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Everything posted by Moped

  1. What about Michele Carringer? I noticed she didn't sign. I plan to contact her, but would like to know how she has voted in the past.
  2. While good news, the next nominee, will likely be just as bad or worse. Need to continue the fight!
  3. I'm sorry to hear this. Sending up prayers!
  4. Honestly, I'm not sure there is a gunsmith I trust with anything, around the Knoxville area. And I need some work done too.
  5. Moped

    New Gun!

    Congrats on the new rifle! That one will be fun to shoot!!!
  6. I read Yahoo, CNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS and surprisingly, the Drudge Report (who is not subservant to Donald Trump at all).
  7. I'm seeing more and more Turkish ammunition flooding into the U.S. If it's comparable to the quality of their firearms, then I think it will be good stuff. I have two Turkish made pistols and am very impressed with both of them! Their prices are starting to go up too, as more people find out about them. My next purchase will likely be a Beretta 92 knock-off they make. I suspect that this will be the new supply for those former Soviet Calibers everyone is really worried about. The Turks would be foolish not to jump all over this, as would the American companies that have ignored this for so long.
  8. Actually, I agree with this. A lot of things have happened that wouldn't have or shouldn't have in the name of COVID. One bad thing that is about to happen is that millions of people are going to potentially become homeless, because the Government told them they didn't have to make rent payments during that crisis, while at the same time giving them an additional $600 a week in unemployment. That additional unemployment would have paid their rent. What the Government failed to mention very loudly is that at the end of all this, all that rent that hadn't been been paying was going to come due. in the form of a lump sum payment.
  9. Praying for you too, friend!
  10. Praying for you both!
  11. Moped

    Coved Shots

    Those people are known as IDIOTS. My office has a bunch of old farts in it (so am I), so when someone comes to work sick, they endanger a lot of people there. And not just with COVID, but the flu or any other tranmissionable virus. My two cents, get the jab. If you aren't sure about the Phizer or Mederna vaccines, then go get the Johnson & Johnson. It's no different than the vaccines, you all got as a child. All three are easy to find in the Knoxville area. My wife got the Johnson & Johnson and our youngest, got the Phizer on Friday.
  12. I’m thinking so.
  13. You two stay safe!!!
  14. One thing I don't see anyone touching on is sanitation. Take stock into what you need to for pooping and peeing? Even if you BUG IN, how are you going to handle the bathroom? If you are on a gravity sewer system, you are going to need water to flush with, on occasion. Older tiloets might take 7 gallons of water, while most newer models take 2 gallons or less to flush. Where is that water going to come from? What if there is no water in the tap? How ar you going to whip? Etc, etc, etc...
  15. Can't believe it's not happening now. There's a ton of money to be made. All they have to do is find a middle man, in a allied country, to either buy it and resell it here, or sell them the components and let them manufacture it, them sell it. Could even run the factory for them.
  16. Too much money to be made right now. They will work something out, with a middle man somewhere.
  17. They'll get around it, by re-head stamping it and selling it to a middle man, who in turn will sell here. Look for it start coming from some place like Turkey or Finland or someplace like that.
  18. Moped

    Ruger LCP-Max

    Not gonna lie, .380 is hard to come by. Not sure anyone is making it in the US at the moment. They are too busy cranking out 9mm. I still catch .22 on sale at Walmart. It's usually Federal AutoMatch, for $17.99 for 325 rounds.
  19. Loving this thread!!!
  20. Sorry to hear that Erik! I hope he has an easy time of it! I convinced my wife to get her jab earlier this week. So yesterday, I took her and I my youngest to get theirs. My wife opted for the J&J, because we are going on vacation in three weeks, to the plague capital of the US, Florida, and she didn't want a reaction to the second shot, while on vacation. My youngest, got the Phizer, and is scheduled to go back on September17th for her follow up. I also had the Phizer, with no side effects at all. That leaves my son as the only one that hasn't gotten the jab. Going to start working on him now. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer back in May. Her and my dad, both received the Phizer back in March. But I was the only one that could go around her since she started her chemo. And even I keep my distance, because of COVID.
  21. Don't shoot them up wind or your AC!!!
  22. I agree. I bought a Mark 2 back in 82. It was a great quality knife, but really light in the pants for anything other than thrusting. Traded it to a buddy of mine, for my first KABAR. i much preferred the heft of the KABAR. to the Gerber. Much better for general use, in the field, to be honest. Of course the Gerber was really only meant for one thing and that was fighting. That's like comparing a thoroughbred race horse to a plow mule, both will get you from Point A to Point B. The race horse will get you there much faster and you will look sexy doing it. But the mule will plow a field, pull a wagon and drag a tree, while on the way. That was what I found out about the Gerber, in the field. The KABAR was much more useful. But damn, it sure wasn't very sexy.
  23. I never got on the .40 bandwagon, because I was shooting with the ARCOM rifle team and getting all the 9mm and .45ACP I wanted to practice with, so all my pistols were 9mm and .45. I think that if I were to look at a .40 now, I'd step up to the 10mm to be honest.


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