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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. There were two Ishapores there today. Trust me, not worth the effort to come up @ $175 each. Stocks in very bad condition.
  2. :clap:Congratulations and keep up the good work! You're better off and so is your family. Heck, you could put several holster inside your belt now! It takes a brave man to post before & after like that!
  3. Pictures? If it's new but a few years old may be a knock-off of another design, which most likely it is. In other words, may work the same way as something else that a manual could be found for. Someone may be able to recognize the design with some pictures 'cause the Internet's failing me on this one! There's only a coupla different ways semi's come apart (unless you dealing with new-fangled plastic fantastic!). Fiddle with it long enough and you'll get it apart. Don't think you need to worry about having this, that or the other off by .5mm putting the thing back together and totally jackin' it.
  4. But will you still be "packin" if you carry .38's in it?
  5. And maybe 2 or 3 trips there for every project. And going to Lowe's then having to go to Home Depot and vice-versa. Congrats! Just remember, clean the gutters before it rains 238" in one month!
  6. A Glock when I was in there at noon today. They've got some random Glock magazines, don't remember what flavors.
  7. You are correct, sir. Good people but since they moved over to Papermill last year has been kinda lacking. Never seemed to fill the racks back up. Awful location. I did find a set of RCBS 30-06 dies for $25. Can't beat that! There still some stuff there. Worth checking out if you get a chance.
  8. Guns N' More on Papermill Dr. is going out of business. Just happend to drive by today and though I'd step in. Just a few guns left and other odd & ends. I hate to see a store close!
  9. I'm ready to build myself an ark!
  10. I've been considering a compensator. Like this: http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=683924 Anybody have any experience with this one?
  11. Garufa

    Why 1911?

    Why 1911? Why Not! There are many reasons why I like the thing. Most are intangible and hard to describe. I do not carry one, but: - I love shooting it. You know you've got a GUN in your hand. - Steel and wood. There ain't nothing better. - I can feel the slide and action working when I pull that trigger. - It pushes back, doesn't snap. - Close to 100 years of battle proven design, none other has that! - It was not designed on a computer! - Good ones rattle after awhile. It feels like a contraption and that make it fun to shoot for me. - The grip angle, barrrel length and mechanism are perfect. - Ever looked at the business end of one? That's a big bore! I just like 'em. Never really tried to compare the 1911 to anything else. FInd it hard to do. Everything has it's place and JMB's masterpiece seems to endure past everthing else.
  12. What about the Walnut AR stocks! I need to make the trip, as so many have described, to your place. You have that tent sale/party I'll be there. Maybe we could have a state TGO "Convention". BTW, thanks for the Kel-Tec offer, it's mighty tempting but first I need to benefact and secondly another caliber gonna's blow me away.
  13. "Roseanne Barr Speaks" and I change the channel. It's like fingernails on the blackboard.
  14. Welcome from Knoxville! Don't know the answers to your questions but luckily we are still using a list of places that DON'T allow carrying, not those that do.
  15. Not sure what you're looking for but if you only need supporting hand you can't go wrong with White Mule! http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=184240-169-4005&lpage=none I sometimes use just the left-hand glove for support and heat protection. That's about the extent of my shootin' glove knowledge.
  16. Garufa

    S&W Model 10 Victory

    We can't drool without a picture! Congrats! You can't beat a gun with history!
  17. I'm laughing my a** off! Maybe I'll try some me Judy chops or Ninger chops later on. Is this Napoleon Dynamite's other big brother?
  18. Nice job (and guns)! Now I've got another project - to build one of those boxes.
  19. Dang! There sure are alotta dudes pipin' in here! Happy New Year and may it be a good one for all the Ladies!
  20. I know .380 ain't cheap but if you intend on carrying the thing blow a couple hundred rounds through it to break it in and get used to it. There are a bunch of websites that sell ammo. Buy online, unless you can find a better deal locally. Here's just one place to start: http://www.ammunitiontogo.com/catalog1/index.php/cName/380-auto-fmj-ammo
  21. Welcome and you came to the right place! In TN it is NOT concealed carry. We are authorized with a "Handgun Carry Permit (HCP)" which allows open carry. Very few do and I don't think anyone around here will advise doing so.
  22. Looks good! I really like those Bersa's. Gonna need to get one at some point. Grease (not oil) up the slide rails and start puttin' some bullets through it. It should loosen up.
  23. Even more entertaining is the complaint filed... http://www.bradycenter.org/xshare/pdf/kempthorne-complaint.pdf Boo Hoo Hoo. The Brady Bunch can't go to National Parks now because they are so dangerous.
  24. Here's my experience.... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?p=103281&highlight=ultramax#post103281
  25. Just stay away from that Ultramaxx junk, unless you want a trip to the gunsmith. If I recall correctly my instructor specifically told us bring only new manufacture ammo. Probably a good idea regardless.


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