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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. I did one of these clinics last year and had a great time. You spend the morning in class learning all the basics like positions, how to shoot an M1 (and AR-15), how it works and how to properly use the sling. Afternoon is a full blown Garand Match were you learn to works the pits and score targets and oh yeah, shoot at 200 yards. And you leave with an authentic John C. Garand match certificate to satisy shooting requirement for CMP purchases.
  2. I think this picture sums it up: http://www.useltonarmsinc.com/NEW%21_Limited_Edition_2nd_Amendment_1911/ The United States "Uselton" of America. Prick.
  3. If left at 3 along with another TGO'r who got a 64. Wasn't but one 64, and the Taurus' left after that. This deal got snapped up fast!!!
  4. Looks good! I got the last Model 10 this afternoon and am happy as can be. If I wasn't experiencing technical difficulties you'd see some pics. If you were there after 3 this afternoon wipe it down good, cause it's got my grubby paw prints all over it! Thanks Phanton6 and Austin's. Helluva a deal. He said there may be more coming to!
  5. Garufa


    Now that is surprising http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahr_Arms Love my CW9. Maybe by doing so I'm on an entirely higher plane of existence.
  6. Not to sound too Junior High but the thing is gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I could care less. If it's only 1 oz lighter than the tried & true J Smith what's the point? We have become so obsessed with plastic guns they're now doing it to wheel guns. Is nothing sacred! I know Bill Ruger's not had a bit of rest since he "left" the company with all the recalls, the elusive LCP product, and now this.
  7. Tennessee and a few other states tried that one time. 150 years later it's about time! The Federal Government draws their power from the people and the States. Not the other way around. That is the way it was intended.
  8. Like all politicians he is not an idiot but a complete douche-bag. I'll even go far to say that he is an applicator (I'll let the audience figure that one out!). This is probably the most blatant failure of a politician trying call one thing something else when it's really the same damn thing! The sad thing is, once you repeat a lie enough you're the first person to believe and thereafter cannot be convinced otherwise. I guess taxes are voluntary after all. Somebody voluntarily voted for him and his kind, just like somebody voluntarily voted for the previous crop of idiots and so on and so forth. They in turn enact whatever kind of law and regulation they see fit because once in, they have no one to answer to.
  9. Who woulda thunk it. Another use for the Miracle Cure! http://www.cromwell-intl.com/garand/debluing.html
  10. Saturday is a B**** down at CCA! I can only image what you guys have to put up with.
  11. Check out the Kahr CW9. It's moderately priced, easy to shoot, accurate, concealable and Wally-World sells ammo ridiculously cheap.
  12. Do you call them or order over the 'net? I've got a feeling those days are gone. With all the Carbines the CMP is putting out now that market is getting crazy. I just put an order in with them for some more Aguila but they don't promise anything until JUNE. Thought about pulling out the reloading dies but you can't find the bullets either!
  13. Actually, I believe that's the whole idea. To a certain degree. This NEXT round of guvment money (our money) is not just mailing out checks to any yahoo. At least that's what I think the Big O's intentions are. He's looking at this like another New Deal program. But all it's gonna do is get the States by for another year because they cannot manage budgets worth a s***.!
  14. They were fully stocked with 9mm this evening when I stopped by after work (5pm), but none of the fun calibers.
  15. Lou Dobbs seems genuinely concerned that everyone is arming up! Where has he been the past 3 months! I personally would like to know how many NEW gun owners there are in all those statistics of recent sales.
  16. Old, Old, Old News. That is verbatim from his campaign website, etc. When they actually put something up for a vote is when we need to get anxious!
  17. +1 on that. But I can assure you if 9mm BB is what you're looking for they usually have that. And nothing else.
  18. The East Town and Halls Wal-Marts sell guns. So does the one down in Maryville/Alcoa. They usually have some freakin' ammo too. It's just when you get to the West Side that they don't want you to have the stuff!
  19. Why don't you ask him about Tom Gresham's Gun Talk? That would really spice up the talk radio around here!
  20. Charter Arms is supposed to release one this year: http://www.charterfirearms.com/products/CARR.html
  21. Yep, and my back is starting to hurt.
  22. Welcome. I also have on old Winchester 22 w/o a serial number. Model 67a. If I'm not mistaken serial #'s were not required before '68.
  23. .303 British. That's what all their surplus rifles chambered.
  24. The Candy Man paid a visit to Clinton Hwy Wal-Mart last night. I just got back from there and there were two shopping carts full of unopened Blazer Brass cases behind the counter. Lots of 9mm and 40. They had 2 boxes of 45 when I was done. Do not know if any of those unopened cases was 45 or not. But if your're looking it might be worth going over there or calling. They had a case of WWB .38 - $18.97 for a 50 round box! The very nice lady there told be that management is seriously considering a 1 box limit on purchases at that location. Also she laid a new rumor on me, at least I've never heard it, about manufacturs using primers that expire in 6 months. I know that's not happening now, but may be one more thing for somebody to get worked up over!
  25. Kirk and Spock, even if they are a couple of young upstarts, and Federation chicks wearing short skirts again. I'll be there day it opens!


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