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Everything posted by Moped

  1. Moped

    Smith or Colt

    I think the S&W Model 10 and it's prodigies, the Mdl 15, 19 and 66, are tremendous pistols. That said, I have a Colt Agent .38 snubbie that I think runs rings around any double action revolver I've ever owned. Very accurate with a fantastic trigger. If your friend's Colt is similar in performance, I'd take the Colt. If you have the chance, definitely take it and try it out! Honestly, that's the best way to make the decision.
  2. The Esee 3 or 4 looks just about perfect for me! Pair that with the Izula or Candiau, a Victorinox Farmer for a pocket knife and a Gransfors Bruks, Wetterlings or Snow and Neally Ax and you are set for life for Bushcrafting or anything else you might want to do outside in the woods!!! Nice purchases!
  3. WOW! What a ton of info on this site! Thanks for the link and special thanks to Vamarine for putting it together!!! It's bookmarked now! If I were to buy a a new 1911a1, I would first look at RIA. I've heard so much good about them, I'd love to buy one and see what all the fuss is about. Alas with three kids, in today's economy, that's probably not going to happen.
  4. This +100000etc! They are missing the boat by not doing this. Look at how strong the Tea Party got by doing this. And don't right off the Tea Party, just yet. If they ever work up the nerve to split from the Republican Party, that could be your third party right there. They just have to get their lunatics in order. Unfortunately, that would probably give the Democrats all the power... for a while any way.
  5. That may be, but I'll hang onto an extra $2000 and use that for some other things like life and shoot my Springfield Loaded all day long. I've hand it for 6 years, and the guy I bought it from had it for 2 years prior to that, and it has been rock solid for both us. At some point the cost out weights the benefit. I believe this to be true on high end pistols and just about every other thing in life.
  6. Oh, I know I'm lucky to be living in Knoxville, but when it's time to unwind, give me the beach, a cooler full of adult beverages, a couple of good books, a comfortable lounger and some music and a week of good seafood! I'll use my weekends in the Smokeys, and BSF for blowing off steam and keeping everything on an even keel. But I am glad you got a way! We did the same thing a couple of weeks ago, when we went to visit my mom and dad's new place in Tampa. It was much needed, since we hadn't had a vacation in two years. You have to put work in it's place every once in a while and get away!
  7. If you take the long what to BSF from OR and go through Rugby and Jamestown, that's pretty scenic!
  8. Better her than Christie! Lord, how I hope it's not that man and if it is and Romney is elected, Romney lives a long life!
  9. I dropped a loaded SP101 on my big toe out of a shoulder holster one time. Hurt like hell! And I didn't try to catch it then. Actually, that was kind of fortunate it hit my toe, since I was on concrete at the time and it might have scratched it. I bet most of us have carried mexican at some point. I only like to carry large auto that way and I have always have a good belt on. I don't understand how gangbangers, with their droopy drawers, carry mexican. Looks like their pants and the pistol would be down around their ankles.
  10. I love it! Yet another reason NOT to live or even visit California! My Mom and Dad went out west two years ago and was stunned at how many times they were pulled over in NORTHERN New Mexico and NORTHERN Arizona by ICE at these check points. Apparently they are allover the Southwest!
  11. He's shown he is just another politician like the rest of them! We were fine folks to be around until, he started getting the big money from Fedex! Now his true colors have been exposed and he's just another snake in the grass. He needs to go... like the rest of them!
  12. Oh come on BK! You live maybe an hour from BSF if you live in Oak Ridge! Heck, I live in Fountain City and I can be there in around an hour and a half!
  13. Hey JAB, I used this Youtube video to learn how to convex. [media=] [/media]If you've heard of Turley Knives, this is the guy that makes them.
  14. If it were me, I would go with a AR. The M1A is expensive and unless you are just lucky, you won't get one to shoot 1 MOA out of the box. You have to put some more money into it for that. Quality mags for the M1A tend to be a problem as well, but I bet the AR mags are just as expensive as good M1As. There should be more upgrade parts for the AR than the M1A too. If the AR breaks down, then repair parts will be cheaper than for the M1A as well. The AR is definitely not as heavy as the M1A if you are going to carry it to the field, as well. I used to shoot the M1A in the military on a Rifle team and they are great rifles, but I don't think the base models are worth the money.
  15. I admit that in the past I have used the guys at SMKW to sharpen some of my knives. Then I learned to do it myself. A lot of times, if I don't have anything to do in the evenings and there's nothing to watch on the tube, I will set and sharpen a knife or two. I use a old set called a LeRoy. It must be about 30 years old. It looks like a Lansky. But I don't use the angle clamp. I use eye ball it and use the stones. Seems to do just fine. When I'm done, I usually have half the hair on my left arm gone along with some leg hair too. And there is a small pile of paper shavings on the floor next to my recliner. I am also learning to convex with an old mouse pad and fine grit sandpaper, which I get at the auto parts store. I am not a master of that yet.
  16. WOW!!! Nice set of knives there jcoosi! I'd love to have the Esee 3! My favorite length in a fixed blade is between 3.5" and 4.5". If you go to a more traditional look, and don't care about where it's made, check out Helle! My favorite styles tend to be Puukko's and other Scandinavian knives. When I'm out and about in the woods I carry a Helle Odel most of the time. BTW, I was over at SMKW this afternoon, but didn't buy anything. I'm looking for a nice small fixed blade neck knife or fixed blade pocket knife and wanted to check a few out. That Candiru is nice, but I think I like the Becker BK14 better and I liked that Boker Plus Rhino a lot! Unfortunately the knife I was really there to check out was the CRKT Bowie Minimalist and they didn't have it or any of the other Minimalist models, for that matter. Congrats on the purchases. Give us a report on them, once you get through checking them all out!
  17. I'd get the hell out of Atlanta as quick as I could. Don't want to be stuck in some city as most of the population turns into zombies! Weapon of Zombie Hunters world wide is the Remington 870 pump action shotgun with an extended magazine and plenty of shells to go with it. And since I might have to cut off some zombie heads on the way out, I want a Cold Steel Grosse Messer ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/COLD-STEEL-GROSSE-MESSER-SWORD-88GMS-NEW-/360471007785?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53edbf1229 ). And I will be headed to Knoxville with a full tank of gas, in something that can mow down the hords at 70 MPH and not be stopped.
  18. Moped

    How often...

    I try to keep my pistols clean (except for my MKII), since they are my main defense weapons. My AK gets cleaned maybe every two or three range trips. I clean my .22s only when they REALLY need it and a lot of times that's just a swab down the barrel, but once a year I like to break them down and really clean them good.
  19. Moped

    Charter 327 mag

    I've wanted one since I started reading about them! It sounds like an extremely versatile round, whether your looking for a target round, a hunting round or a SD round. When you look at Muzzle velocity and muzzle energy, it's better than a .38spl or a 9mm. You can check it out here. http://www.ballistics101.com/327_magnum.php What barrel length did you get the Patriot in, Jvanhoosen?
  20. Really? Are you into pain or just stitches?
  21. The bullet guide is a "ramp" like part that fits in the trunnion area of the Saiga reciever, where the barrel connects. I think that standard Saiga mags (but not AK mags) have the Guide built into them. I think this was a way to make it harder to use standard AK mags in Saigas. I suspect that AK recievers already have the guide. You can buy a bullet guide and install it in your Saiga. Mine was already installed when I bought the rifle. Here is a link. http://dinzagarms.co.../saiga_223.html EDIT: Boy we all jumped on that, didn't we boys!!!
  22. One is not supposed to be skinning the meat from one's digits. I think that's in the 10 Commandments of Knife Using somewhere. Hopefully, this will be taken care of routinely!
  23. JWolf, for along term Bugout, you might want to get with a group of people you know and trust. What would be good is to find someone that would be willing to let you Bug Out to their place, where a group could set up. It's going to be difficult for one or two people or really even four or five to hold on to a stronghold for any length of time. People have to sleep sometime and that's when the bad folk will show up. Really, I think a good number would be 10 or so people. But that takes a lot of planning, to pull off and a lot of money up front. But with the right attitude and leadership it could be pulled off.
  24. Mark, you never get bored, do you!
  25. Moped

    Hi-point 9mm carbine

    Fun little rifles at a good price! Ugly as sin, but fun! They are decently accurate out to 100 yds. You can definitely hit a man sized target with one at that range.


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