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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Nice! Counter bored cylinder! I want one.
  2. Not to fan the fires of paranoia, but House Resolution 1022, the reinstitution and expansion of the '94 ban is sitting in a subcommitte waiting for revival... http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-1022
  3. Thanks to you straight-up dealers posting here. We need more like you!
  4. Garufa

    AR Uppers...

    For what it's worth I went with a Del-ton kit for my first build. Have heard good things about them. I really don't know jack about AR's but got caught up in the hype what with everyone freaking out about the next possible gun ban. Anyway, put together my lower today (DPMS w/DPMS kit) and it looks pretty silly with nothing else! Ordered my kit online last Sunday. Pre-Election. Haven't heard a word since. Tried to call DTI Friday. Not to be nosey, just wanted to see if I'm getting the correct front sight with the flat-top upper I ordered. I think they took the phones off the hook!
  5. I went today and was pretty crowded around noon. I bought a correct front sight hood for my 03A3 from that same old-timer for the outrageous sum of $3.00. I'm might happy about that find. Bought the only 2 M1 Carbine extractors in the place. And yet another ammo can. The biggest I could find. I've got some kind of thing for those blasted cans. Gave up $5 to the Friends of the NRA for a chance at a Beretta 92FS. I should get the call tomorrow. Overall a success for me.
  6. They can do whatever they want once elected. That goes for both sides of the political gene pool. If you mean that in another way, well then.....I hear ya.
  7. Why not get a revolver? Seems like that would be more lefty-friendly. Either way you may need alot more practice 'cause only special model guns come left-handed (as far as I know) and I've only seen those in Rifles.
  8. No, they cannot take your guns. It would be legally and logistically impossible to do so. Like some here have said expect to be taxed to death if some crusade happens to go though Washington regarding firearms. The chances in the foreseable future of that I think are small, unless the new government really does not want to fix the past awful 8 years and prepare this county for any kind of future. If the proclamation comes down from on high to seize all weapons in the US, I believe it would take a declaration of marshall law, suspension of the Constitution, mobilizing every NG unit in the country and deploying active duty forces within our own boundaries (ALL of them). Ain't gonna happen. And..... Very well said!
  9. They also have FREE shipping right now.
  10. That's a fact. Picked up a DPMS at CCA the other day. All AR talk around here gave me the fever!
  11. The madness begins. NBC News is already handing out states with 1-3% of the precincts reporting. Who's gonna stay up all night and watch? The left coast polls don't close until 11!
  12. Put the ammo boxes inside moving boxes marked "books" and tape'em up real good. They'll have the heft of a box of books and will most likely keep everybody out of'em.
  13. Garufa

    Fulmer Gone!!!

    I've been behind Big Phil for years but the Georgia game did it for me. At least he's not getting "fired". That would be sad after giving 30 years to UT. Looks like there are all kinds of choices out there: http://coacheshotseat.com/coacheshotseatblog/ Notice: Spurrier is not on that list. But that sure would be interesting.
  14. I bet he starts with this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abramoff#People_convicted_in_Abramoff_probe_.28as_of_June_9.2C_2007.29
  15. Garufa


    Bobcat maybe?
  16. I'm going with the Mosin, like a whole lotta other folks. It's not the kick of those first few shots. That's nothin'. The first 5, 10, or 15 shots are not a problem. For me it's a cumulation of all the rounds I put through it. Problem is I go out and blow 50 rounds at a time. It's cheap! The stock and butt on those things are so narrow it digs into your shoulder. The pain creeps up on ya!
  17. I am not suprised by this at all.
  18. I doubt she's even good at that.
  19. Slowhand's got a shotgun with his own self engraved in it! That's a Rock Star.
  20. "Clapton has claimed that his passion has gotten out of hand in much the same way his guitar collection did....I start out with a fairly broad spectrum, get obsessed and engulfed and finally narrow the collection down. I built a gunroom that can house a certain amount of guns and now I have to clear the decks for the new guns I have on order.†That story sounds familiar!
  21. Funny you bring this up 'cause I'm in the process of making my signature Tear your a** out chile . It's cold and rainy and time for something spicy! For an everyday sauce Trappey's Red Devil (or Bull) is good. Not hot, just basic Lousiana-Style Hot Sauce. Excellent on Pizza, Spaghetti, etc. I like all kinds. You should see the kitchen cabinets! Dave's is ridiculous. But excellent with practice. Oddly enough his Habanero sauce is nowhere close to Insanity. Recently I found some Ass Kickin' Wasabi Horseradish hot sauce. That's some might fine stuff! I'm rambling now, but I love the hot stuff too.
  22. So after shooting this afternoon I decided to completely dismantle my beloved little 10/22. Have not cleaned it in at least 300 rounds and not dismantled it for a thorough workup since maybe 1984. The buildup of filth is amazing. Anyway, while I've got the thing apart are there any "shade-tree mechanic" or gunsmithing-type things to do action-wise to smooth out that trigger pull? Thought I'd polish up all the friction areas in the trigger assembly to smooth out any burrs, etc. All I want to do is make what I have a little bit better, not replace all the components. Any advice appreciated!
  23. Indeed there is. http://www.gunshows-usa.com/rkshows.htm Chilhowee Park. I really don't need to blow any more on the "hobby" but might just have to check it out. For some reason I'm still a sucker for Fun Shows.
  24. Have you already lost your plunger and/or spring? If you find one can I rent if from you? The extractor broke on my IBM that I've had since I was a kid and needs replacement. I've read all the stuff about taking and putting it back together without the tool but not sure I'm up for it. Those pieces are too small to chase around the garage. It's a nerve-wracking operation!
  25. Garufa

    .303 British

    Welcome! Don't really have an opinion on the round but I do like Smellies. Have 2 and 1/2 myself. The 1/2 is a No.1, Mk III "Peddled Scheme" that was chopped many years ago. Thinking about restoring. Got a spare stock laying around?


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