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Everything posted by Moped

  1. Changed up again today! Svord Peasant and my U.S. knife.
  2. I think someone's been watching too much Kelly's Heroes. I got to second Steelharp's recommendation on the Saiga .223. Hard to beat it for the price. I've had 2 mini's and I will most likely not buy another (I didn't say never... this time) and am AR and shoot a lot of AR's in the Army. I like the Saiga, cause it's the simplest semi-auto I've ever seen, it runs like a scalded dog in a volcano and has good accuracy. It can also be had for a couple of hundred cheaper and is totally upgradeable.
  3. I plan on attending. Been a while since I was a show. Kinda got the itch. Kinda don't have the money. But I need to scratch the itch.
  4. They are calling it a case of possible domestic terrorism. Apparently the shooter had a 9/11 tattoo. Many ignorant people seem to confuse Sikhs with Muslims. They are not. Also two semi-automatic handguns were found at the scene.
  5. The pistol grip covers the old trigger group holes, so I left them alone.
  6. Nah, you over estimate them. They don't think like that They will just move back home with mom and dad. I've already seen this with recent college grads that couldn't find a job out of college. The ones in the hood will stay in the hood and gain even more power.
  7. Great job! You took it a lot further than I did. I didn't do the gas tube or the bayonet lug. Nor did I weld up the old holes. I went TAPCO for my parts and them seem to be holding up fine, regardless of the fact that they are panned by a lot of people. I wasn't looking to go back to Retro AK. I liked the Galil fore end, so that's what I bought.
  8. This! No way the Government could keep quiet long enough to actually get everyone needed in line and in place to come down with Martial Law, in the event of a crisis. IF a crisis did happen and there were riots in some of the large metropolitan areas, then they would declare Martial Law in those places only and move the troops in (and don't think they won't either. Both Bushes did it during their terms in office during the Rodney King affair in LA and in NO after Katrina), but not every where. They would be spread way to thin and would have no way to control the chaos. In my mind, in an economic collapse, society would function like what happened during the Great Depression any way, which honestly is about like now, just no soup kitchens downtown. However, I think peoples minds are sorta in Great Depression mode. You see a lot of people saving money and planting more gardens and such.
  9. +1 on what The Dude says
  10. Changed up today, cause I felt like it. Carrying an Opinel No. 9 in carbon and my U.S. Knife.
  11. I heard on NBC News this evening that Obama has signed authorization for secret aid for the Syrian Rebels. He is authorizing the CIA and U.S. Military Special Operations to start working with the Syrian Rebels to remove Assad from power. Sounds like we are about to get into the middle of a Civil War. Here is a link. http://www.presstv.i...ail/253946.html
  12. Legalize them and be done with it. What we are doing isn't working. I think it's time to try something else. It's a war that can't be won. Better to try and regulate it.
  13. Ammunition is already getting hard to find and prices are already going up.
  14. The one on the left is a Helle Odel, that I carry when I'm in the woods. The middle on knife is a Ontario Rat 1 Combo Edge. I will replace this one with a plain edge one of these days. I think it's one of the best deals on the market. I picked this up on EBAY for $27 shipped and new. It's built like a tank!!! The one on the right is a 1979 Camillus U.S. Knife. All stainless steel. Comes with a knife blade, a punch, screwdriver/bottle opener and a can opener. I carry the RAT 1 and the U.S. Knife daily. Every once in a while I will slip in a Kershaw Clash or an Opinel No. 9 in carbon steel or Svord Peasant just to change things up a bit.
  15. No hunting in State parks either. I think you need to stick to NRRAs, WMAs, State Forest areas, and National Forest areas for hunting.
  16. Is there any data out there how well a .40 ball round (180gr) does for knockdown power? Cause that's what you get to use in the military, just ball ammo. That's where the .45ACP (230gr) shines and where the 9mm (124gr) sucks. Why did S&W design a pistol that requires a tool for take down? I had no idea that was the case. I actually thought that it would be a good candidate pistol for the Military, but I can't see them adopting a pistol that requires a tool for take down. What happens id you lose the tool in the field and you can't perform maintenance on the pistol?
  17. Moped

    Dan Wesson 15-2

    Man, pistol packs, when I've seen them, are outrageous now! i wish I had one!!!
  18. Marines have placed a $22.5 million order with Colt to make the 1911a1 again!!! http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/28/marines-pay-22m-to-go-back-to-their-old-guns-colt-45-caliber-pistols/
  19. He is for a new assault weapons ban. That's what his press secretary says. As for tougher checks, how are is that possible? You either are a criminal and are in a database or your not a criminal. AS for the nut cases out there, HIPPA laws already preclude a Dr. of medical organization from giving out patient information. In order for that information to be checked, you have to re-write the HIPPA law. Also, just because you are seeing a psychiatrist, it shouldn't preclude you from buying a firearm. Now if that psychiatrist deems you a danger to yourself and others, that would be different. My question to you is, do you think the Federal Government should ban "Assault Rifles" and magazines over 10 rounds? Should it be illegal to stockpile ammunition? Is so, what is the cut off?
  20. Well it's already against the law for criminals to have an AK-47, so what else could possibly be done, other than to outlaw them all together. Is that what he is proposing? He mentioned getting them off the streets. Usually, that is political speak for banning them. They have already tried an assault rifle ban that failed miserably, since the manufacturer's already had it worked out on how to market their weapons legally. He is on the record already, that he wants to re-instate that. I don't think we want to go back to such an era. Personally, I hope he (Obama) goes all out with the gun ban push for this election. I figure it will almost assure a Romney victory.
  21. I am a criminal according Mr. Obama.
  22. It would be even better to have Mr. Obama out of office, and back in Chi-town, as well!


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