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Everything posted by Moped

  1. Link explaining this?
  2. Got two more. One of the best 1911s I’ve ever owned was an Chicom Norinco 1911a1. Bought that and used to shoot it against a couple of buddies, 1911a one was a Colt 1991 and the other was a Springfield GI. All three of us shot all three pistols and all three of us consistently shot the Norinco better. It shot to point with 230gr ball at 15 and 20 yards. The SA shoot a couple inches low and the Colt’s group were always bigger. The second was a Ruger P89. Big and kinda a clunky, but ate any 9mm parabellum out there. Used to go in with a friend and buy that cheap Egyptian 9mm machinegun ammo they sold on Shotgun News. They had really hard primers and not all pistols would shoot it. My friend had SIG 226 hated that ammo. The Ruger would sail through mag after mag, with no issue. The worst pistol I ever is a tie between a F.I. Industries .380 and. Keltec PF-9. The .380 would jam at least once a mag. It looked like a Colt Mustang. The PF-9 would drop the mag about every third shot. Didn’t matter which mag I used. It also was the most painful pistol I’ve ever shot.
  3. If I were to carry a .22 for SD, It would be my Taurus T-Rex 22. LOVE THAT GUN!!! I've had zero issues with it shooting 40gr standard velocity white box ammo, Aguila HV and Federal Punch. It's run all those so far shoots really nice groups!
  4. I carried a Gen 1 P32 for a couple of years. Then my oldest wanted a small carry pistol and I thought I wanted a LCP. So I bought one and gave her the little P32. It ran great with FMJs. I have a box of Silvertips for it, but after reading about rim lock with HPs, I just decided to shoot FMJs through it. Honestly doubt the HP would expand, with .32acp. I like Taurus revolvers. I have a 627 Tracker in .357 (7 shot) with a 4" ported barrel, that shots incredible. .357 158GR SJHPs feel like your shooting .38 spl with those ports! Right now, I'm seriously thinking of getting a Taurus 3" 856 .38spl (6 shot) or a 3" 605 .357 (5 shot) to use as a carry pistol. I will probably trade my S&W 442 in one or the other. I have a inch for a 3" revolver and S&W K-Frames are super expensive or made from unobtainium.
  5. Actually, it did change the policy for the company I work for. Leaving it in the car is now permitted. Just can't bring it into the building. So that one had a good effect too. Baby sets are better than nothing, which sometimes is what it feels like with Tennessee State Government. We all know that without considerable lobbying and political pressure nothing would ever get done concerning 2A laws. We've come along way since the mid 90's.
  6. I'm glad they cleaned this up. I'll be honest, this looked like a "death blow in waiting" for this bill. This bill seems like a step in the right direction, for sure. But we still haven't gotten rid of the "Gunbuster signs", have we...
  7. I won a new 75B on a Harvey's Online Auction several years ago ($430+ tx & TICS). I found it was a great shooter, but it just didn't fit my hand at all. I guess they must be sorta small, but in order to engage the safety on or off, I had to either break my grip or use the other hand. There was no flicking the safety on and off with my shooting hand thumb. I also found it to be quite heavy to carry. A friend of mine at work, was looking for one, so I sold it to him for $500. It's his go to carry pistol now.
  8. H&R 929 .22LR 9 shot revolver. Back in the day, they were very inexpensive with decent accuracy and capacity. Dad bought one for $79 at at a gun shop on Clinton Hwy, back in 1973. I learned to shoot pistol with it. Certainly not a S&W or Colt, but still a very good pistol. And I two, enjoy .32ACPs. I'd love to have another one in my stable. I've also been searching for a .32 S&W Long/ .32 H&R/.327 Fed Mag. revolver, but can't find one to trade on.
  9. CT mayors wrestle with what data show is at root of gun violence: Chronic repeat offenders (yahoo.com) We've been saying this for decades!!! But no one listens to Gun Owners!!!
  10. Congrats! I think it's an entry level knife and a good one to see if an auto is for you. I never moved on to anything else, though I have been eyeing trying an OTF auto. And while I'd love to have a Microtech or a Benchmade, that's just not going to happen. So I will be looking at $100 and below for one.
  11. Probably not a popular choice around these parts, but I have a Boker Kalashnikov Tanto. It was one of the cheapest ones out there, when they legalize autos to carry here in Tennessee. I wanted to see what it was all about, so I bought one for $45 at SMKW. AUS8 Steel, I believe. I still carry it. Not a bad knife at all, and I've had zero issues with it. It has a safety, you have to push, in order to open the blade. This one is D2 steel, but still around the same price. Boker Auto Kalashnikov Tanto Black D2 | SMKW
  12. I saw a security camera video of the crash this morning on Twitter. That chopper literally fell out straight of the sky. There was none of the juking and jiving like you see in the movies. It dropped like a rock. They never had a chance.
  13. I read on a 10.5" Ipad. The default font on it is larger print than most hardback books. I also enjoy a lot of PBS. In fact Create is one of my favorite PBS networks. I also love to cook, so enjoy the cooking shows. I also enjoy the travel shows. Tennessee Crossroads is a great show too!!!
  14. I use Overdrive too! Great service and it's free!!! And my Amazon account is also linked to Overdrive, so it counts the books I "borrow" from the library toward my reading numbers. My current Reading Insights numbers since I switched to Kindle are having read a book on Kindle over the last 172 weeks. My reading days in a row right now is 672 Days. There is only a couple of days break between this streak and the last streak, which was 532 days.
  15. Look forward to meeting you!!! Stacks of books everywhere is the reason I went to reading on a Kindle. Now my library is physically much, much smaller, but has grown leaps and bounds! And my wife is much happier now that the book piles have gone away.
  16. You and I have a lot of interests in common, when it comes to reading. Andre Norton was my introduction into Sci/fi too. Still read plenty of it and I'm almost 60! Got Kindle unlimited and I think I'm keeping several sci/fi authors in the writing business! I'll throw in some of our favorite shows to watch. Longmire and Justified are two my wife and I highly recommend. We've watched both through twice now. Enjoyed Yellowstone, but I also think it's about run its course. 1883 was a great short series. 1923 is going to be another great short series. So far, we have enjoyed Mayor of Kingstown and Tulsa King. All those are Taylor Sheridan series. The guy knows how to make some great TV series!!! Of course GoT was great, right up until the end. Then they screwed it up. I've enjoyed The Lord of the Rings series on Prime. You just have to accept that it's not Tolkien Canon, and then it's great. Enjoyed the Expanse series as well, though I must confess that I enjoy reading sci/fi far more when I read it.
  17. Thank you, but respect your elders!
  18. I wasn't expecting that much cosmoline on it. Aren't these commercially made pistols? Varsol is your friend!!! Can't wait till you get it cleaned up. I want to see how it shoots.
  19. Actually Canada and Great Britain tried to shoot one down with 20mm cannon fire and both failed to bring down the same balloon. Read that the other day. I would link it, but I can't remember where I read it. The mind is the first thing that goes, when you get old.
  20. Did you ever get this cleaned up?
  21. Moped

    TICS Denial

    Congratulations on the getting the Equalizer! This is what the original 9mm Shield EZ should have been, I completed discounted the Shield EZ, due to compacity. I don't mind single stack mags at all, but not in a larger semi-auto and the EZ is not a small pistol.
  22. Those are the lowest I've seen!
  23. Bravo for the Federal Judicial system!!! This is the right ruling. I hope it is appealed to SCOTUS, who rules the same way. I've felt for a very long time, that marijuana should be treated just like alcohol and be made legal and then regulated just the same. Of course, our fearless leaders in DC, will fight like the devil to not see this happen, because it means money for law enforcement agencies across the country. This would affect the lifestyle of 10s of thousands of bureaucrats everywhere. And money is power in Washington. Now if we could just get the judiciary to declare the Federal and State income tax system illegal!!!
  24. We shot it down, off the coast of South Carolina.


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