16. I think you’ll be very happy with the TX!
  17. Jamie, Crossroads Firearms in Knoxville didn't have the .32 H&R version, but they did have the 642UC. I handled it last week and was super impressed!!! I am also looking for the 432 or 632UC. If I run across one, I will let you know, if I don't decide to buy it.
  18. That's also a hell of a deal!!! Dang it! I got two over in layaway at Crossroads right now. I just don't need a third one in layaway right now!!! Of course, the Winchester 94, could come out of layaway in the next couple of weeks, so I would only have two in...
  19. I'm thinking I might go get one and put it in layaway. I don't have a .40 short and Wimpy.
  20. Harvey's in Knoxville is listing Gen 4 Glock 22 LE Turn-ins for $269.99. Not sure that deal can be beat. These apparently have the Citrus County Sherriff's Dept. Scroll on the right side of the slide. Comes with 1-15rd mag. SALE!!! $40 Lays It Away - LEO Turn In Glock 22 Gen 4 .40S&W - harveysauctions.com
  21. Bumping for a great little gem of a pistol! These make great pocket pistols and have great triggers.
  22. Most days, I carry a LCP Max in my backpack. I belt carry a Ruger Max 9 with a RDS or a S&W 442, the rest of the time.
  23. Moped

    Birthday Gift

    Happy Birthday!
  24. These are great little pistols! I carried one for several years, until I bought my Max9. My son now has it. GLWS!
  25. As long as the Government stays out our business, I think at least one of mine will want my small collection of shooters. @hipower, I am available for adoption, though I’m probably near your age.


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